"It is reported that Al organization assassinated President Jing Rong..."

Seeing al organization, Jing bao'er was shocked.

Al organization

She did not expect that Jing Rong would be involved with this organization.

"Oh! What a coincidence Next, like me, you're going to send people out to look for Al organizations, right Jingbao'er said to herself in a cold voice.

"Let's compete. Who can find this organization first and kill their leader first..." Jingbao'er, hum

Think about it, it's good for Jingrong to do it like this. If Jingrong can kill this person first, it can save her time.

When the task is finished, she will kill him!

Thinking of this, jingbao'er's eyes, as bright as the stars, darkened in an instant. Her eyes were extremely scarlet, and her eyes seemed to be poisoned!

Pull down the news in the page, jingbao'er finds that it's almost all about Jingrong.

Looking upset, she simply did not continue to watch.


Because of the injury, Jing Rong sleeps in the hospital all day.

There was no food or water in the middle, all relying on nutrient solution to supplement energy.

He had been dreaming all day.

The content of the dream is all about Jing bao'er.

There are good ones and bad ones.

Open your eyes, Jing Rong sees Ye Ming sitting beside him and guarding him.

All the lights in the ward were on, and the bright light lit Jing Rong's face as white as paper.

Seriously injured, his eyes and eyebrows were lonely, and he no longer had the old majestic appearance.

This kind of him, looking at let night heart ache.

"Si Shao, our people haven't found anyone from Al up to now, but I believe they will find them soon..." Night dark way.

Jing Rong frowned slightly, nodded gently and didn't speak.

After thinking for a while, Jing Rong opened his eyes again and said, "that Night Seven, the first female agent of F country I asked you to contact before, do you have any contact? "

Yeming shook his head. "I can't find this person at all. It's said that this person was always wearing a mask when she was in F country. Few people have seen her real appearance So it's really not easy to find this person. "

"No matter what, Yeming, you have to help me find this person. This person's ability is too strong. If it can be used for me, it will really become a sharp weapon in my hand!" Jingrong road.

"I believe that if this person were there, we might have found the hiding place of Al organization long ago. There is really a lack of someone like her around me... " Jingrong road.

"Yes Si Shao, I will continue to think of ways to find this seven. I believe that your Kung Fu is worthy of your hard work. In the end, you will surely be able to accept the best female agent as you wish. " Night dark way.

Hear night Ming speak of "the best female agent" this a few words of time, Jing Rong's heart is mercilessly draw pain for a while.

Once a girl told him that she wanted to be the best female agent with a gun around her waist, walking with wind, pulling wildly and blowing up the sky.

Until now, he had never forgotten the girl's firm expression at that time.

He really missed that girl.

If that girl had never left him, then maybe now that girl is the best female agent.

I don't know what happened to that girl now. Does she still have the ultimate dream in her heart and want to be loyal to her country?

I don't think so.

Now that he is the president of this country, she hates him so much that she may have forgotten all the things about serving the country.

Thinking about it, tears would unconsciously flow out of his eyes.

When people are sick, they may be particularly vulnerable.

At this moment, Jingrong feels that he is really fragile. His body is fragile and his heart is even more fragile.

"Four little Are you okay? Do you think of Miss Jing again? " Asked the night.

Only when Jingrong thinks of jingbao'er can he show such a sad and lost appearance.

Such a scene, he looked more distressed.

"Yes, I think of that little girl again. Yeming, I find that no matter where I go, no matter what I become, I can't forget the little ruffian who used to follow me all day long. Even if I get hurt and want to have a rest and sleep, she will still appear in my dream. I'm in agony."

"Speaking of the first female agent in other countries, I will also think of her unconsciously, because her dream was to become a person like seven."

Jing Rong said word by word.Over the years, only in the face of night and his two good brothers, Jingrong will show his vulnerability.

Outsiders feel that the president of state Z is majestic and handsome, and that he is very happy every day.

But what they don't know is that he is not happy at all. He has never been happy since Jing bao'er left.

He hasn't had a hearty smile for a long time.

When he used to be with Jing bao'er, he was often amused by her.

But now, no woman can make him laugh.

No woman can walk into his heart like Jingbao er.

Looking back on the past, he really missed it!

"Si Shao, I believe that God will send Miss Jing to you one day." Ye Ming patted Jing Rong on the shoulder and comforted him.

Jing Rong just laughed and didn't say a word.


I hope that day will come soon.

He was afraid that if he came a little later that day, he might not be able to hold on and die.

"Well, Yeming, go and do your work. Don't guard me here. Just ask the guard to come in." Jingrong road.

Yeming nodded slightly and didn't speak much. She just got up and walked out of the ward in silence.

After the night dark leaves, Jing Rong's heart begins to draw bitterly again, which makes people suffocate.

The feeling of heartache is like a thousand year old beast with a big mouth open, swallowing him every minute.

"Jingbao'er, jingbao'er, before you left, I never knew what suffering was. After you left, I deeply realized the feeling of suffering. This feeling is so damn hard!" Jing Rong closed his eyes and said to himself.

Hearing the sound of the door again, Jingrong knows that it's the nurse who comes in.

So he immediately put away all his vulnerability, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

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