They immediately nodded respectfully when they saw Jing Rong.

Jing Rong then walked quickly to the bedside.

Jing bao'er was still asleep.

"She never woke up?" Jing Rong asked.

One of the bodyguards immediately said, "yes, Mr. President!"

She seems to sleep very heavy, should be doing something bad dream, eyebrows have been locked.

"Jingrong You dare to marry another woman, don't you? I'll kill your woman today! "

"Fourth uncle, I told you..."! If one day you empathize, I will kill that woman myself

Jing bao'er suddenly opens her mouth in her deep sleep.

Jing bao'er's words hurt Jing Rong's heart.

Then, the tears from jingbao'er's eyes hurt Jingrong's eyes deeply!

Jingrong knows that jingbao'er must have dreamed about his wedding with Jin Huina two years ago.

Looking at her reaction, Jingrong feels that she is going to collapse.

Jingrong immediately sits beside jingbao'er, grabs jingbao'er's hand and says in a soft voice, "dear, I won't leave you, I will stay with you all the time, I won't marry Jin Huina..."

"Fourth uncle, fourth uncle, don't marry Jin Huina, OK? I don't want you to marry Jin Huina, didn't you say that? You want to marry me... "

"Fourth uncle, you said that your future bride must be me..."

"Fourth uncle, you told me clearly that you don't love anyone but me in this world. Now why do you want to empathize with others? Why?"

"Fourth uncle I love you, I can't leave you I beg you, don't leave me... "

In his sleep, Jing bao'er just holds Jing Rong's hand tightly, continues to close his eyes and tears, saying word by word.

At this time, jingbao'er is like a child abandoned in the wilderness, looking helpless and weak!

Jing Rong looked at Jing bao'er like this and couldn't help slapping himself again!

Two years ago, it was him who was bad, and he didn't protect his own woman. If he protected her, there would be nothing wrong with her, let alone everything that happened later.

Looking at this woman's reaction now, Jing Rong can imagine how she felt when she heard from Luo Suran that he was going to marry Jin Huina two years ago.

At that time, was she as helpless as a child in her sleep?

Jingrong thought: maybe at that time, bao'er was more helpless than what I see now.

Jing Rong knows that he really did too much harm to this woman two years ago.

Two years ago, he personally gouged out a big piece of meat from this woman's heart, which made her heart lack a big piece!

Because of this, so two years later today, this woman will be so exclusive of him, so hate him.

People say, love how deep, hate how thick!

Jingrong now has a deep understanding of this truth.

Can't bear her to continue to repeat the experience of that year in her dream. Jing Rong reddened her eyes and patted Jing bao'er on the shoulder.

"Honey, wake up Honey... "

Jing bao'er is called by Jing Rong in his sleep. He suddenly excites himself and opens his eyes directly.

When I open my eyes, jingbao'er finds that he is sweating all over! I love you so much!

Just now, she had a dream about the scene of Jingrong's wedding day. In her dream, she even held Jingrong like a beggar and asked him not to marry or leave her.

She in the dream is more pitiful than the one in reality at that time!

Jingrong in the dream is more ruthless than that one at that time.

In her dream, no matter how much she begged Jingrong not to leave her or marry another woman, Jingrong didn't listen, and finally even kicked her out!

Wake up, even if found that all this is just a dream, but Jing bao'er's heart is still unable to do not hurt.

Two years ago, it really caused a huge shadow to Jing bao'er. Until now, when she thinks of those things, Jing bao'er is heartbroken!

as like as two peas, she is so tired of repeating these dreams herself. The plot in her dreams sometimes is exactly the same as before. Sometimes it's like today, more exaggerated and more cruel than the plot that had happened in reality before.

Jingbao'er really doesn't like the feeling of being abused repeatedly in her dream.

When I open my eyes and see Jingrong's face, jingbao'er suddenly feels more cruel!

At this moment, her heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney are all in pain!

This kind of feeling makes Jingbao break down!

Jing bao'er felt that she was about to collapse.

"Jingrong! Get out of here, I don't want to see you Jingbao'er scolds. She knows it's a dream, but her tears just can't stop. Her eyes are like a broken faucet. They keep rolling out tears!"Two years ago, it was really just a misunderstanding. Jingbao'er, don't be paranoid any more. Let go of your paranoia and let me and yourself go, OK?" Jing Rong gently sprays Jing bao'er's face and wipes her tears with her thumb.

Jingbao'er's tears are the deadliest weapon in the world for Jingrong.

As long as you see Jing bao'er crying, Jing Rong's heart will be broken immediately!

What Jingrong dislikes most is watching Jingbao cry.

But since the reunion to now, jingbao'er is either crying like this in front of him, or has been cold face.

Jing Rong really hasn't seen this girl smile for a long time.

Looking at her eyes which are constantly raining, Jingrong begins to miss the girl who once had a bright smile on her face.

Once the baby, really is the best baby in the world, but that baby, but because of his negligence, he lost.

Now, it's really hard to get that baby back

But even if it's hard to know, even if it's hard to get to the sky, Jingrong will never give up.

Love Jing bao'er is the strongest belief in his life.

The fire of faith never goes out!

"Let you go? You can. You get out of here! I don't want to see you! " Jingbao'er yells again!

Jingbao'er really doesn't like Jingrong like this. He doesn't seem to have self-respect. No matter how she asks him to roll, he doesn't roll either. He always haunts her like a ghost.

This kind of scenery disgusts jingbao'er.

When a person hates a person, you really don't like him!

You don't like this person for you. This person is gentle in front of you, so do you!

This man is wrong in everything he says and does! Even if this person immediately died in front of you now, you will not have any feeling!

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