As soon as Meng Yaodong's voice fell, he immediately burst into laughter

"Mr. Meng, although Miss Lan Lan is a very beautiful woman, she is not famous. With such a spokesperson, aren't you afraid to bring loss to Meng?" Another male reporter asked.

"Not afraid of LAN LAN, although she doesn't have the reputation and status of those spokesmen in previous years, she has the fresh temperament and affinity that those spokesmen don't have I believe that with her fresh and refined temperament and warm affinity, LAN LAN will make the sales of Meng's jewelry to a higher level. " Meng Yaodong said confidently.

One side, Lan Lan heard Meng Yaodong say this, his heart is warm again.

From Meng Yaodong's words, she heard that he had unlimited trust in her.

Next, the reporters' questions continue

Next, for a full 30 minutes, LAN LAN and Meng Yaodong were seriously responding to the reporters' various questions.

And LAN LAN, with the passage of time, is getting better.

Lan Lan answered the questions seriously, and she was beautiful. All of a sudden, the reporters on the scene fell in love with her.

And the reporters' questions, from the beginning of the sharp, slowly into soft.

Thirty minutes later, Liu Ruo said, "well, because of the time, today's press conference has come to a successful conclusion. Thank you very much for your coming..." The press conference was successfully concluded.

After Liu Ruo said this, the reporters at the scene immediately calmed down

Everyone's mouth, although quiet, but the hands of the camera, but never stop shooting.

After hearing Liu Ruo's words, Meng Yaodong immediately got up and bowed to the reporters. Then, he bent his arm and extended it to LAN LAN.

Seeing this, Lan Lan immediately got up and bowed to the reporters under the stage.

Then she quickly took Meng Yaodong's arm, looked at him with a smile, and walked directly into the backstage

Entering the backstage, Lan Lan took a long breath.

Then she released Meng Yaodong, staggered to the front of the sofa and sat down, "Oh, it's over at last..."

Meng Yaodong came forward with a smile and sat down beside her. Then, he quickly took out a cigarette from his pocket, took a deep puff, looked at LAN LAN and said, "Lan Lan, this evening, your performance is really good. It can be said that you are very generous."

Lan Lan smell speech, immediately said with a smile, "OK, at the beginning, I was really nervous, nervous feeling heart almost jump out of the throat, but it, with the contact time with reporters, more and more long, my tension, also followed by more and more small."

"Great I believe that after the release of the video at today's press conference, you will be able to explode instantly Everyone will love you as the new spokesperson. " Meng Yaodong road.

When Lan Lan heard this, she immediately felt nervous.

"I hope you like me..." LAN LAN is embarrassed to caress the hair of sideburns, say.

"I'm sure I'll like it. Did you notice the eyes of the reporters at the moment when you first stepped onto the stage? You were stunned to see that one by one Those journalists who are used to seeing beautiful actresses can like you so much, let alone ordinary people who eat melons. " Meng Yaodong road.

"Well, I hope so." Landau.

If, as Meng Yaodong said, it would be the best

"Girl, you are so wonderful. You give me Meng Yaodong a long face." Meng Yaodong said again.

"Thank you, brother Dong." Lan Lan responded cautiously.

Although he is very familiar with Meng Yaodong, Lan Lan still can't do it casually when he talks to him. He should be very careful

Because, in her heart, she was afraid of Meng Yaodong.

The main thing is that this person has a bad temper. She must be very careful when she talks to such a person.

"Up to now, it's almost nine o'clock. You should be hungry, aren't you?" Meng Yaodong looks at LAN LAN and asks.

Lan Lan nodded, "well, a little bit, brother Dong, let me treat you to dinner. Thank you for your care and encouragement this evening. "

"I told you that Meng Yaodong never spends money on women. Let's go..." With that, Meng Yaodong held the cigarette between his fingers in his mouth. Then he bent his arm and extended it to LAN LAN.

He is really handsome, cool and ruffian when he carries a cigarette

In this way, it's really manly.

Lan Lan smiles, then gets up and slowly takes his arm. "No, tonight, this meal, I will treat you I want to thank you very much... "

LAN LAN has a firm face.

Looking at Lan Lan's firm face, Meng Yaodong immediately picked his eyebrows and asked, "do you really want to treat me?"Lan Lan nods

"Well However, this is not the case next time... " Meng Yaodong road.

Lan Lan nodded, "brother Dong, where do you want to eat?"

"Eat here I want a private room at the front desk. " Meng Yaodong road.

Lan Lan nods

Then, she followed Meng Yaodong's steps and took the elevator all the way to the front desk of the Palace Hotel.

Two waitresses at the front desk immediately smile and say, "Meng Shao..."

"A private room, I want to eat..." Meng Yaodong road.

"OK, Meng Shao, follow me..." A waitress smiles and walks out of the front desk. Then, she makes a please sign to Meng Yaodong and LAN LAN.

The two, following the steps of the waitress, walked all the way into a gorgeous private room.

In the private room, sandalwood was burning.

It's light and smells good.

As soon as the waiter came in, he stood up and began to remove the extra chairs.

Meng Yaodong directly took LAN LAN to a sofa. Then, a gentleman opened the sofa for her and said, "please sit down..."

"Thank you, brother Dong." Lan Lan smiles, then caresses her skirt and sits down.

After Lan Lan sat down, Meng Yaodong directly opened the chair beside Lan Lan, and then sat down.

As soon as he sat down, Meng Yaodong took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and began to smoke.

He was holding a cigarette in one hand and gently touching the table with the other. He was lazy and cocky. His face in the smoke was still full of yuppie energy.

And the tattoos on the five fingers, as well as those on his body and exposed skin, aggravate the ruffian taste on his body.

After removing the extra chairs, the waiter took two menu books from the corner table. Xiaoyingying quickly stepped forward to Meng Yaodong, put the menu books in front of Meng Yaodong and LAN LAN, and said, "look, what would you like to eat?"

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