On the other side, as soon as Jing bao'er finished his dinner, rolchen entered the door.

He still had the cat in his arms.

Seeing the cat, jingbao'er immediately got up and hugged it.

The Persian cat has been with rolchen for several days, and she was just thinking about it.

The noble Black Persian cat saw jingbao'er and immediately made a "meow meow" sound.

Its voice is as noble as its appearance.

"Cat, here you are, come to me..." Jing bao'er got up with a smile and picked up the cat.

Even though it has been called by this name for two years, Jing bao'er is still not used to it.

now, Jing Bao Er can still make complaints about how to get the cat to be "cat" directly.

When the cat came to Jingbao's arms, she immediately began to rub her head excitedly.

It's very excited.

"You miss me, don't you?" Jingbao'er asked, caressing the cat's shining forehead.

The cat's forehead, as bright as dark black silk, feels very good.

"Meow ~ ~ ~"

the cat gave a soft cry again.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say you couldn't come to see me often before?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"I think the cat should miss you, so I brought the cat to see you." Rolchen said with a smile.

"So..." Jing Baoer smiles, "you are really more and more able to find reasons."

"It must be." Rolchen smiles and caresses the cat's head.

"Meow ~ ~"

the cat gave a gentle cry again, and then quietly lay in Jing bao'er's arms and enjoyed it with eyes closed.

"Let it stay with you all the time. I find that this guy has been raised by you for a long time. After that, he won't kiss me." Rolchen road.

"Well, I can't wait." Jing bao'er smiles.

"What's breakfast?" Asked rolchen, glancing at the empty plates on the table.

"I cooked my own noodles and then made a scrambled egg with tomato." Jingbaoer road.

"Oh." Rolchen nodded, naturally went to the table to collect the empty dishes, and then went into the kitchen in front of the dishwasher.

Looking at the dishes and chopsticks piled up in the sink, Luo Erchen shook his head helplessly.

Jing Baoer gently holds the cat on her face and follows Luo Erchen into the kitchen.

Standing at the kitchen door, jingbao'er caressed the cat's silky body carefully and looked at Luo Erchen. "Tell me about you. Come to me every time. You can do this or that for me. In fact, I can do these things by myself."

Always trouble a high man to help himself do these, jingbao'er sometimes feel very sorry.

Rolchen replied with a smile, "I owe you in my last life. I like to help you with your work."

"No, how long have you been piling up the dishes in the sink? Why so many? " Luo Erchen asked with a slight frown.

"Oh, that was at noon and evening yesterday. I wanted to wash it together this morning, but I didn't expect you to come." Jingbaoer road.

"No, why don't you use up the dishes and clean them at any time? You always like to wash them together like this. It's not a good habit, you know?" Rolchen said as he smeared detergent on the dish with dishcloth.

"I know it's a bad habit, but I can't get rid of it for so many years." Jingbaoer road.

In the past, the dishes and chopsticks were always cleaned up and cleaned. She was used to the life of watching TV as soon as she put them away.

Over the years, many of her habits have been changed, but this one can't be changed.

At this moment, jingbao'er doesn't realize that when he was with Jingrong, Jingrong was wearing a black apron and standing in front of the sink to wash the dishes.

When she was with him before, she really didn't touch Yang Chunshui.

It was because he was too doting on her before that she was always unaccustomed to all kinds of things when she lived alone later.

Even a lot of habits can't be completely changed up to now.

Think of those Jing bao'er's heart began to ache.

No matter how beautiful everything was, it was just a prosperous dream.

everything is a dream that lies in the presence of lies. It is like a bubble, and fingers are broken when they touch lightly.

Noticing that the expression on Jing bao'er's face was not very good-looking, Luo Er Chen immediately waved to her and said, "Hey! What's the matter, little girl, with such a serious face all of a sudden? "

Luo Er Chen's words brought Jing bao'er back from his previous memories.

Jing bao'er suddenly woke up, took a deep breath and replied, "no, I just thought of something."

"What do you think of? Do you think of the past again? " Asked rolchen.Jingbao'er grinned bitterly, "yes."

Some memories are like roots in her heart. No matter how she prunes them, she can't die.

"Those are all memories that will make you feel very painful now. Don't think about them any more. Think about the things in front of you, such as..."

"Like what?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"For example, how nice rolchen is..." Rolchen said as he washed the dishes.

Jing Baoer smiles.

"I know how are you, how are you? You are so good. There is no other good person like you in the world." Jingbaoer road.

In the future, bao'er always thinks that Luo Erchen is a scum. She always thinks that rolchen is a special person who doesn't rely on music. So as soon as she meets Luo Erchen, she likes to quarrel with him and always likes to fight against him.

Before, her heart is determined: luoerchen is the world's largest scum, the most unreliable man.

But I don't know.

When she had an accident, she found that her previous thoughts and cognition were all wrong.

It turns out that Luo Erchen is the most reliable person.

And the scene that she trusted and loved was the most unreliable one in the world.

"Now that you know it, why don't you send me to your door?" Rolchen said with a smile.

With these words, Luo Erchen turned his head and took a serious look at Jing Baoer.

"Luo Erchen, don't talk nonsense. As you know, I regard you as my good friend and brother. You are my friend and family to me." Jingbaoer road.

After so many things, now she is already tired, she will not talk about any feelings.

What she wanted was to be like this, alone.

Luo Erchen smiles and doesn't speak. He turns his head and continues to wash the dishes.

Luo Erchen's action of washing dishes is very skillful and fast. In more than ten minutes, all the dishes and chopsticks in the sink were cleaned by him.

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