Jing bao'er continued to close her eyes, weeping, sighing and talking to herself in her heart.

When Yeming comes by, he sees jingbao'er sad.

Yeming knows Jingbao's mood.

After all, what Jing bao'er has just said to rolchen is very clear.

Looking at jingbao'er like this, Yeming didn't speak, just patted jingbao'er on the shoulder to express his comfort.

Then Yeming directly sits on the bench beside jingbao'er and continues to communicate with the crisis public relations team of the presidential palace with wechat.

Now Jingrong is in a coma. As Jingrong's best part, body and best follower, night night naturally wants to help Jingrong do everything well.

What Yeming wants to do now is to stabilize the situation as soon as possible. It's better to direct the public opinion to the right position before Jingrong wakes up.

Because only in this way, can Jing Rong wake up and recover from illness, so as not to worry about those things.

Yeming is really worried in her heart now. She wants to deal with everything as soon as possible.

Yeming and jingbao'er have been waiting in the sterile intensive care unit for 24 hours.

In the past 24 hours, except for eating, drinking and washing, they spent all the time here, waiting for Jingrong.

Neither of them wanted to leave.

Now Jingrong's life and death are uncertain, and none of them dare to leave.

In the past twenty-four hours, they have hardly closed their eyes.

They couldn't sleep at all because of the intense sadness and worry.

The past 24 hours, every minute, every second, have been a great ordeal for them.

Almost all of their eyes did not leave Jingrong.

How they hoped that Jingrong would wake up immediately

It's been 24 hours since I saw it. Jingrong still hasn't responded at all. Jingbao'er is a little worried.

I can't even hold my breath.

There are 24 hours left.

If Jing Rong doesn't wake up again, I'm afraid the situation will be

At the thought of this, jingbao'er's heart began to tear and crack again.

Jingbao'er grabs her heart beating wildly because of her nervousness, looks at Jingrong and says to Yeming beside her, "Yeming little brother, will my fourth uncle never wake up again I'm really scared. Now 24 hours have passed. Why is he still quiet I don't know if I can wake up in another 24 hours. "

Jing bao'er's words made night's heart thump for a moment.

Yeming sighed, then looked at jingbao'er and said in a low voice, "no, Miss Jing, I believe that our four little lucky people have their own way, and the four little must be able to pass this pass safely. There are still 24 hours left. I believe that in the next 24 hours, the four little must be able to wake up..."

In fact, Yeming is deceiving himself now.

Just now, he once secretly asked the doctor for the reason of going to the toilet.

The doctor told Yeming that the situation of Jingrong was not optimistic.

He even told Yeming that the chance of Jingrong waking up was not big.

Ye Ming didn't dare to tell Jing bao'er these words.

Because ye Ming knows that if he tells Jing bao'er, Jing bao'er will not accept it.

Maybe Jing bao'er will fall down in an instant.

Therefore, even if there is more words in my heart, I can't say it. I can only bear it silently by myself.

Yeming's mood is much more complicated than Jingbao's, because he knows that Jingrong's chance to survive is very slim.

But even so, Yeming is still hopeful.

Because Yeming always knows that Jingrong is not a man who can be defeated so easily.

Night dark now also don't dare to think, scene Rong if really don't wake up, will be what kind of situation.

Night really dare not.

We can only encourage ourselves all the time and suggest that Jingrong will be able to wake up.

Even if it's just a short self consolation, Yeming wants to continue to comfort himself in this way.

Because only in this way can we not fall directly before we see the result.

Looking at jingbao'er, Yeming sighed again, then looked at the pale Jingrong through the tempered glass, and said in his heart, "Sishao, you must come on, you must wake up. Country Z needs you, and miss Jing needs you, too. If you fall down, what will happen to this country and miss Jing..."

"Si Shao, it's hard to wait for Miss Jing's forgiveness. You must not leave easily at this time Si Shao, you must come on and survive... "

"Si Shao, I believe you will survive..."Night dark sword eyebrow tight Cu, talk to oneself in the heart.


Twelve hours later.

Another twelve hours have passed.

It's already four o'clock in the morning.

The whole world is asleep.

Only Jing bao'er and Yeming are still like this, watching outside the sterile intensive care unit.

From the beginning to the present, the two people have hardly closed their eyes.

A strong sense of fatigue, so that both of their eyes covered with blood.

Thirty six hours passed.

Thirty six hours passed.

But the scene in the ICU was still quiet.

In another 12 hours, if Jingrong doesn't wake up again, it will be over

By this time, Yeming's heart had already started to thump and thump.

Yeming is really afraid.

Extreme fear.

And Jing bao'er is in the same mood.

The longer time goes by, the more worried and scared Jing bao'er is.

"Little brother Yeming, thirty-six hours have passed, and there are twelve more hours. If the fourth uncle can't wake up, then..."

Jing bao'er wants to talk but stops. He can't say what he said later.

Jing bao'er can't say the word "death".

Jing Baoer can't accept the result like that.

Jingbao'er doesn't want to say those two words. I really hate them

"No, Miss Jing. I'm sure Sishao will wake up. Sishao is the invincible God of war. Sishao can't lie there forever I believe Si Shao will wake up soon. I believe... "

In this sentence, Yeming is comforting jingbao'er and himself.

He wanted to reassure Jing bao'er and himself a little bit.

But even if how to comfort themselves, night is still confused.

Yeming is very clear.

If Jing Rong still can't wake up in the next 12 hours, then this person is basically finished

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