As he pounded and explained, his eyes and eyebrows were sincere.

Facing his explanation, Jing bao'er just sneered.

"Ha ha! It's really moving. I almost believed it in a moment. " Jing bao'er grabs the sheet with both hands and looks at the man's eyes filled with Gu Qian's expectation. She responds coolly.

"Jingbao'er, every word and sentence that I tell you is true!"

"No! From the past till now, every word and every sentence you said to me was all fuckin 'fake. I used to trust you so much that I fell in love with you! If I didn't trust you too much, how could I end up in such a field! Jingrong, I will never believe you again!

Never again Jingbao'er roars, grabbing the sheet with a sudden force. The blue tendons on the back of his hand burst up, and his joints became pale because of too much force!

She won't believe every word and sentence of this man!

If he really loved her as much as he said, he would not be so cruel to their children and him!

Now all he says is just a lie he carefully weaves, in order to coax her back to his side again and be his most faithful believer!

She won't be fooled.

The reason why he is like this now is that he finds that she is the most suitable, stupid and controlled bed companion, that's all!

What love and deep love, she already did not believe.

All her innocence, all her fantasy, as early as two years ago, were broken by his own hands, and there was no residue left!

The man hears speech, is aggravating the impact on her body, and his speed is also speeding up!

Although looking at him disgusted, but this time because of his action is too violent, she still had a strong sense of joy.

This kind of feeling makes Jingbao feel ashamed! I feel embarrassed!

She was disgusted that the person she hated provoked x desire again!

"Baby, my baby, every word I tell you now is true. If there's a lie, I'll die of thunder and lightning!"

"I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than believe your Jingrong's mouth! Let's do it now. I'll call my team friends and let them leave when I'm done Jingbaoer road.

Feeling the strong contraction feeling in the deep of her garden, Jingrong once again increased her action!

"Although you appear to be very annoying, but the body is very honest, girl, you are tall." The man said.

"As long as I'm a male, I can't feel nothing if I go back and forth in this way I'm just a normal physio physio reaction. Please make a quick decision. Thank you Jingbao'er's faint response and

bursts of joy almost left her brain blank.

She is still in control of their own, do not allow themselves to make any sound!

"Do you know that my original intention was to let you stay in the cell for three months, and when I got the last antidote, I tried to get you out, but I didn't expect that you would be robbed by others before I could take the last antidote Tell me, the man who broke the prison is rauchen, right? " Jing Rong said and hit her hard again.

This, hit her in front of Venus straight up, a strong current from the brain straight channeled to the bottom of her feet, goose bumps covered her whole body.

"Tell me if it's rolchen? Huh? Did you spend the last two years with rolchen, huh? Is it rolchen who has been taking care of you? Is that right? " Jing Rong asked.

"None of your business!"

"You are the woman I believe, and everything about you is my business!" Jingrong road.

Her warmth, her Softness all made him crazy.

Even if there was a breath in his heart, he still wanted to die on her.

"What woman do you think? Ha ha Don't put gold in my face. " Jingbao'er sneers.

Bursts of joy followed, and her soft body was particularly strong.

"Can you stop being so cranky with me? I'm not used to it. Baby, baby, I miss you. I miss the old you, the one who laughs when I see you, and the one who trusts me unconditionally." Jingrong road.

Speaking of this, the man's eyes are red again.

"The old me? I've been killed by you before It's long gone. It's meaningless to cherish Jingrong after it's lost. My Jingbao's world doesn't come and go as you want, and I'm not the one you want to lose or want. " Jingbao'er gritted his teeth, "I jingbao'er is not as cheap as you think!"

"Jingbao, you believe me. From the beginning to the end, I never thought about separating from you, never thought about it! You really love you, baby. I can't live without you, you know? ""Damn it, if you want to be strong and treacherous, I'll be strong and treacherous. Don't tell me such a bunch of bullshit lies here. I'm not that stupid kid back then!"

"Everything I tell you is true. Why don't you believe me! Jingbao! Do you know After you left, I almost died! Do you know how I survived the two years you left? " Jing Rong and Dao.

Looking at the girl's face full of stubbornness and distrust, Jing Rongzhen feels a hundred claws scratching her heart!

Everything he said to her was true, but she just wouldn't believe her!

He took out his heart and lungs to her, but she trampled his heartless heart under her feet!

Once he thought that when he met again, he would explain everything to her, and she would believe him and come back to him.

But at this moment, he found that he really thought everything was too easy.

The deep pain has changed her.

Now she has no trust in him.

Her hatred for him seemed to be all she had left. Even when she looked into his eyes, it seemed to be poisoned!

"Ha ha You just keep on talking, silly son will believe you, scum man You can continue to scum, but I Jingbao won't continue to be blind! " Jing Baoer sneers again!

"What do you call me? "Scum man

He devoted himself to her, from beginning to end, but in the end, he became the scum man in her mouth.

These two words, although she said light, but it was like a thousand kilograms of boulders falling from a thousand kilometers high, heavy pressure on his heart, in an instant, his whole heart and the surrounding bones were all turned into broken skin!

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