"Pa -"

raising his hand, rolchen slapped Russell in the face again.

This slap, will Russell ran tears down again.

Big tears came down from his eyes.

"Rolchen, you are a madman! You are completely out of your mind Russell roared, and again his neck was blue.

"Russell, get out of here!" Luo Erchen scolded again, "I don't want to see you again!"

Russell looked at rolchen, turned around, covered his swollen and swollen cheeks, and left quickly.

With a bang, Russell closed the door.

Accompanied by a deafening sound with the door, the whole world in an instant quiet down.

Luo Erchen gasped, gasped, gasped and clenched his fist. He sat on the cold floor again and cried like a helpless child.

Now rolchen feels as if he is in a black fog, unable to see the direction.

He has no idea what he should do next, and where is the road of his life?

Next, where is he going?

Once there is no goal or hope in life, it is really meaningless.

A life without hope is an abyss.

Luo Erchen also knows that if he wants to live a good life in the future, he must forget Jing Baoer now.

But forget -

it's not easy for such a deeply rooted person as rolchen?


He's really in pain.

Every oxygen bubble deeply inhaled into his lung is like a piece of glass slag. The slag stings his lung.

His lungs hurt with every breath.

The brain is blank.

Ears are buzzing all the time!

Rolchen suddenly felt that his life was meaningless.

Now he feels that there is no difference between living and dead.

If you can, rauchen really wants to die now.

But he knew he couldn't die. He had his father, his sister and so many relatives.

If he goes regardless, his relatives will be sad.

He is a man, even if the pain is more difficult, he has to bite his teeth through.

Luo Erchen believes that as long as he can get through the most difficult time, he will certainly be able to get better in the future.

Even if I still can't forget jingbao'er in my later life, and I still miss her all my life, I will never be so miserable as I don't want to live at this moment.

"Jingbao'er, jingbao'er, Luo Erchen has been planted in your hands all his life, ha ha..."

After talking to himself, Luo Erchen was unable to rely on the tempered glass and sneered.

The smile looks bleak.

At this moment, rolchen seems to be distressing.

It's like a candle swaying in the wind. It's like a careless person who will be blown out by the wind.

His eyes were empty and hopeless, no longer shining in the past.

"Once you meet bao'er, you will miss your whole life Ha ha. " Luo Er Chen once again wry smile, mention Bao Er two words, Luo Er Chen's heart began to tear, crack general pull up.

Heartache is really the most unbearable feeling in the world.

Even if it's just a little breath, it's going to hurt.

This is the first, the first and the most profound experience that rolchen has ever felt.

He lit a cigarette, and once again he began to smoke deeply.

Nicotine is a good thing. When inhaled into the lung, it can temporarily paralyze people's nerves and relieve people's pain.

When the cigarette was sucked into his lungs, rolchen thought: rolchen, rolchen, I think you may be destined to be accompanied by tobacco and alcohol in the later half of your life.

Tobacco and wine are good things.

They can temporarily paralyze the brain and slightly relieve pain.

On the other side, in the sterile intensive care unit, Yeming is standing in the corner with her mobile phone, communicating with people, trying to calm the anger of the people and drive the public opinion to the right direction

while jingbao'er is alone and quietly smoking against the cold tempered glass.

While smoking, jingbao'er looks at Jingrong.

Just after making a phone call with rolchen, jingbao'er felt more uncomfortable in her heart.

Although Luo Erchen has been pretending to be calm and indifferent on the phone, Jing Baoer can still recognize his sadness from his tone.

Jing bao'er can easily imagine the collapse of rolchen hiding in his room.

Jing bao'er knows about rolchen. He looks at him in appearance, but his heart is still soft and soft.Jing Baoer also knows that today's rolchen may hide in a corner and cry and lick the wound alone.

Jing bao'er knows better that the reason why rolchen just showed himself such a free and easy manner on the phone is that she didn't want to make her feel too guilty for him.

At the thought of these, Jing bao'er's heart can't help pricking.

Even at this moment, even if she is so willful and reckless, so regardless of his feelings, he can still do it, as always, for her consideration.

This kind of luoerchen is really good.

Jing bao'er knows that no other man can do the same thing.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid she would have been scolded to death.

Because this time, she really went too far.

The more you think about it, the more you think about it, the more guilt Jing bao'er has for rolchen.

"Luo Erchen, rolchen, I'll be a cow and a horse for you in the next life to repay all the debts I owe you in this life. I'm sorry, rolchen..."

"Luo Erchen is really sorry..."

Jing bao'er can't rely on the cold tempered glass and closes her eyes. On the one hand, she lets her tears flow freely on her face, and on the other hand, she talks to herself in her heart.

Over the years, Luo Erchen quietly accompanied her, took care of her, and saved her from fire and water again and again.

Every scene is like a magic spell.

Looking at the pictures, Jing bao'er's sense of guilt and heartache is more profound.

This kind of feeling makes jingbao'er almost miserable

"Luo Erchen, you are a good person. I wish you happiness. I hope you can meet a good woman who you love deeply and love you deeply in the future, and walk hand in hand with you in harmony. After this life, Luo Erchen, you are so good, you should be happy..."

"Luo Erchen, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Don't blame me. I have nothing to do... "

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