After listening to these words, the reporters had no intention of leaving.

One by one, they are determined to stay here and fight against Su Aike.

That's to piss off this disgusting bitch.

They all decided to go back and start writing reports. Crazy heisu Aike is such a bitch!

The more Su Aike scolds them, the more crazy they are to deal with Su Aike.

They must help Jing bao'er to send Su Aike into a more desperate abyss

Su Aike struggled for a long time -

until she completely lost her strength and was sweating, she sat on the ground and cried to the reporters, patting the cold ground and yelling, "what are you going to do, tell me, what are you going to do, why do you want to treat me like this, where am I I've offended you. On weekdays, I've always been very polite to you journalists. I've never been half bad. Why do you step on me like this... "

"You all get out of here, will you? You don't want to torture me with Jingbao, OK? Do I have to die in front of you so that you can let me go? "

"Is that so?"

Su Aike asked in despair.

Anger almost broke through all her senses.

Now she's full of ideas.

That's to kill yourself by crashing into a wall here.

But the last trace of reason told her that she must not die before jingbao'er's cunt fell.

She must live for a long time. She must live longer than jingbao'er.

There was no way, so she decided to play dead.

With her fists clenched, she stood up and ran against the wall

Violent collision, let her forehead, thorn pain incomparable.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and pretended to faint.

Now there is really no other way to get rid of this group of reporters than to pretend to be dead.

She must get rid of these disgusting flies at once, otherwise, she will be bored to death by them.

Reporters saw Su Aike's forehead bleeding and fell to the ground. Everyone was shocked and took a breath of cold air.

And then everybody started to get scared.

None of them dared to step forward and touch suaike.

Everyone is standing in the same place as the wood

"What to do? Now we're killing people? "

"Did we force Sue Aike to death?"

"Now what should we do? Shall we call an ambulance for her..."

"God, we killed people together?"

Reporters, I'll say what you say.

The woman reporter standing in the front, with a cold face, turned around, stepped back, looked at the crowd and said, "don't worry, even if this person died in our hands today, it won't cause any bad consequences. After all, this person has offended the president. I believe that even if she died, the police won't investigate her..."

With that, the female reporter, with courage, went directly to Su Aike, put her finger on the tip of her nose and felt it.

"I'm not dead. I'm still angry. I'll call an ambulance now. In order to avoid trouble, we have to leave before the ambulance comes. By the way, she said there are surveillance videos in the villa. We have to delete them before we leave..." The female reporter added.

Pretending to be dead, Su Aike, hearing what the female reporter said, immediately put her heart back into her stomach.


Finally, the group is leaving.

She can finally get rid of this group.

Although the price she paid was a little painful, it didn't matter.

As long as we can get rid of these people, it's good.

She continued to close her eyes, waiting for the reporters to leave

Then, the female reporter took a cold look at Su Aike, took out her mobile phone and dialed 120

Then, under the leadership of the female reporters, the reporters quickly left the room.

Hearing their footsteps, they began to get farther and farther away. Sue Aike was very excited.

Finally, all the damn flies left.

I still dare not open my eyes.

Until, completely can't hear their footsteps, Sue love can quickly opened his eyes.

Then she looked at the door and said to herself, "you bitches, you want to play with me. You're still young..."

Then she closed her eyes again.

Because I just heard the female reporter say that she wants to stay here and delete the surveillance screen at home.

Therefore, she also knew that they would not leave for a while.She would never open her eyes until they all left the villa.

She had to pretend to be dead.

In this way, if the group of people came back, they would not find that she was playing dead.

The air conditioning in the guest room is not on. It's freezing.

The floor was freezing.

Lying on the ground like this, she felt that she was almost tortured to death.

It's freezing all over.

She began to tremble a little.

"Damn, it's really cold." She murmured to herself, her eyes still closed.

"Jingbao'er, I will firmly remember what you have done to me today. You wait and I will take revenge. Su Aike is never a bully. No matter who provokes me, you have to pay a price. If people don't offend me, I won't offend. If people offend me, I will return it thousands of times I'll kill you by all means I'll make you feel a thousand times more miserable than I am today! " She whispered to herself.

Thinking of jingbao'er's face, her hatred began to swim like an ant, gnawing at her tender heart.

A heart, pain is about to be unable to breathe.

She felt that her breathing was really difficult, so difficult.

It's hard.

It's really hard.

She's freezing. She's dying.

She felt her body temperature dropping bit by bit.

On the body, the shaking is more severe.

In order to avoid being found to be awake, she has to resist and not let herself tremble.

But I can't help it

No matter how hard she endured, she couldn't do it. She didn't tremble at all.

Even her teeth started to fight

"Jing bao'er You are a wicked woman. Even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go! " She gritted her teeth and cursed in her heart.

"I hope you'll be killed by a car tomorrow!" She added.

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