Russell ran snorted coldly. He raised his chin lightly and looked askance at the night. He said with disdain, "how many times have I told you that you are not worthy to talk to me. You don't understand me, do you?"

"Lower class? If I'm inferior, who are you? Lower class? People's three, six and nine grades are not divided according to money, but according to good and evil. If Yeming is a lower class now, then miss Russell is a lower class Several grades lower than the lower class. " Night and night.

By Luo Suran such repeatedly madly scolds the lower class, now night night also really can't stand completely.

The night dark now doesn't want to hear from this woman what lower class and so on.

He is indeed a lower class, but even so, there is no need to say it directly in front of him. It really hurts self-esteem.

Hearing this, Russell Ran's face turned red!

Russell ran clenched his fists and looked at Yeming and asked, "Yeming, what do you say? You can't compare me with you now? "

"Yes Your character is no match for mine. If you talk about character, good or evil, you are not a person at all. " Night and night.

Yeming is a man with few words on weekdays. He never swears easily, especially women.

But now Russell did annoy Yeming.

Night night now also don't care about what quality, what men and women have other, can only like this.

Hearing this, Russell immediately trembled, and his eyes were scarlet, as if he was about to burst into fire.

Russell Ran's anger was ignited by the words of Yeming.

"Yeming, don't deceive yourself here. The standard to measure people's rank is money, not good or evil The so-called use of good and evil to divide people into three, six and nine grades is just the self deception of you lower class. Even if you are kind, so what? No matter how kind you are, you are just a kind inferior. You can't change the fact that you are inferior on the day of your death! " Luo Suran's every word is resounding!

Russell Ran is also completely annoyed by Yeming now, so now he has no sense of propriety in speaking, and no face left for Yeming.

A few words, like a knife, born in the face of the night, self-esteem.

Night dark cold hum, want to continue to refute, but feel no need.

So night night is cold to see Luo Suran one eye, drop a, "no quality poison woman" then directly pull Jing bao'er to leave.

Looking at the figure of two people leaving quickly, Russell stamped his feet in situ.

"Yeming, you don't have quality. Your whole family doesn't have quality. You are inferior!" Russell ran roared at the back of the night.

Every word and every word that Russell ran said was clearly heard in his ears and recorded in his heart by night.

Yeming wants to go back directly and make a theory with Russell, but because he has a lot of business to do, he can't help it.

Entering the elevator, Jing bao'er looked at Yeming's angry face and said, "Yeming little brother, I'm sorry, it's me who caused you to be scolded. Don't take that person's words seriously. She's just a shrew with no quality. You don't need to have a common understanding with her."

Jing bao'er knows how much Luo Su Ran's words hurt Yeming's self-esteem.

Hearing the speech, Yeming immediately shook his head, looked at jingbao'er with a smile and said, "Miss Jing, don't say that. You don't have to say sorry to me. It's Russell who should say sorry to me..."

"It's the first time I've seen such a person with no quality as Luo Suran. When she pursued our family as a young girl, she pretended to be so good. She pretended to be gentle, kind and polite. At that time, all of us were cheated by her gentle and kind appearance. At that time, I thought she was very good..."

"Now look at her real face, I really feel that my three views have burst."

Ye Ming said word by word.

The more I think about it now, the more I feel that my heart is full of fire.

Jingbao'er grinned bitterly, patted Yeming on the shoulder and said, "well, Yeming little brother, don't continue to think about those unhappy things. Let's think about some other happy things..."

"Well..." Yeming nodded, "I'll go back later and continue to help Luo Shao contact those good hospitals and experts..."

"How did you get in touch this morning? Have experts responded to you? " Asked Jing bao'er.

Ye Ming shook his head. "Not yet. I've sent emails to those experts and haven't received their reply yet. But I believe that if they see it, they will soon recover. No later than this afternoon, they can receive some people's reply."

"Brother Yeming, it's really hard for you. How much trouble do you have to help and contact me If rolchen can really return to normal, you are my great benefactor. " Jingbaoer road.Yeming smile, "I will do my best to do things, Miss Jing, you can rest assured."

"Brother Yeming, have you eaten yet? If not, I'll treat you to lunch. " Jingbaoer road.

Yeming must worry a lot about rolchen this time, so jingbao'er wants to invite this man to a meal as a thank-you.

Yeming immediately shook his head. "No, Miss Jing, I've eaten. I've had a lot of food at noon. Now I'm full and I don't want to eat any more. Besides, I feel even more full now because I'm just angry with Russell."

"Well, I'll invite you another day." Jingbaoer road.

Yeming smiles, "OK..."

With that, the elevator door opened.

Jingbao'er and Yeming get out of the elevator one by one.

Two out of the elevator, night in the heart of the fire son again.

As Ye Ming followed Jing bao'er out, he said, "we are very lucky. We didn't fall in love with Russell like that. Fortunately, we didn't cheat by that woman's hypocritical appearance. Otherwise, it will be miserable. What men fear most is to marry a poisonous woman like Russell."

Jingbao'er immediately reached out and patted Yeming on the shoulder again and said, "well, little brother Yeming, don't continue to be angry. If people are angry, it's easy to be ugly. You are so handsome, it's not good to be ugly."

Yeming doesn't speak any more. He just frowns and coldly gets on the bus with jingbao'er.

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