"Ah..." Jing bao'er screams with fear

At this moment, jingbao'er felt that his whole body had been creepy! Every granulocyte in the whole body is shaking!

High in the sky, it was cold, but she was sweating all over!

It's all cold sweat!

Being controlled by people in the high altitude, she dare not struggle or even move!

She doesn't want to die!

I don't want to go to pieces!

But now, she, like a lamb to be slaughtered, has no choice but to let this person control herself in high school!

This kind of feeling is really despairing!

"I tell you, if you dare to touch me, my fourth uncle will kill your family..." Jingbao'er, in fluent English, yelled at the black scarf army who was dragging his arm.

But the man said nothing and kicked Jing bao'er down

High in the sky, suddenly being kicked down like this, the strong sense of weightlessness makes jingbao'er's heart hang to his throat.

At that moment, jingbao'er's whole brain was blank!

Two ears, even more buzzing!

In front of you, Venus is coming!

She's going to die

Are you going to die?

I haven't had time to realize my wish.

I haven't been able to spend my whole life with Jing Rong, en'e-ai

So, is she going to die?

Is her life coming to an end?

As he gets closer to the ground, a vast ocean comes into view

At this moment, jingbao'er was excited!

It's the sea

Below is the sea!

She's saved!

Soon, she fell into the sea as a whole.

Body hit on the sea at the moment, the boundless calm sea, immediately aroused waves!

Strong shock wave brings shock, shock of Jing bao'er viscera, as if to crack the same pain!

And her brain, too, was shocked into darkness.

When the whole person fell to the bottom of the sea, jingbao'er had no strength to be shocked!

She tried her best to swim upstream, but she couldn't swim at all.

After drinking several mouthfuls of seawater continuously, jingbao'er began to work hard!

She can't die

Really can't die

If she died, what would Jingrong do.

That's the one she loves.

Thinking of Jingrong, jingbao'er suddenly has strength

Forced to endure the pain, she began to do her best!

Struggling for a long time, she finally let herself out of the sea.

When the sun shone on her again, jingbao'er immediately took a long breath.

It's like rebirth!

Just want to, trying to swim towards the shore, Jing bao'er suddenly feel, abdomen is like a knife twisted the same pain.

At the same time, she also felt that a large stream of warm liquid suddenly burst out of her lower body

At this moment, jingbao'er's body suddenly became more powerless.

The colic of the lower abdomen is too much for Jing bao'er to bear!

She wanted to swim hard, but she couldn't.

Soon -

she fell into the sea again

She closed her eyes and began to bear the pain. She struggled with all her life, but it didn't help

On the body, it's like being tied to a huge stone.

The more she struggled, the faster she sank to the bottom of the sea!

Just saw the hope, immediately she experienced the despair!

This time, she really seems to be dying

At the moment of approaching death, Jing bao'er's mind began to constantly come up with the various experiences he had experienced along the way with Jing Rong.

Recalling Jingrong's kindness, Jingrong's favor and Jingbao's heart, it's like a knife cutting.

No matter how good Jingrong is, their life is doomed to be predestined.

She is about to say goodbye to her favorite fourth uncle, who loves her most.

Fourth uncle

Fourth uncle


Goodbye in the afterlife!

Jingbao'er said to herself in silence

A mouthful of sea water, pouring into the mouth, jingbao'er almost fainted.

When she opened her eyes, she suddenly saw a black figure swimming towards her position!

A strong sense of dizziness, so that her eyes blurred.She could only vaguely see someone swimming towards her, but she couldn't see who was swimming towards her

Soon, Jing bao'er completely lost all consciousness.

The whole person began to sink slowly towards the bottom of the sea.


When Jing bao'er opened her eyes again, it was dark in front of her.

Vaguely, she could hear the sound of sea breeze and waves.

You can also smell the light saltiness of the sea.

Where is she now?

Now, is she alive? Or is it dead?

Taking a deep breath, Jing bao'er felt the darkness and sat up slowly.

As soon as I sit up, I feel dizzy, which makes Jingbao feel powerless!

Next second, her whole person then directly fell to the body - under big bed!

Soon, Jing bao'er began to feel that his lower abdomen was as painful as a knife cut!


Jingbao'er whispered to the outside


Jingbao'er whispered again.

However, there was no response at all.

What's going on?

She's really dead now, isn't she?

Now, is she in heaven?

Or hell?

It's so dark in front of my eyes. I feel so gloomy. It must be hell?!

She always thought that she was kind-hearted. She always thought that people like herself could go to heaven when they died.

Unexpectedly, I went to hell

"Zhi -"

with the sound of opening the door, the whole room suddenly turned from dark to light!

The room suddenly becomes bright from the dark, and the sudden strong light makes Jing bao'er squint his eyes.

It took a long time for Jing bao'er to open her eyes slowly.

As soon as he opened his eyes, a very ugly man came into view!

The man is wearing a doctor's robe, but he doesn't feel like a doctor at all. The whole person is gloomy and frightening!

It's not like a doctor at all. It's like death!

Then Jing bao'er finds out that she seems to be on the small room of the cruise ship

She doesn't seem to be dead, and it's not hell here!

When you see his shadow and yourself, jingbao'er is sure that he is alive now

After all, there is no shadow of the dead

"You Who are you? Why am I here? " Asked Jing bao'er.

"I'm a doctor I followed my boss. When I passed the Romanian sea of P country, I just saw you struggling in the sea. Then, my boss personally went to the sea to rescue you. " The man said, "you have just passed childbirth. You still need to stay in bed. Miss, lie down first..."

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