"Jingbao'er, I tell you, that child's abortion has nothing to do with me! I don't think I'm going to die of humanity! "

"Ha ha ha No? You say no, you don't? Scum! Ghosts give birth to children for scum like you! " Jingbao'er sneered and said, "if you still have a little conscience, then I'll ask you to buy me a contraceptive! I'll never let myself have a baby for you again. "

"Don't you think it's too early to say forever?" Jingrong road.

"No nonsense, will you buy it or not?" Jing Baoer's attitude is extremely tough.

Looking at her sharp appearance like the tip of a needle, Jingrong can't help but think of her before.

As long as he refused, she would force him to agree in a coquettish way.

She's so cute.

He really missed it.

At that time, she was always in his ear, constantly "fourth uncle Fourth uncle "Fourth uncle" cried.

"Fourth uncle, come and listen." Jingrong road.

“……” Jing bao'er left his face coldly and didn't pay attention to him.

"Well behaved, fourth uncle, eat something more, and I'll buy it for you."

"Really?" Asked Jing bao'er.

Jing Rong nodded.

"Fourth uncle." Cried Jing bao'er.

"Well I'll go down and cook something for you. When you finish eating, I'll go out and buy you some contraceptives. " The man said again.

Jing bao'er said goodbye again and stopped talking.

Now she is always so cold!

"I miss you very much. I hope that after I have proved everything to you, you can return to your original appearance..."

"I've told you for a long time that we can't go back any more. No matter how much you do, I won't believe you, Jingrong!"

The man no longer spoke, looked at her one eye, then silently got up and left.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, jingbao'er slowly opens her eyes.

When a person is quiet, his mind is always very complicated.

At this moment, jingbao'er felt as if her whole heart was tightly entangled by a lot of rolling hot wire. She felt painful and bored.

In this familiar room, looking at the familiar objects in the room, jingbao'er's heart seems to struggle with pain.

Although she has been trying to restrain herself from remembering all the good things that happened here before, those familiar pictures still emerge in front of her eyes.

Human seems invincible, seems to be able to control a lot of things, but it is unable to control their own heart.

No matter how powerful a person is, he can't control his heart.

Every time I recall a period of the past, jingbao'er feels as if his heart has been gouged out by something. It's very painful!

From here to now, Jing bao'er's mood has not been able to ease.

Here all Jing bao'er is very annoying, really annoying, because everything can pierce the softest part of her heart.

Especially the big bed under her.

This big bed really carries too many memories between her and Jingrong.

She and this man, have done all the postures in this bed, they have also played in this bed, she has also been sitting in this bed, the little bird nestled in his arms, wantonly told him his dream, all the secrets of his heart!

Before he was hurt, jingbao'er always felt that those things were the best memories in his life.

But since he was deeply hurt, jingbao'er began to think that memory was really just his black history.

She didn't want to think about what had happened to the man she hated the most in this bed.

Especially when she thought of the man who didn't take herself seriously, she felt that she was disgusted.

Think of once that simple to silly lack of their own, Jingbao son is really eager to blow himself to death.

If time could go back, she would never be as stupid as before.

Thinking of this, Jing bao'er's heart began to ache again. Without any pain, she took a breath.

Strong heartache makes jingbao'er fall into tears.

Now she doesn't like to cry at all, but thinking of everything before, she still has no hope to cry.

Scenery, scenery.

This man is really the nightmare of her life!

As long as she finds a chance, she must kill the man herself.

It's not enough to calm her heart if she doesn't kill this man


When Jingrong came back to the room again, Jingbao was already asleep.Even if she fell asleep, her brows were still tightly locked.

Looking at her like this, the softest part of Jingrong's heart was touched by something. It was a little painful and sour.

With the brand new seafood noodles, Jingrong walks to jingbao'er.

Putting the noodles on the bedside table, he carefully untied the rope for her and patted her, "baby, get up and eat..."

Outside the landing window, the sky is very dark, and the light is on in the yard.

Under the light, snowflakes like goose feathers are dancing in the yard, which makes the huge yard beautiful as a fairy tale world.

Looking at the snowy world outside, Jingrong suddenly feels really beautiful.

This is the first time Jingrong has felt the beauty of the world since jingbao'er left.

Two years ago, all the colors in his world changed into black and white with the departure of Jing bao'er.

From then on, he was not interested in everything in the world. No more scenery was black and white in his eyes.

Now jingbao'er has come back and brought back all the colors in his world.

His world is back to its former colorful state.

Jing Baoer is in a state of light sleep.

She wakes up after being patted by Jingrong.

When he opened his eyes and saw Jingrong's face, Jingbao couldn't help frowning.

"I cooked a bowl of noodles for you again. I'll help you to eat it. When you finish eating, I'll go out and buy you some contraceptives." Jingrong road.

With that, Jing Rong slowly helped her up.

Then Jing Rong picked up the noodles and carefully fed them to her.

He looks like his father who is feeding his daughter. His eyes are full of doting.

"Is it delicious?" Jing Rong asked.

Jing bao'er does not respond, but mechanically swallows the noodles that Jing Rong feeds into his mouth.

In order to get him to buy medicine for her as soon as possible, jingbao'er ate it very fast.

As soon as he put the noodles into her mouth with chopsticks, she swallowed them directly and would not chew them at all.

"Eat slowly Watch out for choking. " The man said.

Jing bao'er still ignored him and continued to gulp down the noodles.

"Are you hungry?" Asked the man.

"I just want you to buy me medicine as soon as possible." Jingbao'er responded coolly.

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