The man's words make jingbao'er feel like a thunderbolt!

Brain suddenly "buzz --" a.


Just out of labor?!

She's pregnant?!

And she didn't know it at all?!

Before, I didn't feel at all!

Well, just now, at sea, she felt abdominal pain, because her child fell out?!

Her baby was shaken off by the strong shock wave?!

Think of a fresh little life, so innocent died, Jingbao son suddenly feel, heart like a knife!

At this moment, jingbao'er felt that her heart suddenly stopped beating!

Heartache! Associated with every cell of the whole body, are in a dull pain!

"I'm sorry, miss..." Said the doctor.

But Jing bao'er didn't say a word. She just lay on the bed and wailed

She's pregnant.

But why didn't she know

If only she knew.

If she knew, she would not follow Jingrong to carry out this mission.

In this way, her child will not die.

It's all because of her.

It's all because of her, her child, that she died.

It's a life, a living little life!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, your aunt has not been here for a long time

At least a month did not come, but careless of her, but did not care too much about these.

She never records her menstrual cycle, as most girls do.

So, every time, even if the big aunt delayed, or delayed, she did not know.

What's more, his great aunt is always not on time, so Jing bao'er doesn't care too much. Why haven't she been here for so long

I blame myself for being careless!

If she, like other girls, paid more attention to her aunt and made a careful record, then there would not be such a situation now!

"Doctor, before today, I didn't know that I was pregnant. My child should only be more than one month, right?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"In terms of size, it's only a month, or more..." Said the doctor.

A month

If it's not lost.

In a few months, the child will be born.

However, it happened that he was exiled.

She has not been able to experience, pregnant feeling, has lost.

"People who just gave birth can't cry, miss. Don't cry any more." Said the doctor.

Jing bao'er didn't respond to him. He just closed his eyes and wept.

She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it.

There are some sorrows that can't be restrained at all.

At this moment, jingbao'er blames herself, feels sad and sad!

"Fourth uncle, I'm sorry It's because I didn't protect our children. It's because I was too careless... " Jing bao'er choked.

Think of Jingrong.

Jing bao'er couldn't help thinking -

what would happen if Jing Rong knew?

He must be as sad as she is now.


He may be more sad than she is.

That's their child, their child!

"I'm sorry, miss..." The doctor added.

Jing bao'er still didn't speak, just kept crying

After crying for a long time, Jing bao'er slowly opened her eyes. Then she sat up, looked at the doctor and asked, "doctor, are we at sea now?"

"Well, we're on the cruise..."

"Where are you going?"

"Go to Z country..."

"That happens. I'm from Z country. Can you send me to the capital?" Asked Jing bao'er.


"Doctor, I want to call my family. Can I borrow a cell phone?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"My cell phone is dead. I'll give it to you later..." Said the doctor.

Jing Baoer nodded.

"Miss, it's time for you to get an anti-inflammatory Injection..." Said the doctor.

With that, he took out a syringe filled with transparent liquid from his white coat pocket and sat down beside Jing bao'er.

Jing bao'er didn't think much, so he extended his arm directly to the doctor

When the transparent liquid was pushed into jingbao'er's body, little by little, jingbao'er fell on the big dark bed, unconsciousHe patted Jing bao'er's face and confirmed that Jing bao'er was really unconscious now. The doctor threw the syringe out of the window. Then, he sorted out his white coat and went out of the room. He locked the door from the outside.

Then, the doctor looked coldly at the two young men waiting outside the door and ordered, "look after this girl for me. There must be no negligence! The boss said, "with this girl's beauty, we can sell tens of millions of rm-b!"

"Yes Two young men nodded respectfully! Respond with one voice!

The doctor didn't speak any more. He turned around and walked towards the stairway!

Compared with the simple and dark world downstairs, the world upstairs is much more magnificent.

Upstairs, on the ground, are all covered with ink hand woven carpet!

European style gold carved walls are inlaid with crystal wall lamps.

The beautiful lighting reflects the luxury and aestheticism of the world.

Stepping on the soft carpet, the doctor walked all the way to the door of a room at the end of the corridor.

Then he knocked on the door!

"Come in!"

Soon a cold male voice came out of the door.

The doctor heard the sound and pushed the door in.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see a world of Baroque luxury

The rooms with gold inlaid diamonds are full of lavender fragrance

On the big white bed, a middle-aged man with tattoos is sitting at the head of the bed with a young girl in his arms

Two people, a look, is just had a man and woman's business, face, with the love - Yu.

"Boss, the girl we just rescued woke up..." Said the doctor.

"Well Have you given the medicine yet? " Asked the tattooed man.

"Yes..." The doctor nodded respectfully.

"What about the other girls? Is it all on? " The tattoo man asked again

"Yes The other girls are in a coma again... "

"Keep an eye on me, count the time, and give them medicine on time. All the beautiful women I've collected from all over the world can be sold to nightclubs in Beijing, and we'll get a lot of money again!" Tattoo man again!

"I know, boss..." The doctor nodded respectfully and responded seriously.

"All right, go ahead and help yourself Dr. long Tattooed man also said.

The doctor nodded respectfully again, then turned and left

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