As soon as he sat down, Jing bao'er began to wipe the sweat on his face and neck with a handkerchief.

She didn't feel it when she was standing in the military position before. Now, after relaxing, she feels that her whole body is hot, which is a kind of heat from inside to outside.

The skin of the whole body is burning like a fire.

"Miss Jing, how are you feeling now, dizzy?" Er Jiang asked with a smile.

"Not bad I don't feel dizzy, but I feel very hot. " As Jing bao'er said this, he began to fan himself with his hands.

"Rest in place for ten minutes. After ten minutes, sprint for ten laps with load..." Jingrong road.

Jing bao'er nodded, then wiped the sweat on her face with a handkerchief.

"And you two, I'll run with bao'er later." Jingrong road.

Yeming and Erjiang immediately nodded respectfully when they heard the speech, and then responded with one voice, "yes!"


Jingbao'er, Erjiang and Yeming completed ten laps of weight-bearing sprint at the same time.

After ten laps, it was evening when the three returned to Jingrong.

As soon as they got back to Jingrong, they sat down on the ground, untied their sandbags and lay down.

Even at sunset, the temperature on Black Hawk island is still very high.

The whole world is like a big steamer.

"I'm so tired I'll go Jing bao'er said as she gasped, gasped, and wiped her sweat with her hands.

"Yes..." Two rivers and two roads.

Jing Rong doesn't speak. He goes to Jing bao'er and starts to relax her muscles.

"We miss Jing are still happy. Every time after this kind of training, we can enjoy the gentle service of our leader." Erjiang road.

"Whenever the chief can press my muscles, I'll be beautiful." Two rivers and two roads.

"You don't talk. No one thinks you're dumb." Jing Rong, who had been silent, finally opened his mouth.

"Cough Cough... " On hearing this, Erjiang immediately coughed in embarrassment.

On one side, Yeming immediately sat up. While relaxing his leg muscles, he said, "some people are really shameless."

As soon as Er Jiang heard this, he sat up and frowned. Looking at the night, he asked, "grandma, who do you say?"

"No one..." Night light response.

"You say Lao Tzu, don't you?" Asked Erjiang.

"If you have to sit in the right seat, I can't help it." Night dark way.

Er Jiang's face turned black as soon as he heard it

"Damn it Two river low scold.

Night night light glimpsed two river one eye, did not speak again.

"Some people just can't get Ivory out of a dog's mouth." Erjiang road.

Night night does not pay attention to him, just relax the muscle.

"I said, Yeming little brother and Erjiang little brother, are you uncomfortable if you don't fight each other any day?" Jingbao'er asked,

"you have to ask Yeming about this. You have to ask him if he doesn't hate me one day and he's not feeling well." Erjiang road.

"It's like you're never going to bite me." Said the night in a low voice.

Looking at them like this, you say a word, I say a word, Jingbao immediately laughed.

"All right, say less." Jing Rong opened his mouth.

As soon as Jingrong opened his mouth, Erjiang and Yeming were quiet in an instant.

"Let's go, baby. Let's eat." Jingrong road.

With that, he got up, patted his fart and left.

Seeing this, Jing Baoer immediately stood up like a spring and quickly kept up with Jing Rong.


In the evening, jingbao'er followed Jingrong through combat training and then went back to Jingrong's single dormitory.

After entering the door, they left their mobile phones on the bed and went into the bathroom together.

Once in the bathroom, Jing bao'er can't wait to take off all the sweat soaked clothes and put them in the dirty clothes basket.

After all the clothes that had been glued to her body were stripped off, Jing bao'er felt a lot more comfortable.

"I'm finally comfortable Well... " Jingbaoer road.

Then, she quickly took off her underwear and went to the bottom of the shower to spread her hair. She turned on the tap and began to flush.

Seeing this, Jing Rong slowly takes off her hair and comes to her.

"Tired, today?" Jing Rong asked as he rubbed his hair with his hands.

"Tired I feel like I'm going to die of exhaustion. " Jing Baoer responded.

With that, she quickly squeezed some shampoo and smeared it on her hair.

"In fact, if you give up being a female agent, you can live a relaxed and natural life under my protection." Jing Rong sighed.

In fact, she could go to school and enjoy her youth just like other girls."But youth is not only the beauty in front of us! There are also countries and borders... " Jingbaoer road.

Good one, youth not only in front of the natural and unrestrained, but also home and border!

"I'm so tired now, but I feel full in my heart." Jingbaoer road.

"You tell me honestly, so far, you have suffered so much from training. Have you ever thought about giving up for a moment?" Jing Rong asked.

Jingbao'er shook his head. "No Never. "

Jing bao'er's answer is particularly straightforward.

"My girl, there's a real future ahead." Jingrong road.

"I have to wait and see. In the future, I will definitely become an excellent female agent with a gun around my waist and wind on her feet!" Jingbao is full of confidence.

"I will help you on the way to your dreams, and I will escort you." Jingrong road.

"Well." Jingbao nodded heavily.

After taking a bath, Jing Rong left the bathroom first, while Jing bao'er stood in front of the washing table with a bath towel, blowing her hair.

The original spotless mirror became blurred because of a layer of water mist.

Jing Baoer quickly wiped off part of the mist with one hand.

The moment the mist was wiped off, the mirror reflected what she looked like at this time.

At this time, she regained her vitality.

In the end is young, no matter how tired, rest for a while, will be full of vitality.

Jingbao'er is one of those people who are not naturally easy to tan. Even after being in the sun for so long today, jingbao'er's skin is still very white.

Simply blow the hair to half dry, jingbao'er quickly put away the hair dryer and went back to the room.

At this time, in the room, Jing Rong was sitting on the head of the bed with long legs, reading military magazines, and his eyes were very focused.

His upper body is completely red, only his lower body is surrounded by a snow-white bath towel.

Strong chest muscles, with his breathing ups and downs, look particularly attractive!

After finishing the bath towel, Jing bao'er quickly went to bed and lay beside him.

"Master, that guy is on the phone again!"

"Master, that guy is on the phone again!"

As soon as Jing bao'er lay down, the mobile phone on the head of the bed rang.

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