With a gun, Jing bao'er follows the steps taught by Yeming, learns from Yeming, aims at the target and pulls the trigger -


After Jing bao'er finished shooting, Yeming picked up the telescope and looked at the target -

"not bad, eight rings For the first time, it was such a good result. " Night can't help but give a thumbs up to Jing bao'er.

This little girl's talent and spirituality are excellent.

Jing bao'er took a deep breath, holding his gun in both hands, and raised his eyebrows to Yeming. "Hey, can I still do it?"

"Yes, yes, go on..."

With the encouragement of Yeming, jingbao'er started shooting for the second time, the third time, and the countless times

In the end, jingbao'er finally got into the 10th ring

Before Jing bao'er and Yeming could celebrate, the door was pushed open from the outside

In such a large space, the sound of pushing the door is particularly harsh and clear.

Jing bao'er and Ye Ming look at the door together -

Jing Rong is coming towards their position with a gloomy face.

Seeing Jingrong, Yeming immediately lowered his head, said nothing and nodded respectfully.

Jing bao'er coughs awkwardly and holds his sniper rifle subconsciously.

When Jing Rong comes to them, Jing bao'er feels a chill and comes face to face.

"Yeming I see you recently, really is, too leisurely, unexpectedly still have time to take this little girl to fool around Glancing at Jing bao'er, Jing Rong frowns at the night and shouts coldly.

"Fourth uncle, don't blame little brother Yeming. I pestered him and forced him to bring me here. It's all my fault." Jing bao'er immediately protects the night behind him, looks at Jing Rong's cold face and says.

"I'll take care of you later!" Jingrong looked at jingbao'er and said with gnashing teeth.

With that, Jingrong's dangerous eyes, like cheetah's, immediately fixed on Yeming's face, "you, go out and run ten circles around the drill ground. If you can't finish running, don't sleep Next time, if you dare to fool around with her, you can run 20 circles for me... "

The night night night hears speech, immediately respectful nod, a face serious, "is four little......"

With that, Yeming walked out conveniently.

Looking at the back of the night, Jing bao'er feels very guilty.

"What are you doing, fourth uncle It has nothing to do with him! I pestered him and begged him to bring me in If you want to punish me, punish me! "


Jing Rong doesn't say a word, ice Mou tiny MI, take the dangerous vision, have been lingering on her angry small face.

This wayward little girl!

I want to strangle her!

"Don't let little brother Yeming run around. He is innocent. I'm the principal offender, he's just an accomplice... "

Jingrong sword eyebrow frivolous, with a cold face, took a step forward, directly dropped her rifle on the ground, one hand gently picked her chin, the answer is not the question, "jingbao'er, I let you touch the ordinary pistol, it is enough to connive you, why do you want to continue to be measured?"

This little girl is really on her nose!

Seeing that Jing Rong was really angry, Jing bao'er's attitude softened immediately.

With a slight frown and a slight cough, she kept pulling Jingrong's clothes and said, "fourth uncle, I'm on the shooting range. Seeing this gun, I'm really handsome, so I want to touch it and shoot two shots..."

"Fourth uncle Don't be angry with me. Next time, I won't. next time, I'll touch these things with your consent. "

"Fourth uncle, don't be angry with me ~ ~ ~ eh?"


Looking at Jing Rong's cold face, Jing bao'er takes out his killing skill -

quickly and skillfully unties the black Hermes belt around his waist, then skillfully probes a small hand into his pants, finds the soft, soft and big place, and repeatedly gently rubs it.

Slightly cool crisp hemp touch, instant, let his eyes, stained with a layer of feeling bath flavor.

He stood in the same place, his sword eyebrows frowning, and he groaned, "you little ruffian!"

There's really nothing to do with her.

Beat it hate to part with or use.

To scold Still reluctant.

What to do

I can only get used to it!

"Tell me, what am I going to do with you?" He stretched out his long arm and pulled her closer to him.

There is no gap between the two bodies of the fit, ambiguous temperature, across the thin clothes, into each other's body.

Jingbao'er slowly took out his dishonest little hand. His hands were like vines hanging around his neck. He said with a smile, "if you don't know what to do with me, don't do it. Just spoil me and spoil me."

A girl's flower like smile blooms in front of her eyes.The girl's unique fragrance spread between his breath and his nose. For a moment, he lost his temper.

"Little ruffian!" He gritted his teeth again.

After hearing the speech, Jing bao'er blinked his left eye, and then kissed his angular lip. "Well, I'm not only a free and uninhibited little ruffian, I'm also a villain who doesn't commit any evil..."

"Damn it

He low scolds, the next second, hot double lips then sealed her lips.

At the moment of entanglement between lips and teeth, the huge space becomes extremely warm.

After kissing deeply for a while, Jing bao'er pushed him away tremblingly, stood on tiptoe, and poured out his warm breath in his ear, "fourth uncle, I'm the main criminal, you've let go, the accomplice of Yeming little brother, you've let go too..."

"You can let him go, he can't! If you don't teach him a lesson, he'll have to let you fool around next time! "

"But, um..."

Before she had finished her words, two thin lips of Q bullet were in his mouth.

After gnawing on her lips for a while, with his aggressive and possessive tongue, he skillfully pried open her shell teeth and got into her mouth.

At the moment when the tip of the tongue and the tip of the tongue touched each other fiercely, their blood was boiling

Until two people are about to suffocate, he reluctantly left her lip - flap, holding her, went to the front of the black sofa, put her down.

Then, his hot body was pressed down.

She put her hands on his chest muscles and said, "if you don't let go of my little brother Yeming, I won't let you touch me. You can do it as you like..."

"Oh? Then I'll let you see if I can touch you today... "

As soon as he spoke, her trousers were directly pulled off to her ankles by him.

"Fourth uncle You are bad! Anyway, if you don't let go of Yeming today, don't try to touch me... " Jingbao'er frowns, complains and struggles.

However, there is a great disparity between men and women. How can she make a scene for such a tough man in the hail of bullets!

"I'll see when you can hold on..."

As soon as his voice fell, the bottom of her pants, also faded to her ankles.

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