What is she going to do?

After thinking about it, it seems that there is no other way but to die here.

"Boom -"

she heard the door crashing against the ground.

She knows

That door must have been kicked open by now.

Her heart was almost out of her throat.

Shivering all over.

Downstairs, the reporters looked at the door that had been kicked down, first excited for a second, and then rushed into the house.

They didn't even take off their shoes, so they quickly went upstairs and walked towards Su Aike's room.

Entering Su Aike's room, they searched around and didn't find her.

"This lady must be hiding. Let's search the house separately. Don't let go of any corner!" A female reporter said.

"Yes, let's start searching now..." A male reporter said.

Then, like devils coming into the village, they rushed out of her bedroom and began to search rooms upstairs and downstairs

For a moment, the whole house was in a mess.

Some reporters even smashed some expensive ornaments in her home.

Such a big villa, in an instant, the chicken flies and the dog jumps

In the closet.

Listening to the outside voice, Su Aike was angry and afraid.

She really felt like she was going crazy.

Now she is like a piece of meat on the chopping board. Besides being slaughtered, there seems to be no other way to go.

In fact, it's useless for her to hide.

Hiding here will be found sooner or later.

With a bang, the door was kicked open.

In the closet, Su AI's heart was shocked when she heard the voice.

Soon, she heard a group of reporters break in

"Let's search this room..."

As soon as the voice of a female reporter fell, the door of the wardrobe was opened directly

At that moment, Su Aike's heart almost jumped out of her throat

She knew she was dead.

It was a female reporter who opened the closet door.

When the female reporter saw her, she immediately took the camera and shot at her crazily.

Then he pointed to his frightened face and yelled, "everyone, come here. I find Su AI is a cheap woman. She's here. Come here!"

When other reporters heard the speech, they rushed over crazily.

Downstairs, hearing the sound, they went upstairs and entered the guest room in a hurry

All of a sudden, she was blocked in the closet by countless reporters.

Reporters began to take pictures of her in a mess.

Flash light, flash from the front of her eyes, flash of her dizzy.

At this moment, she felt the feeling of being alone.

She felt miserable.

It's like an orphan abandoned by the whole world

Looking at the faces of this group of reporters, she was really at a loss.

What should she do now?

Ha ha

It seems that she really has no choice but to sit in the closet and die.


She's really desperate.

Jingbao'er, you are so cruel, ha ha Su Aike said to herself.

"What are you doing? Do you know that you are breaking into a private house? You just destroyed a lot of things in my family. I can take photos and leave evidence to sue you. I tell you that there are surveillance cameras and surveillance videos in my family, which can also be used as evidence. If you know what you are doing, you can leave immediately. Otherwise, I will give you a piece of advice Will tell your magazine, newspaper, TV station, website to close down Su Aike said.

Now she doesn't know what to do except to intimidate these people.

The woman reporter standing at the front of the story sneered at her and said, "Miss Su, do you think the police will take care of you if you are a person like you

"You get out of here!" Su Aike yelled.

"That is, don't scare people. Su Aike, you are a street mouse now. No matter what we do to you, the police won't do anything to us, and the people of the whole country won't say anything. After all, your behavior has caused public indignation on the Internet, and everyone is shouting to beat you." A male reporter said.

"That's right, Su Aike. Don't pretend to force us. Besides, don't yell at us here. You're not the commanding director any more. You're just a lost dog now. Be careful, we'll besiege you together Kill you, you can't do anything... " Another woman remembers."It's really a dog bullying." Su Aike's eyes were red and he looked at the reporters with indignation on his face.

"Tiger" is just you. At most, you can be regarded as a chicken. Don't insult the tiger. How do you come to the top? Do you really think others don't know? We didn't explode those things before. That's because we see that you are a little powerful and don't bother to offend you. Just because we didn't explode, it doesn't mean we don't know How many fuckin 'people did you sleep before you climbed up? Don't you have any pressure in your heart? How dare you call yourself a tiger? You can only be called a chicken Another male reporter said.

What we have said is more vicious, worse and harsher.

These words, listen to in the ear, Su AI can in the heart really uncomfortable extremely.

Her whole heart was going to explode.

She was wronged.

I really feel aggrieved.

The more aggrieved and uncomfortable she was, the more she hated Jing bao'er.

The hatred of Jing bao'er has been soaring.

It's all about Jingbao.

It's all because of jingbao'er. Now she will come to such a miserable end.

Didn't you just send a text message to her man?

What's so great about that?

Her man is so excellent, which woman will not miss.

Besides, they are not married yet.

Both men and women have the right to choose love before they get married, right?

Before she got married, she broke them up. What happened?

What's more, even if she gets married and destroys, so what?

This year, it has been very open for a long time.

I have long been free in love and marriage

The more she thought about it, the more angry she felt.

It's just a little thing, but Jing Baoer has to make a mountain out of a molehill.

In the end, she was reduced to such an end

It's all Jing bao'er.

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