Looking at him like this, there are three words in jingbao'er's heart: give strength!

How can such a handsome, tough and masculine man be disliked!

After Jingrong finishes shooting, he gives the gun to another member and returns to jingbao'er and yeming'er.

"You are the leader of Black Hawk! The shooting is really awesome! Fourth uncle I also want to play with the rifle. I feel much stronger than the ordinary pistol. Can I play with it? " Jing bao'er asked with a smile.

"Miss Jing, do you really like guns so much?" Yeming asked with a smile.

"That's a must. After all, my dream is to be an arrogant senior female agent. As a senior female agent, first of all, you have to be familiar with all kinds of guns..." Jingbaoer road.

Jing bao'er's words shocked Yeming a little, "female Female agent? "

Look at her skinny, fleshy little face, female agent? Or a senior female agent? Can she do it?

"That's not..." Jingbaoer road.

"Come on, don't talk nonsense to me all day long. It's good that I can let you touch an ordinary pistol. Don't give me an inch. As for the secret service, you can't think about it. It's good to think about it all day long. You are a student, don't stay out of tune all day long! " Jing Rong responded lukewarm.

"That's right. Miss Jing, that female agent can't be an ordinary person. She has to suffer a lot. We four young people are not willing to let you suffer so much." Night dark way.

"Yeming, I find that you talk more and more recently. Is it too easy to live?" Jing Rong asked.

For the dangerous eyes of shangjingrong, Yeming immediately nodded respectfully, and did not dare to say a word.


Jingbao'er looks at Jingrong discontentedly, with a face full of grievances.

Look at that black sniper rifle! I wish I could touch it!

"Well, it's getting late. Yeming, you can send Jingbao back to the dormitory." Jing Rong orders coldly, still playing cool and boundless.

Jing bao'er gave him a white look and asked, "what about you?"

"I'll watch them here for a while." Jingrong road.

Suddenly he thought of something. As soon as he turned his eyes, Jingbao immediately nodded and pulled Yeming to walk outside the shooting range. "Hey Fourth uncle, let's go back first. "

Jing Rong nodded indifferently.

After leaving the shooting range, jingbao'er and Yeming began to walk quickly out of the woods.

Tonight, the moonlight is bright, the light in the woods is not dark.

"Little brother Yeming, let's discuss something, OK?" Asked Jing bao'er.

Ye Ming turned his head, looked at Jing bao'er and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Teach me to use the sniper rifle you just used That gun is so cool

"Si Shao said that he would not let you touch "Yeming is a bit embarrassed.

"If he says no, I won't touch it? Anyway, he's on the shooting range now, and he won't go back for a while. What, there should be some indoor shooting place here? There should be rifles there, right? Why don't you take me Jingbao'er pulls the corner of Yeming's clothes with a eager expression.

Night night light cough, "cough Miss Jing, isn't that good? "

"Oh, little brother Yeming, what's wrong with that? Why don't you take me? We'll go and play and come back soon. What do you think? "


Looking at the silence of Yeming, jingbao'er immediately pulled the corner of his clothes again, "it doesn't matter. If something happens, I'll carry it for you..."


The night is still silent.

He's so tangled!

"Brother Yeming, please

In the end, I can't stand jingbao'er's hard work in the night. Finally, after some ideological struggle, I choose to nod my head.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately jumped up and patted Ye Ming on the shoulder. "Ye Ming, little brother, is getting stronger and stronger! That's right! "


Yeming did not say a word, just walked forward in silence.

I hope they won't find out.


Back inside the base, Yeming takes jingbao'er into an indoor shooting range.

As soon as he entered the door, the night light turned on -

after his eyes turned from dark to bright, jingbao'er could see everything in front of him.

The space is very large, with hundreds of square meters. The whole space has no other colors except black and white.

The four sides of the white walls are covered with different types of guns, big and small, with different shapes!

Look at some guns. Jingbao's eyes are shining.

"Wow, so many guns..." Now Jingbao's heart is like a deer.

Yeming took down a black high-precision sniper rifle on the wall and handed it to Jing bao'er, "Miss Jing, this is the kind of high-precision sniper rifle that we all use on the shooting range. This gun is made in our country Z, firing 6.88m sniper bullets, mainly equipped in public security, armed police, special forces and so on. This gun can accurately shoot a single target within 500m. ”Cool rifle in hand, jingbao'er feels a little heavy!

It's heavy! Very heavy!

"Wow, little brother Yeming, look at the lines and texture of this gun. It's absolutely invincible. It's much cooler than those sniper rifles on TV!" Jing bao'er touched the gun while his eyes were shining.

"Those on TV are basically imitation guns, different..." Night dark way.

Looking at jingbao'er's obsession, Yeming asked curiously, "don't girls like bags, shoes and cosmetics? Why are you so different? "

"Cut, bag shoes, cosmetics, where are those gun cow force? One shot in hand! I have it! I'll have an idea with those embroidered pillows It's not the same Jing bao'er holds the gun in both hands and raises her chin lightly. She is full of confidence.

"Come here, I'll teach you to use this gun."

Yeming says, then takes jingbao'er to a target.

After taking the gun in Jing bao'er's hand, he began to point at the sight of the sniper rifle and explained it carefully. "In fact, there are two points that need to be paid attention to in the use of the sniper rifle. The first point is the use of the sight, and the second point is that his own psychological quality should be excellent. No matter how tense the surrounding environment is, he must not shake his hands, because his hands shake a little A little bit, there will be a huge deviation.... "

Standing beside Yeming, jingbao'er doesn't say a word. He just listens to his introduction and explanation

After Yeming's talk, jingbao'er probably understood what he should have understood.

After that, Yeming picked up his rifle and aimed at the target dozens of meters away, aiming and shooting directly.

After Yeming finished the design, he gave the gun to Jing bao'er -


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