The culprit is jingbao'er! bitch! bitch!

Holding her knees in her hands, she was red eyed, spreading despair and hatred, looking at the group of people around her.

She must remember the faces of every one of them.

When one day, she stands up again, she wants to settle accounts with them one by one, and return all the grievances they added to her today!


It's a thousand times, a hundred times, a million times!

"Well, let's not continue to scold this slut. I'm afraid we'll get dirty. Let's start the interview..." Another female reporter said.

As soon as her voice dropped, a male reporter went directly to Su Aike, squatted down, pointed the microphone at her lips, and asked coldly, "Miss Su Aike, why do you want to hook president Jingrong? You know Miss Jing is a couple with him, but you just want to hook him up. Why

Next, other reporters began to rush to ask her questions --

"Miss Su, please answer our question. What did you think when you quoted the president?"

"Miss Su, why do you hook someone who has a girlfriend?"

"And Miss Su, now that you are ruined because of this, how do you feel?"

"Miss Su, do you regret it now?"

"Miss Su, Miss Jing is so beautiful, but you dare to seduce her man. Why? Because, do you think, you look better than Miss Jing? "

"Miss Su Please answer our question. "

Reporters, one by one, can't wait to ask their questions.

One problem after another.

Moreover, one is more harsh than the other.

Su Aike kept silent all the time, just looked at their disgusting faces coldly.

Just disgust her.

One day, she will make this group pay the price

One day.

She will!

"Miss Su, why are you silent? Is it because you have nothing to say?"

"Miss Su, please speak..."

"Miss Su, did you send a text message to miss Jing afterwards to apologize?"

"Miss Su, please speak..."

"Miss Su, it is said that your position as director of the station has been removed by the State Administration of radio, film and television. Because of this, you have lost your painstaking business. How do you feel?"

"Miss Su, it is said that you will be sealed and killed by the industry next. Is that true?"

"Miss Su, if you are killed, what are you going to do next?"

"Miss Su, will you stay in Beijing next? Or will you go abroad and stay away from everything here? "

The reporters asked again.

Even if Su AI didn't say a word, they were still reluctant.

Su Aike was really annoyed and angry when asked by them.

But there is no way.

Now she can only sit in the closet and watch them quietly.

Apart from that, she really didn't know what to do.

What to do?

What should we do?

Who's going to help her?

At this time, if someone is willing to help her

Then, she will be very, very grateful to this person.

She would be willing to be a cow and a horse for this man all her life.


She knows.

At this time, at this juncture, no one would dare to lend a helping hand to her.

All the people will stand on the top of the abyss and watch her miserable situation coldly.

Everyone would just spit at her and bully her with jingbao'er.

That's all.

What is she expecting?

Don't expect too much.

There will be no one to help.

Ha ha!

Think about it. When I used to be a director, how breezy it was. So many people followed their farts every day, and the director came and flattered them.

Their subordinates, one by one, vowed that they would be loyal to her all their lives and would take good care of her.

But now?

Something happened to her, but no one came to help her.

Ha ha

This is the reality of human beings.

When you're in the spotlight, everyone will rush on you and want to shine on you.

When you have bad luck, everyone will be scattered like dandelion, and start to draw a clear line with you, for fear that you will affect them.When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter!

Now Su AI can deeply realize how realistic this sentence is.


I didn't expect that I could experience such disgusting things in my lifetime

What's more, I didn't expect that I could completely fall into the abyss of darkness because of a simple message.


Jing Baoer

Jing Baoer

This woman is really the killer in her life.

The problems of journalists continue.

Each of them has a loud voice.

A sound of, shock of her eardrum pain.

Brain also began a blank, in front of a dark.

The two ears began to hum.

I can't bear it

I can't stand it.

Su Aike gritted his teeth, ran out of the closet, stood in front of the reporters, coldly pointed to their faces and swore, "you should go away now, otherwise, I'll be rude to you. I don't want to accept your interview now, just go away now. You're a group of people who suffer from thousands of knives, you should hit five thunders every day, you're too much It's over! Don't bully people like you

"Go away, go away, all of you!" Su Aike scolded again.

As soon as the voice fell, she quickly stepped forward, pushing and shoving the reporters in front of her.

She almost exhausted all her strength, but still could not push such a group of people.

No matter how she broke down and yelled, those reporters, except for constantly taking pictures of her, did not move at all.

Not moving!

She really felt like she was going crazy.

This group of journalists is like a nightmare they can't get rid of.

"Get out of here! What are you shooting? Get out of here, all of you

"You garbage, no matter how down I am, it's not your turn to bully me!"

"You garbage, you can't die well. I wish you all get hit by a car when you go out. I wish all of you get separated! the members of one 's family are partly dispersed and partly dead! I've been in exile all my life

Even if she didn't push them, Su AI still pushed them like crazy, and cursed them with all her strength.

The words she roared out were more vicious than before.

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