"Don't worry, sister-in-law. There are more powerful things waiting for you in the back..." Jingrong said.

With that, she takes a cold look at Jing bao'er and Jing Rong, and then turns on the recording on her laptop

Then --

the girl's soft stretching singing. As well as the man's heavy thick gasping sound, then quickly rang up.

As soon as the sound came out, jingbao'er and Jingrong were all worried.

The sound from the ears is like a merciless sharp knife, chopping up two people's inner self-esteem.

At that moment, they were both surprised and angry!

They really did not expect that the old man would get such a recording!

On one side, song Limei's face turned white instantly, as white as a piece of rice paper.

After a groan, jingbao'er and Jingrong's voice began to ring again -

"well ~ ~ ~ fourth uncle, I want to..."

"Fourth uncle, be heavier..."

"Xiaoyao - Jing! I'll kill you... "

After a short, soul - selling conversation, it is a man's breath and a woman's chant.

The sound, in the quiet living room of Jing's family, is special, special and harsh!

The recording of two people's intimate contact is suddenly exposed in front of others. Jingbao'er feels that the soft sofa under her fart share seems to grow sharp thorns, which makes her fart share painful!

She can't sit any more!

Between her and Jingrong, such a secret thing was played in front of the whole family, which really made her feel ashamed!

At that moment, jingbao'er felt that all the eyes around her were like a merciless knife

"Where did it come from..." Jingrong is gnashing her teeth.

With that, he got up straight away, picked up the laptop on the coffee table and threw it to the wall

Notebook computer and the wall after a violent collision, a flash to pieces!

Then the whole world was quiet

The recording stopped

Men and women's panting, groaning and groaning suddenly stopped

"Old four, what are you doing..." Jing Rong three elder sister hands discontented to fold chest front, light lift chin, coldly ask a way.

"Where do these photos and recordings come from? Did you and the second sister send someone to get it? " Jingrong grits his teeth, looks at his third sister coldly and asks.

"It doesn't matter where they came from. What's important is that dad has personally identified these recordings. The photos are not synthetic, and the recordings are not faked at all Fourth, I can't believe that you, who have always been calm and self-supporting, will fall in love with your niece! " Jingrong's second sister hummed coldly, lifted her chin lightly, glanced at Jingrong and said.

"Old four, what else do you have to say?" Jing Aotian stares at Jing Rong and asks seriously.

"Now that you have done the identification and know everything, I have nothing to say. As you can see and hear, we are really together." Jing Rong did not deny

On the surface, although he seems to be calm, but in his heart, it has already been surging.

All this came so suddenly that he was caught off guard.

Looking at Jing Rong's light cloud and light wind, Jing Aotian immediately clenched his fists with his hands on his two legs. "The successor of Tang Tang Jing's group has made such a scandal with his niece and daughter! Old four, you are really promising! I'm really wrong about you! "

With these words, Jing Aotian began to tremble

"Oh, dear, I can't believe that you are such a pure little girl. Behind your back is a watch That bed is so beautiful It's almost the same as the little sister peddling along the street. This is a girl from a nightclub, just different Hook - a trick to lead a man. That's a brilliant one. " The third sister of Jingrong coldly glances at jingbao'er and cuts in.

"It's called bed sound. It makes me feel sick..." Jingrong's second sister also began to cut in

At that moment, jingbao'er wanted to retort, but she couldn't say a word

She had a thousand words to say, but they were all stuck in her throat.

In front of all this, really too suddenly.

At this moment, her brain is almost blank, two ears, has been buzzing.

"Second sister! Third sister! Pay attention to your wording Jingrong shouts.

"What's wrong with our wording? I think it's quite appropriate She's just disgusting. She can't learn well at a young age. She has to learn from those whores in the nightclub If you want to hook and lead, you should hook and lead others Actually hook - lead hook - lead my uncle! Rabbits don't eat grass beside the nest. This girl is not as good as rabbits Now girls, it makes me sick As long as you meet rich people, you stick to them all the time, regardless of morality and ethics... " Third sister Jingrong said again.Her tone, sharp to the extreme!

Every word, every word, is like a knife. It sticks on Jingbao's face!

The power of words is the most terrible

the harm of words is always the most profound.

Jing bao'er, who had been silent for a long time, was shocked immediately when he heard this. He turned to third sister Jing Rong and said, "third aunt, don't talk too much Don't make other people's heart as dirty as you The reason why I love my fourth uncle is not that he has money I started this relationship with my fourth uncle on my own initiative. I love my fourth uncle. I have loved him since I was nine years old... "

"Dad, listen, listen, what did I say? It must be this girl who took the initiative to lead our fourth brother. Isn't it that she didn't tell us?" Jing Rong's second sister looks at Jing Ao.

Hearing Jing bao'er's words, master Jing's face became more and more black. His eyes staring at Jing bao'er seemed to be poisoned!

After Jingrong's second sister said that, Jingrong's third sister said again, "little bitch, do you think my heart is dirty? On dirty, no one in the world can compare with you You are a green tea Whore! As a tug of oil, you don't have any awareness! Not only honest man, but also hook - lead our fourth! It's a pity that people like you don't want to be a chicken. You have the ability to be a prostitute... "

"Second sister, don't talk too much..." On one side, song Limei, who had been silent, suddenly opened her mouth

"Sister-in-law, how can I say that too much? Am I not telling the truth? Your daughter has done such a thing, you still have to defend her, don't you? Or is it that you instigated and encouraged this little bitch to be like this Jingrong looks at Song Limei coldly and scolds

"Enough! Shut up, both of you Jingrong shouts coldly!

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