With that, her two lines of tears were dripping on rolchen's gauze wrapped hand.

However, rolchen did not respond at all, and he was still sleeping alone.

Looking at such a rolchen, Jing bao'er can't help but think of the time when he first met rolchen.

At that time, rolchen was energetic, brilliant, enchanting, beautiful, and noble.

He is now in sharp contrast to him at that time.

If you can, Jing bao'er especially hopes that time can be turned back, and that he can go back to the time after drinking with rolchen that night.

If time can go back to that time point, jingbao'er will insist on sending Luo Erchen home after drinking.

If she had sent rolchen home in person that night, maybe there would have been nothing like this.

"Dudu Dudu... "

The mobile phone vibrated and rang.

Hearing the sound, Jing Baoer immediately took out her mobile phone from her backpack.

There is a new email on the screen.

But the sender is Luo Erchen.

When he saw the name, Jing bao'er was shocked.

Luo Erchen is still in a vegetative state. How can he send her an email.

Or his mailbox was stolen.

Or he sent her some kind of regular email before his own accident.

Jing bao'er's heart began to beat wildly.

With trembling fingers, I click on the e-mail, and a dense line of words comes to my eyes immediately -

"dear, when you receive this e-mail, I have already died in a car accident, maybe my body has been buried long ago..."

"This is the last time in my life that I have sent you an email, and the last time in my life that I have said so much to you."

"When you receive the news of my death in a car accident, maybe you will blame yourself and think in your heart," if I insist on sending rolchen home after drinking, he won't have an accident. "

"From what I know about you, you will certainly think so. You will be upset because you didn't insist on sending me home in person. Now I want to tell you, don't be upset because of this, because this death has been planned by me for a long time. Even if you insist on sending me home in person, I will choose to drive out again after I get home Come on, then, make an accident and let yourself die... "

"You must ask me, why do you have to let yourself die in a car accident? Fool, because only if I died accidentally, can my family not be angry with you. If I take poison and commit suicide, my family will be angry with you Isn't it? "

"When you see here, you will cry and feel more remorse, won't you? Don't blame yourself, baby. You haven't done anything wrong. You've always been on the right road. It's right and innocent for you to pursue your true love. "

"The reason why I chose to commit suicide is that my own psychological endurance is not good. I can't live without you. After you told me that you were together with Jingrong again, I began to tangle about death. From that time on, I felt that there was no love in life, but because I thought of myself and my family, they would be happy after I left I'm sad, so the idea is gone... "

"At that time, I once thought about paralyzing myself by smoking and drinking, trying to make myself forget you quickly, trying to get myself out of the shadow of lovelorn quickly, but I tried for a long time, but I still couldn't erase your figure from my mind, so I thought of death again, and even thought of several ways of death But I don't have the courage to really carry out the plan... "

"Later, you asked me out for a drink. After we had a chat, you left. When I was facing such a big private room alone, I began to think wildly. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that I couldn't get used to the days without you. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that I couldn't live..."

"So I went on and on, and decided to choose a form of death that was the least likely to make my family angry with you. I died in a car accident..."

"This email was sent to you before I implemented the plan I didn't want to say anything to you, but I think I have to say something to you before I die... "

"Baby, don't be sad, and don't be sad. My death is entirely due to my own fragile psychological endurance. It really has nothing to do with you..."

"After I die, I hope you can live a strong life, and live with your Jingrong for the rest of your life..."

"When I get to heaven, I will always look at you and bless you. You must always smile and never cry, you know? If you shed tears, I will be sad... "

"Farewell, jingbao'er, the girl I love most in Luo Erchen's life. You and I are predestined in this life. I hope you and I can become a loving couple in the next life. Bao'er, I love you..."Signature: Luo Erchen who loves you forever.

After reading this email, jingbao'er burst into tears.

Jing bao'er didn't expect that Luo Erchen became like this, not by accident, but by his own intention.

Luo Erchen did not want to live at all.

But even if he wanted to die, he didn't forget to think about her.

At the last moment, he even kept thinking about something for her.

Thinking of this, jingbao'er's heart began to tear and tear. Jingbao'er seemed to be dying.

"Luo Erchen, you stupid fool, why do you want to do this? Why do you want to commit suicide? Life is so beautiful. How can you give up your own life easily..."

"Luo Erchen, you just lost me. Why did you choose to commit suicide because of me..."

"You fool, rolchen, why are you doing this? Why on earth are you..."

"You wake up, you open your eyes, open your eyes and tell me why you have to do this!"

Jing bao'er sobbed as she shook rolchen's body.

With that, Jing bao'er put the mobile phone directly beside the bed.

Standing at the door, Luo Suran heard Jing Baoer's words.

So with curiosity, Russell quickly opens the door and goes to Jing bao'er to ask what Jing bao'er means.

When she comes to Jing bao'er, Russell sweeps her eyes on the screen. She just sees the email from rolchen.

Before the screen went black, Russell quickly picked up the phone and read the email carefully

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