Jing bao'er is still standing in the same place, a face of guilt, looking at the side of rolchen.

Looking at rolchen like this, jingbao'er really feels heartache.

Just for a moment, jingbao'er's tears flooded his face!

"Jingbao, I told you to go away. Don't you understand? Don't keep bothering me here. Get out of here Luo Yaohua yelled again.

Hearing Luo Yaohua's words, Jing bao'er is very uncomfortable, but he can understand Luo Yaohua.

In Jing bao'er's opinion, Luo Yaohua should treat her like this.

After all, it's all about her.

The same thing, no matter in this world for any pair of parents, people will make the same response as Luo Yaohua.

Her behavior is too hateful to be forgiven.

As Jing bao'er wiped her tears, she turned to look at Luo Yaohua and said, "Uncle Luo, I'll go first. I'll come back another day..."

Jing Baoer knows that Luo Yaohua is still angry now, so he doesn't want to make Luo Yaohua upset here.

She wants to wait a few days and come back to see Luo Erchen.

When Luo Yaohua heard the speech, he immediately turned his head to one side without looking at Jing bao'er.

Jing bao'er took a deep breath and looked at Luo Er Chen with stinging pain in her heart. "Rolchen, I'll go first. I'll see you again in a few days!"

"Jingbao'er, you must not come here in a few days. You really don't want to appear in front of our Luo family. If you come again, you should be careful that I call someone to beat you up!" Luo Yaohua added.

Since Jing bao'er met Luo Yaohua, Luo Yaohua has always been very kind to her.

But now Luo Yaohua treats her with indifference and hatred.

Everything is different.

It's because of her own death that everything has changed dramatically.

Jing bao'er bit her lip and took a deep look at Luo Yaohua. Then she turned around and walked out of the ward.

The night follows.

After closing the door of the ward, Jing Baoer didn't leave immediately. Instead, she couldn't stand at the door of the ward, leaning against the cold wall by the door and closing her eyes.

Jingbao'er is really tired now because of all the trouble.

The body is tired, the mind is more tired.

Now Jing bao'er feels that he is tired physically and mentally. It seems that he can't support any more.

"Don't be too sad, Miss Jing. Now I've been ordered by Sishao to contact famous doctors all over the world. I believe we will find a way soon, eh?" Night night comfort way.

Finish saying, night dark is sword eyebrow tight Cu, lightly patted to clap the shoulder of Jing bao'er.

Jingbao'er grins bitterly, "hope, little brother Yeming, I'm really troubling you."

Night night immediately shook his head, "no trouble, I should do anything."

"If you are a good person, if you become a vegetable, you will become a vegetable. Little brother Yeming, why do you think life is so fragile..." Jingbao'er can't help sighing.

“……” Yeming didn't speak, but she couldn't pat Jingbao on the shoulder to comfort her.

Jing bao'er grins bitterly, looks at Yeming and says, "Yeming, if you can, I really hope that I am the one who has become a vegetable now. In the final analysis, it's all my fault. Why should we let rolchen bear the consequences? Why..."

"Sometimes I feel that God is really unfair. Those who should be punished don't punish, but let those innocent people follow the bad luck." Jing bao'er said again.

With these words, the tears on Jing bao'er's face were overflowing.

The constant crying for a long time has made jingbao'er's eyes swell into walnuts.

Even the vision began to blur.

Night night night a listen to this words, in the heart immediately feel stabbing pain matchless.

Yeming immediately took a deep breath and said, "Miss Jing, don't say that..."

"Is what I said wrong? In fact, the most damned person is Jing bao'er, and I am the culprit. Why let rolchen bear these things for me? Why should rolchen be so good? Why should rolchen become so miserable now..." Jing bao'er choked.

"Jingbao, there's nothing wrong with what you said. Yes, the most damned person is you. My brother really shouldn't bear these things for you! So since you know you deserve to die, how can you continue to live in this world? If I were you, I would have gone out and killed myself! "

Russell's cold voice rings, interrupting the conversation between Yeming and jingbao'er.

Hearing the sound, jingbao'er and Yeming immediately went along.

I saw, Russell ran holding a thermos in his forehand, gently lifting his chin, coldly looking at her face, step by step toward her position.Russell Ran's face is full of hatred.

There were two sharp knives hidden in those eyes.

If the eyes could kill people, jingbao'er felt that he had already died no less than 100 times.

That look is too murderous.

When he came to jingbao'er, Russell put the thermos on the floor directly, then put his hands around his chest, raised his chin lightly, looked at jingbao'er coldly and said, "what do you think I'm doing, jingbao'er? Do you think I'm wrong?"

Luo Suran's sharp words make Jing Baoer extremely uncomfortable.

This is the nth time that Russell has let her die.

However, no matter how comfortable Jing bao'er was, there was no way to refute it.

Because Russell is right, how can she refute it.

Now she has no voice in front of the Luo family.

What she did made her completely lose her right to speak.

Now Luo family, no matter what she said, she has no qualification to reply.

"Jingbao, what do you mean you don't talk? It's speechless, isn't it? You think I'm right, don't you? " Russell ran continued to put his hands around his chest, with a sour look on his face.

Jingbao'er had a bitter smile, but she couldn't say a word. Tears flooded her eyes again.

"What's the use of crying? You know how to cry. If you really feel guilty in your heart, you should die!" Russell said again.

This is the first time that Yeming hears Russell calling jingbao'er to die.

He clenched his fist, looked at Russell coldly and said, "Miss Luo, don't go too far. It's better to speak in a proper way. Don't forget the words we warned you yesterday!"

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