Su Aike sent the medical staff and went upstairs directly.

Walking up to the woman, Sue AI laughingly said, "you wait for me here for a moment, I'll go to my room to pack some luggage, OK?"

The woman nodded.

As soon as Sue AI was about to leave, she stopped and said, "by the way, I want to ask, is that cosmetic surgery institution you found me reliable? Is it a large cosmetic surgery institution? If full face plastic surgery, will there be any risk? It's not that I don't trust you. I'm just a little scared because I've seen too many news about my death due to plastic surgery. " Su Aike said flatteringly.

Woman cold hum, "I also want you to be a pawn for me, how can I find you a unreliable small cosmetic surgery institution because of saving money, so that you can bear the risk of life?"

"So what you're looking for is a large cosmetic surgery agency?" Su AI asked laughably, with joy in her eyes and eyebrows.

The masked woman snorted coldly, "that's nature, the biggest cosmetic surgery institution in the capital..."

"You mean, Mei Xin?" Su Aike asked.

Meixin plastic surgery hospital, as she knows, many hosts of Beijing Satellite TV have plastic surgery there. The doctor's skills there can be said to be first-class in the country.

If it is this cosmetic surgery agency, then she will never have to worry about it.

"Just go to a place like this for plastic surgery. What if someone else finds out?" Su Aike asked.

"I've given enough money to the dean. At that time, the dean will perform the operation secretly in the VIP operating room. If it's done tonight, it will be over by daybreak. At that time, I'll take you directly out of the hospital and go to the place I arranged for you to recuperate..."

"You can rest assured that during your recuperation, the dean will come to see you three times a day to monitor your situation in real time to avoid accidents."

Once again, the masked woman said word by word.

Hearing what the masked woman said, Sue AI was very satisfied.

I really didn't expect that this woman had arranged everything so well.

"I didn't expect that you were so considerate. You helped me think of all that I didn't think of..."

"Since I want to use you, I will naturally take good care of you, and I will never treat the people around me badly." The masked woman said again.

"Besides, I'll arrange a servant to serve you 24 hours during your rest. Don't worry, the servant is dumb and will never tell us anything about us, and This servant is my man I trust her very much. " The masked woman said again.

Hearing this, Su Aike immediately nodded with satisfaction, "well, thank you. I'm so considerate. I really like working with you and you."

The woman coldly snorted and ordered, "since you like to cooperate with me, don't you hurry to pack up? When you're ready, go with me for plastic surgery. Before dawn, we have to finish plastic surgery and leave the hospital... "

The mask woman's tone was firm, and no one could refuse.

Her voice is as cold and piercing as ever.

Su Aike nods heavily, turns around happily, goes back to his original room and starts to pack things.

After simply packing some clothes, she put away all her valuables, as well as her wallet, bank card, passbook and house property certificate.

After confirming that she had everything she wanted to bring, she quickly closed the suitcase, pushed the huge suitcase and went back to the room where the masked woman was.

Su Aike went to the door of the room, and the woman got up, went to her and said, "come with me now..."

Then the woman glanced coldly at her suitcase, put her hands in her pockets and left quickly

Sue can quickly push the suitcase, followed by.

Two people went to the door of the villa, they got on the woman's car together.

This is a black Mercedes g63.

This car is worth millions.

It can be seen that this woman is indeed very rich.

This woman is also very careful.

In order to be afraid that she will find out her identity, the cars she drives have no license plate number.

Ha ha.

"If the car doesn't have a tag, aren't you afraid that the traffic police will stop you?" Su Aike asked curiously.

The woman hums coldly, starts the car, and says, "they can't stop me just because of their poor kung fu..."

Listen to this woman, she is more and more sure, this woman's skill, very good.

Sue is more and more curious.

What does such a powerful woman look like?

Also, what is the deep hatred between this woman and Jing bao'er? I can hate Jing bao'er so much.

Even at such a high price, to use her chess piece to help himself get rid of Jing bao'er."By the way, I remember. I have to take the monitoring hard disk at home, otherwise I'm afraid others will find out that I'm going with you..." Su Aike said again.

The masked woman snorted coldly, "long before I entered your room, I had destroyed the data in the hard disk, and directly took out the hard disk and smashed it..."

Hearing this, Su AI was shocked

I didn't expect that the mask woman's mind was so meticulous.

Before she did everything, she tried to be perfect.

"You are so powerful. Your mind is really careful enough." Su AI can praise it.

The masked woman responded coldly, "I'm not careful enough. How can I do great things? Those who achieve great things must be careful.... "

Su Aike nodded heavily in agreement.

She thought her mind was careful enough.

But she didn't expect that the mask woman's mind was several times more meticulous than herself.

Such a woman, so smart, who is she.

What do you do?

She's really more and more curious, more and more curious.

"I'm really more and more curious. What do you do? Also curious, you such a not only have ability, but also rich woman, what do you look like "Su Aike said.

The masked woman responded coldly, "be careful, curiosity will kill the cat..."

A word shock of Su AI can instantly shut up.

She felt the murderous spirit rising from this woman

Then, she quickly turned the car around and chose the location of the monitoring dead corner.

Notice these details, the corner of Su Aike's mouth, is more satisfied with the hook up.

It's really wonderful to work with such a smart person.

There's no need to worry about being implicated by pig teammates.

Sue is very happy.

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