When he saw that it was Lan Lan, Jing bao'er immediately pressed the answer. Then, with her legs crossed, she said with a smile, "Hello, LAN LAN, what's the matter?"

"Honey, are you free tomorrow?" Ask over there.

As soon as Jing bao'er heard this, she immediately felt her head and said, "I'm not free. I'm not in Beijing now. I'm busy in other places."

"Ah President Su has just called me and said that there will be a press conference tomorrow. I wanted to say that if you are free, you can come together, because there will be many big stars in the press conference tomorrow. You can come and have a look. " Landau over there.

"No way, I can't go back." Jing bao'er said with a smile.

"All right." Lan Lan responds.

"Lan Lan, you need to come on when you press conference tomorrow. Don't be nervous. " Jingbaoer road.

"Well, I will Well, honey, first of all, I have something else to do here. " There's another blue road.

"Well." Jing Baoer nodded, then pressed hang up directly.

After jingbao'er hung up, Jingrong slowly shifted his attention from the magazine in his hand to jingbao'er's face and asked, "Lan Lan?"

"Well Guangyao media will hold a press conference to announce her signing with Guangyao media. Who wants to take me? Because there will be many big stars tomorrow. I refused Jingbaoer road.

"Well." Jing Rong nodded, then turned his eyes back to the magazine in his hand.

Fascinated by Jingrong's magazine reading, jingbao'er stretches, gets up quickly, gets close to him, and puts his eyes on the magazine in his hand.

The magazine mainly introduces some new military weapons and equipment

Jing bao'er was more interested in these things, so she followed him to watch them.

Neither of them spoke, just quietly, looking at the magazine

"Dudududu -"

the shaking sound of the mobile phone suddenly rings.

The sudden vibration of the mobile phone disturbed the quiet and warmth of the room.

Hearing the sound, Jingrong immediately picked up the mobile phone next to him. When he saw that it was president Luo Yaohua's phone, he immediately answered it.

"Hello, Mr. President..." Jing Rong was serious and respectful.

"Now there is very reliable evidence that Zhang Mei, deputy provincial committee secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary of S Province, is an intermediary spy of K country in China I want you to take someone right now and assassinate her. " Luo Yaohua's tone over there was full of terrible murderous spirit.

Jing Rong immediately responded with a serious face, "yes!"

Then, Jingrong quickly presses hang up.

When Jingrong answers the phone, her mobile phone is always attached to her ear near jingbao'er, so jingbao'er listens to their conversation clearly

Knowing that Jing Rong is going to leave himself to carry out the task, Jing bao'er suddenly has a little loss in her heart.

Although Jingrong often leaves her to perform tasks, Jingbao will be lost before Jingrong leaves.

"Just now, you should have heard my phone call with the president. Now I have to leave for S Province. I will take Yeming and some members of the bloodthirsty and soul eating Corps Then I'll leave Erjiang here to train with you. " Jingrong road.

Jing Baoer listens to it. He nodded immediately.

Then she pouted and sat down on Jing Rong, her hands tightly around Jing Rong's neck, and said in a sweet voice, "fourth uncle, you should pay attention to safety, be careful in everything."

"I know." Jingrong patted her on the back and responded softly.

"Fourth uncle, I'll be back in a few days." Asked Jing bao'er.

"If it's going well, you can come back in a day or two. If it's not going well, it may take three or four days. When I'm not here, do you want to be good? " Jingrong exhorts.

"I know..." If he is not here, she will be obedient. She will train obediently and wait for her hero to return.

"Anyway, fourth uncle, you should pay attention to safety." Jing bao'er fell on his shoulder and told him again in a soft voice.

"Well, come down. I have to go." Jingrong road.

Jing bao'er got out of bed immediately and put on her slippers.

After Jing bao'er got out of bed, Jing Rong quickly changed into simple casual clothes and packed up some personal belongings.

Jingrong has few things, only a change of underwear and a spare mobile phone.

After putting everything in the black military backpack, Jingrong conveniently puts on her backpack and goes to jingbao'er. With a long arm extended, she hugs her in her arms. "Go, wait for me to come back, eh?"

"Well, fourth uncle, I wish you all the best." Jing bao'er also said, "fourth uncle, pay attention to safety."

Although this operation seems simple, there are also risks.

Which spy is not extraordinary and responsive.

"Well, I will. Let's go..." Jingrong road.With that, he patted her on the back, then quickly released her and left the dormitory without looking back.

Seeing this, Jing Baoer immediately went to the door of the dormitory and watched him leave.

Looking at his back, jingbao'er suddenly felt a lot of emotion.

This is the man she chose, who not only carries the rise and fall of the king's group, but also carries the burden of family and country.

He has been in the place where people can't see, leading his subordinates to shed their heads and blood for the peace and stability of the country.

For the sake of this country, for the sake of the people, they have been living a life of licking blood on the edge of a knife.

Until Jing Rong's back completely disappeared in her sight, she turned and sat back on the bed.

After he left suddenly, the dormitory seemed empty.

"Fourth uncle, you must come back safely." Jing bao'er closed her eyes and prayed silently.

Then she turned off the light and lay down.

I'm used to being hugged by him every day. Suddenly, no one hugs me any more. Jingbao feels very uncomfortable.

She was alone and had been in bed for a long time before she fell asleep

When Jing bao'er was asleep, Jing Rong was flying a military helicopter to S Province, carrying ten members of Yeming, bloodthirsty and soul eating team. On the plane, each of them had a cold face that could not be described.


Two days later.

At noon in the scorching sun, jingbao'er and Erjiang are practicing weight-bearing sprint on the playground.

Burning hot sun, according to the two people flushed, sweating.

Bean sized sweat, constantly flowing out of the pores, soaked their clothes.

"Little brother Erjiang, have you heard from my fourth uncle?" Asked Jing bao'er.

In the blink of an eye, Jingrong had been away for two days.

In the past two days, she has been trying to contact Jingrong to ask about the situation there, but Jingrong's phone has been turned off.

Call Yeming. Yeming is also powered off.

Jingrong and they have been out of touch for two days.

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