"Now! right off! Come back with Jingbao! I want you to do it now! right off! Come back! Listen to me The scene over there is arrogant, overbearing and resolute, and no one can refuse.

"What's the matter? It's said on the phone that we're training here. We can go back when we can..." Jing Rong responds faintly, and his sword eyebrows frown slightly.

"If I ask you to come back, you'll come back to me. What's the trouble! I want to see you in three hours! If you don't come back, I'll fly to you myself! "

As soon as master Jing said this, he cut off the phone

After the phone was disconnected, Jingrong found that there were more than 50 missed calls on his mobile phone screen.

And those missed calls were all from the old man.

All of a sudden, the old man asked him to go back with Jing bao'er

Jingrong is a little confused.

What's the reason? What happened to Duan qianrong and Leng Youran?

Jingrong was puzzled

Seeing Jingrong hang up the phone, jingbao'er quickly wrapped the white towel in her hair, sorted out the bath towel around her body, then walked to Jingrong with sore legs, sat down and asked, "what's grandfather calling for? Tell you to go back? "

"Tell us to go back together He said that he had to go back. He also said that if we didn't go back, he would fly a plane to see us in person... " Jing Rong light response, and then the phone lock screen, casually left aside.

When Jing bao'er heard Jing Rong say this, she felt a little confused.

"Grandfather, what is this all of a sudden?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"I don't know Maybe it's because of qianrong and leisurely... " Jingrong road.

Jingbao'er thinks about it. It seems that at the moment, only Duan qianrong and leisurely can make the old man like this.

"Is it because Duan qianrong and Leng Youran are bullied in prison, and grandfather wants to discuss with you and find a way to get them out?" Asked Jing bao'er.

Duan qianrong and Leng Youran are arrogant and domineering. It's normal for them to be bullied in prison.

After thinking about it, Jing bao'er can only think of this reason.

"I don't know. Let's go back and get ready. We'll start at once." Jingrong road.

"Cheng..." Jing Baoer smell speech, immediately on the car hair wrapped towel, random finishing Ling - messy hair.


When jingbao'er and Jingrong returned to the capital, it was already noon.

After they stop the helicopter at the shoal villa, Jingrong drives and carries Jingbao all the way to Jingjia's mansion.

After entering the door, they went to the living room of Jingjia.

In the living room, the temperature of the central air conditioner is a little low, and the whole space is very cold

This cold temperature makes Jing bao'er shiver unconsciously.

Jing Aotian, Jing Rong's two elder sisters and song Limei are sitting in front of the tea table in silence.

Jing Rong's two elder sisters, as well as song Limei, are sitting on the long multi person sofa, while Mr. Jing is sitting on the single person sofa.

The expression on the faces of the old man and Jingrong's sisters is just like the ice of the year before last, which is daunting.

And song Limei, who was sitting next to them, looked a little nervous

Although song Limei doesn't know what happened, she can guess something through the abnormal performances of the old man and Jingrong's two sisters these two days.

Song Li Mei thinks that the reason why they are like this is either because of Duan Qian Rong's relationship with Leng you ran, or because they found out the relationship between Jing Rong and Jing bao'er

According to the current situation, she thinks that the latter is more likely than the former.

Because of this, she is very upset and even guilty at the moment

In front of this kind of atmosphere, Jing bao'er did not dare to breathe at all.

Looking at everyone's strange expressions, Jingrong and jingbao'er immediately look at each other suspiciously, and then they walk to the crowd with the same pace.

Jing Rong goes directly to the single sofa opposite Jing Aotian and sits down. Jing bao'er goes to song Limei and sits down.

After they sat down, master Jing and Jing Rong's two sisters still kept their original silence.

The three of them, looking at Jingrong and jingbao'er, all looked sharp.

Such eyes, like a knife, as if it can easily pierce people's eyeballs in general.

"Dad, tell us to come back and do what? If it's about Duan qianrong and Leng Youran, I can tell you that there's nothing to talk about. " Jingrong road.

With that, he slowly took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, folded his slender legs and took a long puff.Master Jing frowned and said nothing. He just waved to his two daughters

Then the old man fixed his eyes on Jing bao'er's face.

That look is sharper than just now! More terrible!

Such eyes make Jingbao's heart tremble!

This look is really terrible!

With a gesture from Jing Aotian, Jing Rong's second sister immediately opens the laptop and takes out a stack of thick photos under the laptop.

Jing Baoer and song Limei are the first to see the photos

The first photo shows Jing bao'er and Jing Rong kissing!

And when you look at a picture, you steal it! And it was stolen in the shoal villa!

At the moment of seeing this picture, jingbao'er and song Limei were all shocked!

At that moment, jingbao'er felt that in front of her eyes, it was dark

The brain began to buzz wildly

Jing bao'er felt that he was almost unable to sit.

And song Limei, at this time is the same feeling as jingbao'er!

Soon, Jing Rong saw the first picture in her second sister's hand

At the moment of seeing this picture, Jingrong's hand holding the cigarette immediately shakes. The fine white soot is also shaken down by him, smearing the spotless white trousers on his legs.

Jingrong was a little shocked! Shake off the ash on the leg, did not care to bounce off.

The second sister of Jingrong looks at Jingrong, jingbao'er and song Limei respectively. Then she puts the photos in front of her on the tea table one by one

The moment these photos are put out, jingbao'er feels that his eyes are stabbed by something. It hurts!

"This Where did this come from... " Song Limei is a little incoherent.

One side, Jing Rong heart, although shocked, but on the surface, but still a light look.

He is a man who is used to seeing big waves. His happiness and anger are not in the form of color. He is a standard match for such a man.

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