"Take a bath first..."

The man said that he would bully Jing bao'er and hold him up.

She was a little thinner than before and seemed to have nothing in her arms.

Her body was so soft that he couldn't help thinking of the difficult movements they had played together in bed before.

Think of those, Jing Rong's heart is painful and itchy.

"I don't want to bathe with you." Jingbao'er coldly refused.

"Don't refuse. It's no use refusing." The man said, "after all, you are now a lamb to be slaughtered in my hand."

In a word, Jing bao'er is furious!


This man is so damn shameless!

"Jingrong! You are shameless! You are a scum

The girl scolded wantonly, and her mouth was unstoppable!

If others, even if the tone of his speech is a little bit bad, he will not easily bypass.

But in the face of this girl, he has no temper at all.

Even if he was scolded by her again and again, he still could not be angry with her.

He even felt a little used to being scolded by her.

He likes to spoil her, spoil her to the point of heartlessness!

"Come on, baby." The man said again.

With that, the man gently imprinted a kiss on her forehead.

Then the man took her into the bathroom.

Put her on the sink, and the man quickly goes to the front of the bathtub and turns on the tap.

Then the man quickly came back to her and pressed her on the washing table, tightly fitting with her body!

"Jingbao, do you know? I'm really in a good mood today. My mood has been very low since you left. I haven't been so happy for a long time

"Even if I have been hurt by your words and insulted by you since I met you, I still feel very happy."

"When you're away, I feel like a leaf floating on the sea, with no root and no direction..."

"As soon as you come back, the leaf finds its root and its direction."

"Jingbao, I love you so much. I really can't live without you."

The man said word by word in her ear, pouring out the slowly hot air, let her ear around the skin crisp - tingling.

In the face of the man's affectionate confession, jingbao'er is still unmoved.

She just took it all as a joke.

After listening to the left ear, the right ear goes straight out.

The speaker is affectionate, but the listener is not.

"My dear, thank you for coming back to me."

"I can finally get a good sleep tonight."

With that, the man sighed and held jingbao'er in his arms.

His hands were very strong, as if to rub Jing bao'er into his body.

If you can, Jing Rong really hopes to rub this little girl into her body and let her integrate with herself! So she can be with him forever!

Before jingbao'er left, Jingrong felt that it was a special happiness to be with jingbao'er.

After jingbao'er left, Jingrong felt: jingbao'er is not around him is a very painful thing.

If time can really stay for someone, Jingrong is willing to let their time stay in this moment forever, just stay in the moment when she stays in her arms. That's enough.

Only when Jing bao'er is around can he feel like a person.

When Jing bao'er is not around, he feels that he is living like a walking corpse. He has no soul and no goal. When he is missing at night, he can't sleep.

Unable to resist, Jing bao'er closed his eyes and let Jing Rong hold him.

From the beginning to the end, jingbao'er was indifferent.

In her face, can't find a trace of moving, even can't find a trace of expression.

That pair of eyes as cold as ice!

"You know what, baby? After you left, I had insomnia. Without the help of sleeping pills, I couldn't sleep at all... " The man said again.

Even if Jing bao'er didn't give him any response, he still wanted to say.

I still want to tell her how I live these two years.

In the past two years, his heart really overstocked too many emotions.

Jing bao'er still did not respond, just coldly closed his eyes.

Seeing that the bathtub was full, Jing Rong sighed. Then he let go of Jing bao'er, turned off the tap, went back to Jing bao'er and took off all her clothes.

Even if he has already had a relationship with Jingrong, at this moment, Jingrong touches his body, Jingbao still feels all kinds of irritability and nausea.Now, to her, this person is like a rotten dead fly, which makes her sick!

If she could, she would break him to pieces!

Taking off his clothes, he held her in handcuffs and went into the water.

Then he squeezed some of her favorite shower gel and daubed it carefully for her.

Familiar with the fragrance, but still did not let Jingbao son in a good mood so little.

She was still cold.

"You used to like to take a bath with me. Do you remember?" The man said as he carefully smeared the shower gel on her.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly when he thought of her before.

The girl in the past is really the best girl in the world. She is the only one in her heart. Sometimes she is naughty, sometimes she is lovely, sometimes she is willful, sometimes she is sensible

She likes to take a bath with him. Every time he takes a bath, she will stick to him and take a mandarin duck bath with him.

When they were in the bath room before, the two of them played fiercely. What she said was especially explicit.

Just, so beautiful that girl, but he lost.

He really wants to get that girl back as soon as possible.

Get your life back on track as soon as possible!

"I don't remember." Jingbao'er responded coldly.

One more word, she is too lazy to say.

“……” The man didn't speak any more, just continued his hand movement.

After cleaning each other, the man took her back to the room.

Seriously blowing her hair, he took her to bed.

As soon as her body touched the bed, the man pressed it down.

Two bodies so seamless fit together, she can clearly feel his reaction, in the end how strong!


Jingbao is so sick!

Jing bao'er closed his eyes in disgust.

But the man or directly his lips, pressure up!

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