Now jingbao'er feels like this about Jingrong.

Jing bao'er even hopes that Jing Rong will die suddenly in front of her now!

In that case, she won't have to do it herself!

"I'll go down and make you something to eat!" Jingrong road.

Jingbao'er snorted coldly, "even if you make the dragon meat in the sky for me, I won't take a bite..."

Jing Rong turned a deaf ear and went downstairs.

After Jingrong left, one of the bodyguards couldn't see it anymore, so he looked at jingbao'er, sighed and said, "Miss Jing, you really shouldn't treat our president like this. Your president is really good enough for you. Although I don't know what happened between you two years ago, I can see that, your president I really love you!

"That's right, Miss Jing. Can you be kind to our president? He's really worried about you. You're his life!"

"That's to say, we've been with your excellency for so long. It's the first time that we've seen your excellency be so patient with anyone. Our president is famous for his bad temper, but he's good tempered when he treats you. This is really true love!"

"That's right. If I were a woman, if I could meet such a nice, handsome, rich and powerful man as the president, I would marry him for the first time. No matter what kind of misunderstanding we had, I would forgive him for being so kind to me now."

After a person started, other bodyguards also began to express their own opinions.

More people are not only powerful, but also courageous. The more people talk about Jing bao'er, the more courageous they are. The more courageous they are, the more they say.

Finally, they began to rush to express their opinions with jingbao'er.

There is only one purpose for all of us to do this, that is, we hope that Jing Baoer can be kind to the president of his family and not treat him like this all the time.

Each of them looked at Jingrong, who was very pitiful.

It's pathetic as never before.

No one can see such a scene!

"Shut up, all of you. It's really annoying! I don't need you to butt in on my business! There is no need for others to judge themselves! If you haven't gone my way, please don't judge me casually. " Jingbao'er said coldly.

Jingbao'er hates all the people who speak for Jingrong now.

Especially Jing Rong's subordinates, Jing bao'er is even more annoying!

When the bodyguards heard Jing bao'er say this, they immediately shut up. No one dared to say another word.

They all know that this woman is on the top of her heart by the president. If they offend her, they will not come to a good end.

So, when we saw that Jingbao was so unhappy, we just shut up! Not even the atmosphere!

After they were quiet, Jing bao'er gave them an unpleasant glance and then closed his eyes.


After about half an hour, Jing Rong came in with a bowl of steaming porridge.

Jingbao'er looks at her bad appetite, so Jingrong specially makes her favorite red bean porridge.

He also specially put more sugar, because when Jingbao ate red bean porridge, he liked to add twice as much sugar as ordinary people.

In the past, Jing Rong always said that her way of eating was particularly unhealthy, so she was particularly opposed to adding too much sugar at one time.

But now, Jingrong has added a lot of sugar to Jingbao.

Now as long as Jingbao can eat, Jingrong can try any method.

Walking in front of jingbao'er, Jingrong carefully uses a spoon to dig a spoonful of porridge, carefully blows it to cool it, then tests the temperature with his lips and sends it to jingbao'er's mouth

However, Jing bao'er directly closed his eyes and mouth!

She was the same as before, and refused to eat at all.

"Jingbao'er, if you don't eat any more, I'll ask someone to come in and give you nutrient solution. Aren't you afraid of needling the most?" Jing Rong is a threat.

In the face of Jing Rong's threat, Jing bao'er still doesn't say a word, just like he can't resist.


Jingrong looked at jingbao'er. This is the iron heart, but he was still patient and said, "dear, you eat a little, it's red, bean porridge, your favorite food, and I specially added a lot of sugar."

But Jing bao'er's teeth are still closed!

The bodyguards on the scene had no patience at all. They frowned and looked at each other, then shook their heads helplessly.

People can't help but sigh in their hearts that the power of love is so great that it can turn steel into soft fingers every minute!

Jingbao'er is a woman that everyone sincerely admires now.

In addition to Jing bao'er, there is really no woman in the world who can make the president of a country do this.The president of a country can be so humble and humble in the dust, which really destroys everyone's Three Outlooks!

"One bite, one bite, OK? Well Jing Rong and Dao.

Jing bao'er still ignored Jing Rong, turned his face to one side and said, "I said, either be free or die. If you don't give me freedom, watch me die..."

Jing Rong smelled the words and put the spoon directly in the bowl.

Then Jing Rong looks at the bodyguard and says, "she doesn't eat. Go to find Mike and give her nutrient solution!"

A bodyguard nodded respectfully and left.

"What you don't like most is injection, and what you fear most is infusion. You don't eat, right? I'll ask Mike to come and give you injection now!" Jing Rong is a threat.

Jing bao'er is still unmoved.

In fact, two years has really changed a lot of things. Jingbao'er is not afraid of needling now.

Because at that time of depression, Jing bao'er really got a lot of needles.

From that time on, Jing bao'er was not afraid of needling, not at all.

Looking at jingbao'er, Jingrong took his own red and bean porridge and smashed it to the ground with a loud slap!

From early to now, Jingrong has been on fire with Jingbao!

He's really driven crazy by jingbao'er! If it were not for his good psychological quality, he would have been crazy! Out of control!

Soon, the bodyguard came in with Mike.

After Mike enters the door, he salutes Jingrong, and then hangs up the nutrient solution without saying a word.

Then Mike disinfects the back of Jing bao'er's hand and prepares to put a needle!

When the needle was pricked, Jing bao'er shook his hand desperately to show his resistance!

But Jing Rong and Mike hold Jing bao'er's hand firmly and don't allow her to move!

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