In the end, the man's tongue retreated!

The next second, the man's hot lips will be transferred from her lips to her neck, clavicle and soft upper body

And all the way down

Before he was kissing and touching like this, jingbao'er would only enjoy it and want it.

But now being treated like this by him, Jing bao'er just feels sick and nauseous.

In the stomach, it's disgusting.

Women are born different from men.

Most men, in the face of women they don't love, can make it.

But most women can't

Men love because of sex, women love because of love.

"If you want me to order your men to die in Tianxin island with the members of JK, you will continue to struggle!" The man coolly opens his mouth.

In a word, Jing bao'er dare not move!

It doesn't matter what she does, but her men can't die.

She is their boss, she has the obligation to ensure their safety! So that all of them can walk away when they're on a mission!

"Jingrong, you are shameless!" Jingbao'er orders coldly.

With that, Jing bao'er takes out his walkie talkie and wants to tell his men to evacuate.

However, as soon as the walkie talkie was taken out, it was directly thrown into the garbage can by Jingrong!

"Jingrong! You are crazy! Well... "

Seeing the girl no longer struggling, the man immediately kisses her lips again!

She left for two years.

And he didn't touch any women for two years.

At this moment, once again touched his familiar body, the man only felt his whole body of desire ~ hope, like mushrooming, all of a sudden all head!

Blood, as if there is a fire burning, burning the whole body of blood are boiling!

He wants her

He wanted to take possession of him.

He thought of her, his body also thought of her!

He really missed the time when he was in bed with her!

She brings him a sense of cheerfulness, which he can't forget all his life!

"Jingrong! I hate you Well... "

Jing bao'er's words haven't finished yet, the man then together strong seal her lips!

Jingbao'er knows that at this moment, he doesn't obey him. He can really give orders directly and let her subordinates die with the gang of people organized by JK!

She knew that people like Jing Rong could do anything.

A person, can be dead to his own flesh and blood, what else can he do in this world?

Ha ha, I'm afraid there is no more.

Since there is no way to resist, jingbao'er will no longer resist, let him in his body.

She began to comfort herself in her heart: anyway, she has done it countless times before, and it doesn't matter if she does it again. It's like being bitten by a dog.

In the face of a man's collision, Jing bao'er has no pleasure, only nausea.

Nausea in my stomach.

Looking at the man who conquers the city and territory on himself, the strong hatred almost devours Jing bao'er!


This man is really her eternal nightmare!

Two years ago, he was a nightmare. Now he is a nightmare.

And the most direct way to end this nightmare is to kill him!

Because it's too crazy, in the end, he didn't control himself and released himself directly in her body.

Feeling a warm current flowing in his body, jingbao'er hummed coldly, "if you want to do it, I'll do it with you. Now you can return the walkie talkie to me and let me inform my men to evacuate?"

"One more time...!" The man says, kiss her lip again.

Jingbao'er struggled, "Jingrong, are you crazy? Now it's time. If you drag on, my team will die!"

Mike's body is now in that study. If someone finds him dead, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"If you don't cooperate with me, your team friends will die as well!"

As soon as a man's voice falls, he will bite the girl's lip.

Warm teeth, constantly gnawing, this action seems to punish, like the tune ~ feeling.

"Two years no see, you're really getting sick." Jingbao'er is cold.

"Two years no see, you still fascinate me Little water girl The scenery is warm and vague.

The next second, the man will once again strong into her beautiful garden!

At the moment when the whole person was penetrated again, Jing bao'er bit his lips and scolded coldly, "Jing Rong! I ~ fuck ~ you ~ mom

"I'll like it more if I change the rude words into the same moan as before! Dear, call one... ""Get the hell out of you, Mabi!" Jingbao'er scolded again.

Jing Rong light hook lips, continue to enjoy a face, in her conquest.

After releasing, men didn't want it as much as they did at the beginning.

Looking at Jing bao'er who has been broken by himself, the man asks for her and explains at the same time -

"what happened to Jing bao'er two years ago is really just a misunderstanding. No matter two years ago or two years later, you are the only girl I love deeply."

"Everything is set up by the old man in order to break us up. In order to control me, the old man secretly tricked you. Do you know the yellow spring trickery?"

"It's a very evil poison from the hands of the world's largest wizard. No one can detoxify it except the person who makes it. And in the hands of the old man, there is just its antidote. "

"You don't know? There are three antidotes for huangquan Gu, which need to be eaten in three months. The old man asked me at that time that I must marry Jin Huina quickly. He said that after marriage, he would give me the first antidote. "

"At that time, you were poisoned by the yellow spring. If you didn't get the first antidote in a month, you would surely die."

"The old man threatened me with that antidote and asked me to marry Jin Huina. He also said that after the wedding, he would give me the first antidote."

"As for the second and third one, they will be given to me every other month. In order to protect you, I can only listen to him, because I can't lose you."

"I know your personality. If you know what's going on, you won't let me marry Jin Huina, so I'm good at making an opinion and think of a way to send you abroad for tourism and marry Jin Huina at that time."

"In order to keep it completely secret from you, I even ordered the global media not to report anything about my wedding with Jin Huina."

"But I didn't expect that you would know that I kept my secrets. I didn't expect that the slut Russell ran would come out and do something bad to me in the end!"

"What's more, I didn't expect that you would do such extreme things in the future, even shoot my bride!"

"At that time, after you shot at Jin Huina, the reason why I would ask you so angrily and lose my temper with you was because I was very afraid. I was afraid that the old man would not give you an antidote because of his anger! I'm afraid you'll die! "

"Everything I did later was forced by the old man..."

Jing Rong asks for it on her and explains it word by word.

Every word he said was very clear.

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