Lan Lan took the menu book and immediately turned to look at Meng Yaodong with a polite smile, saying, "brother Dong, look what you want to eat, whatever you want to eat, whatever you like..."

"Good." Meng Yaodong, taking a deep breath, responded.

Later, Meng Yaodong directly looked through the menu in his hand, and then said, "white chopped chicken, Qing palace duck, spicy prawn, beef and potatoes..."

With that, Meng Yaodong looked at LAN LAN and said, "I'm fine. I'll order something you like."

Lan Lan smiles, then looks through the menu and says, "stir fried chicken, scallion oil octopus, another Panlong cucumber and a secret pigeon soup."

With that, Lan Lan looked at Meng Yaodong and said, "brother Dong, what do you drink?"

"Shall we have some beer tonight?" Asked Meng Yaodong.

Lan Lan nodded, "what brand do you drink?"

"Qingdao I'll just have two Meng Yaodong road.

Lan Lan smell speech, immediately looking at the waiter said, "four cans of Tsingtao beer."

After hearing this, the waiter continued to use the ordering machine in his hand to record the wine ordered by LAN LAN.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to repeat what you ordered, white chop chicken, Qinggong duck, spicy prawn, sirloin potato, fried frog, scallion octopus, Panlong cucumber, pigeon soup, and then four cans of Tsingtao beer, right?" Asked the waiter.

"Yes..." Landau.

"All right." Said the waiter.

After that, the waiter quickly went to the table and began to make tea for them

After brewing a pot of tea, the waiter took the teapot carefully and went to the two people. They poured a cup of tea for each of them.

Then the waiter nodded respectfully and said, "well, please enjoy the green tea in front of you I'll call the kitchen now. "

Hearing the speech, Meng Yaodong waved to the waiter at random.

Seeing this, the waiter immediately bowed to them, and then left the room carefully.

After the waiter left, Meng Yaodong whistled leisurely, then leaned back lazily, and then took another puff.

And LAN LAN slowly picked up the green tea in front of her and took a sip.

After a sip, I felt that the tea was not bad, so Lan Lan took two more in a row.

"Good?" Meng Yaodong asked with another puff.

After asking, Meng Yaodong picked up the cup in front of him with one hand and sipped the green tea

"Well, it's OK. I like to drink Tieguanyin." Landau.

"This Tieguanyin is not good. I have a lot of top Tieguanyin there. I'll take some boxes for you later." Meng Yaodong road.

Lan Lan immediately shook his head, "no, brother Dong. There are quite a lot of Tieguanyin in our family. "

LAN's father likes to drink tea, so Lan Lan does a little research on tea.

Tea, if it's the top class, there's no limit to the price. There are tens of thousands of yuan per kilo, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of them.

It's the top Tieguanyin that people like Meng Yaodong drink. How can she get a six figure kilogram.

"You're welcome. I'll send it to you tomorrow." Meng Yaodong said again.

Lan Lan immediately shook her head, "don't We really have a lot of tea in our family. "

"Tea is not the same as tea. I'll give you something I drink. You can taste it. You'll like it." Meng Yaodong said again.

Lan Lan shook her head. "Don't you want to We have too much tea to drink. "

When Meng Yaodong heard this, he just gave a smile, and then he didn't speak.

In my heart, I like Lan Lan a little more.

The girl is good, simple in character and pure in mind

See Meng Yaodong silent, Lan Lan hanging heart, just fell back to the original place.

She was really scared. Meng Yaodong was really on the spur of the moment. He gave her some top quality tea and so on.

The last thing she likes is taking advantage of others.

Seeing that Meng Yaodong didn't speak, Lan Lan took out her mobile phone from the schoolbag behind her and then unlocked it.

As soon as the mobile phone was unlocked, she saw two messages pushed by the news app in her mobile phone ten minutes ago.

The first is: is the latest spokesman of Meng's jewelry group an ordinary female high school student?

The second one is the release conference of the spokesperson of Mengshi group.

After reading these two titles, Lan Lan took the lead in opening the first one.

In the first news, there is a half-hour video of the spokesperson's press conference of Meng's jewelry group. At the bottom of the video, there is a small paragraph of text. The content of the text is relatively simple, which probably expresses the reporters' shock at Meng's sudden use of ordinary female high school students as spokesmenAfter a general look at the first news, Lan Lan opened the following comment area with a million comments

Close your eyes and take a deep breath, Lan Lan begins to nervously look at the message below the comment area

The comments from netizens are mixed.

Some people say that she is very special, others say that she is not as popular as so and so, others say that she has affinity.

Some people think highly of her, while others are singing down her.

After reading the first news and comments, Lan Lan then looked at the second one.

On the second news, there are some photos of her at the spokesperson's press conference, including her individual photos and those with Meng Yaodong and Liu Ruo.

In this news, basically, it is about how beautiful she is, how good her temperament is, how polite she is to reporters, how people value her, and how her identity is revealed

Lan Lan really admired these reporters. They learned the name of her school in such a short time after the press conference

Then Lan Lan continued to read the following comments

The following comments are similar to those in the previous news.

Anyway, good and bad

Good and bad, half and half.

In fact, LAN LAN is satisfied.

Seeing that Lan Lan has been concentrating on his mobile phone, Meng Yaodong immediately took another puff and asked, "what are you looking at? You are so fascinated."

When Lan Lan heard this, she immediately pushed her mobile phone to Meng Yaodong and said, "brother Dong, now there is news about me on the Internet, and the attention is very high The reporters also picked out the name of my school... "

Meng Yaodong immediately took a look at the news in LAN LAN's mobile phone, and then looked at the following comments.

Then Meng Yaodong conveniently pressed out the burnt cigarette in his hand, looked at LAN LAN and said, "the comment looks mixed, but it's not bad As I expected, it's nothing for reporters to pick out the name of the school. After the name of your school is exposed, more reporters will come to your school gate to block you. Now you really need a certain degree of exposure to maintain your popularity and improve your reputation... "

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