After Jing bao'er finished eating, Jing Rong went out directly.

It's snowing outside.

The yellow light in the courtyard is plated with a golden aperture on the periphery of large snowflakes. Each snowflake is beautiful and soul stirring.

The yard has accumulated a thick layer of snow. Aunt Duan is sweeping snow in the yard with a broom.

Stepping on the thick snow, Jingrong quickly got on his Mercedes Benz g63.


Jingrong bought medicine and went back to the room. Jingbao was already asleep.

The heavy snow outside is still going on, and it doesn't mean to stop at all.

All over the sky in the wind and snow back, the man was stained with a cold.

As soon as he came over, Jing bao'er, who was in a state of light sleep, immediately felt it.

She immediately opened her eyes, looked at him and asked, "have you bought the medicine?"

The man did not speak, just will avoid ~ pregnancy medicine open, help her, took the bedside table warm water, feed her take.

After taking the medicine, Jing bao'er turned and looked out of the window.

The world outside the window is beautiful.

The huge courtyard is reflected by the light of goose yellow into a pale gold.

In the light golden space, snow like goose feather falls from the sky, and the dream is like a fairy tale world.

That's a beautiful picture.

What she likes most is snow, and what she hates most is snow.

Because when it snows, she will think of the picture of herself and Jingrong making a snowman together.

When people are in a foreign country, every time it snows, she will think of that picture, every time she thinks of it, her heart will be cut like a knife.

In fact, a lot of memories, she especially want to quickly forget, but always can not forget.

Something seems to have grown in her bones.

Every snowflake is like a nail hitting into the eye! Let her eyes prick pain, pain to the extreme, the eyes are red, tears are almost out.

In the past, she really liked snowy days. She liked making snowmen with Jingrong in the snow. In fact, he didn't like making snowmen. He thought it was naive, but every time she would force him to accompany her.

When a person is in a foreign country, she has also logged in to her former QQ. In the private photo album of QQ space, she once saw a picture of her hugging and kissing him in the snow.

At that time, when she saw that picture, she once hid in her room and cried secretly for a whole night. Now, she will never forget how miserable she was crying and how bitter she was in pain on that snowy night.

Until this moment, recalling the picture of that night, her heart still can't help stinging.

Jingrong, Jingrong, is the only man she has ever loved, and the only one who has hurt her so much that she can't live.

Had it not been for her vengeful blood, she would have ended her life a long time ago.

The pain of losing him and being betrayed by him is not something a normal person can bear.

Looking at her reddish eyes, his heart pricked.

Taking a deep breath, he immediately hugged her tightly and asked softly, "do you think of the past?"

"What happened before? What happened before? I have forgotten most of the things between us. The only thing I remember now is that I have been betrayed and hurt by you, that's all! " Jingbao'er responded coldly.

"Right and wrong!" The man then gently kisses her forehead, "want to go out and make a snowman? Will you watch me? "

"Do you think I was the child? Snowman? Now I don't like it for a long time... " Jingbaoer road.

"And what do you like?"

"You can give me what I like?"

"Well, as long as I can."

"I like you to die, can you satisfy me?" Jingbao'er asked coldly.

Jing Rong's heart is a pain when he hears the words.

"It's hard to meet you again. How do you want me to give up my life?" The man said.

"Oh Jingbao'er didn't respond to him with a sneer, just quietly watching the goose feather like snow outside.

The wind was a little strong at night, and the snowflakes splashed wantonly in the courtyard, just like fireworks.

"I'm going to bed, you go out!" Jingbaoer road.

The man turned a deaf ear and said, "can you tell me what you have done in the two years since you left me? Why are you on Tianxin Island today? And what's the matter with your staff? Do you belong to any organization? " Jing Rong asked.

"My business has nothing to do with you."

"Tell me I want to know. " The man said.

"I won't tell you." Her voice is as cold as the wind outside!

"Are you with rolchen these two years?" Asked the man."This has nothing to do with you. Jingrong, you'd better make it clear that I'm not your woman anymore. You have no right to ask me these questions." Jingbaoer road.

"You were with him? Right? He was the one who broke the prison, who took you away and hid you, wasn't he? " Jing Rong asked.

"No...!" Jingbaoer road.

"You lied...!" Jingrong road.

“……” Jing bao'er just sneered, but did not respond.

"I know that you must have been with him for the past two years. No one else has the ability to rob you from prison and hide you for two years." Jing Rong and Dao.

"If you say no, it's not." Jing Baoer responded coldly again.

She didn't want Jingrong to know anything about her.

“……” Jing Rong didn't speak any more.

Even if Jing Baoer strongly denied it, he knew that his guess was right.

Combined with all the things that happened before and after, he was very sure that was the prison robbed by Luo Erchen! It was also rolchen who took Jing bao'er away and hid him for two years!

"Did Luo Erchen do anything to you in the past two years? Did he pursue you? Have you ever been harassed? " Jing Rong continued to ask.

Even knowing that Jing bao'er would not answer himself, Jing Rong still wanted to ask.

He really has too many questions in his heart to ask her.

He has a lot of questions, need her to answer for him!

"I said, my business has nothing to do with rolchen!" Jing bao'er said again.

"I believe in my own intuition." The man said.

Jing bao'er didn't respond to him. He just said goodbye and kept silent.

"Well, since you don't want to say a lot, I won't ask now. After I have proved my innocence, it's not too late for you to tell me. I've asked Yeming to find the evidence now..." The man said.

"Can you stop chanting Buddhist scriptures in my ear? I'm going to sleep. I'm sleepy! I told you once. Don't you understand? " The girl whispered!

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