Seeing Luo Er Chen's e-mail, Luo Su ran was petrified.

Russell ran was shocked -

Russell ran never thought that the car accident of rolchen was not an accident, but he had planned it for a long time.

It turned out that Luo Erchen had already lived enough. He just wanted to commit suicide.

The reason why he disguised himself as a car accident is to protect Jing bao'er.

After reading this e-mail from rolchen, Russell's heart was broken.

Looking at the humbleness between the lines, Russell really felt heartache for him.

At this moment, Russell Ran's hatred for Jing bao'er deepened a lot.

Holding jingbao'er's mobile phone tightly, Luo Suran grabbed jingbao'er's arm and said in a cold voice, "jingbao'er, I didn't expect that my brother could do this for you, and even commit suicide for you. Jingbao'er, you are really good at it..."

Jing bao'er was speechless, but continued to sit beside Luo Er Chen, holding Luo Er Chen's hand tightly.

Jing bao'er doesn't want to talk to Russell. Now what Russell wants is to have a good look at rolchen.

Jing Baoer wants to see Luo Erchen as much as possible and spend more time with him.

The more silent she was, the more angry Russell looked at her.

Hate hate looked at jingbao'er, Russell clenched her teeth, looked at jingbao'er and said, "jingbao'er, what do you mean you don't speak now? You bitch

"Jingbao'er, I didn't expect that my brother was killed by you. Jingbao'er, you are a murderer. You should pay for my brother's life. Before meeting you, my brother has been very smart and happy. But since I met you, my brother's life has changed dramatically compared with before, and his smile is more and more beautiful Less and less, but more and more sorrow Originally a natural and unrestrained and cheerful person, but later he even learned to commit suicide for love. Jingbao'er, you are really a fox spirit, a fox spirit who lacks virtue and home. " Every word of Russell Ran is loud and gritting his teeth!

The hatred for Jing bao'er has already reached a limit. Now Russell really wants to kill this woman and let her die for her life!

"Jingbao'er, you really deserve to die. No one in the world deserves to die more than you. One thing I really don't understand is how you have the face to continue to live in this world after you have done such a thing. Jingbao'er, why are you still alive? You don't deserve to live in this world, let alone to be loved so deeply by my brother!" Russell growled.

Roar to the end, anger filled Russell ran the whole body, prompting Russell ran the whole person shivering!

Without saying a word, Jing Baoer just quietly held rolchen's hand and shed tears.

Luo Suran said these words, just like a nail one by one, Sheng Sheng knocked into the softest place in Jing bao'er's heart.

A heart, broken by these nails!

Every word that Russell ran said was right.

Jing Baoer is still unable to refute.

Jing bao'er just continues to hold Luo Er Chen's hand quietly and looks at Luo Er Chen's sleeping appearance with tears in her eyes.

The more I look at him like this, the more uncomfortable I feel.

"Jingbao, you have nothing to say, have you? You think I'm right, don't you? " Russell asked coldly.

"Yes, you are right..." Jingbao'er said with a bitter smile.

With that, jingbao'er reached out and wiped the tears on her face.

"Since you think I'm right, why do you want to live in this world?" Russell asked coldly.

Russell ran especially hopes that Jing bao'er will die, die immediately, and never stay in this world for a moment.

In Russell Ran's opinion, jingbao'er is a living waste of air and a dead waste of land!

"Because I not only have rolchen to take care of, but also I have too many concerns." Jingbaoer road.

But Russell immediately sneered, "ha ha ha Ha ha Ha ha ha Jingbao'er, you are disgusting. Does my brother need your care? Our Luo family will need you to take care of my brother? You are really going to find a reason for your own survival... "

Jing bao'er didn't continue to talk, but took a deep look at Russell, took his bag and prepared to leave.

Jing bao'er just got out of bed, Luo Suran's slap is impartial, fell on Jing bao'er's face.

"Pa --" ground a, Jing Bao Er's right face instantly swollen into a terrible blood steamed bread.

The bright red liquid flows down the delicate corners of the lips, the color of the extreme red, the contrast of jingbao'er's face, the extreme pale.

Jing bao'er didn't speak. She just wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and left with her bag.

If she had been before, she would never have suffered Russell's slap.

But now Jing bao'er can bear it.Because in jingbao'er's opinion, she is really in need of beating. She deserves to be slapped!

Covering his hot and spicy face, jingbao'er walked out of the ward all the way.

At the moment of closing the door, Jing bao'er looks at rolchen again through the crack in the door.

Then Jing bao'er took a deep breath and turned to leave.

Every time I come to see Luo Erchen, I will make all kinds of unpleasantness. Jingbao'er secretly decides in her heart that next time she will come to see Luo Erchen in other ways.

For example, when there is no one in the ward, he sneaks into the ward and leaves quickly from the balcony when the Luo family comes back.

After thinking about it, Jing bao'er felt that his method was really good.

Now the people of Luo family hate her very much.

People really hate her.

Now there is no one in the Luo family, except rolchen, who doesn't want her to die in a hurry.

Think about the past with rolchen, Luo Yaohua three people get along with the picture, Jing Baoer's heart once again stabbed up.

Jingbao'er really feels pain in her heart.

Think about the past and look at the present. How can she be as calm as water?

Ha ha

It can't be done.

It's impossible at all.

In fact, it was Jing bao'er who destroyed Luo Yaohua's kindness and the sunshine of rolchen.

All this is her own fault.

Jing bao'er is a sinner!

A complete sinner.

Jingbao'er grins bitterly, lowers her head and walks to the elevator step by step like a robot without emotion.


When Jing Baoer returned to the presidential palace, Jing Rong was not in the master bedroom.

With a tired body, jingbao'er enters the study of the presidential palace.

Sure enough, Jingrong is sitting in front of the clean mahogany desk.

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