Hear this woman, so reject her to ask the thing of identity, she also dare not continue to ask.

Keep on asking. If you annoy this woman, she will get nothing.

At that time, she will need to deal with Jing bao'er alone.

If so, it would be easier to come than to have an ally.

Sue Aike shut up in an instant.

After su Aike shut up, the masked woman didn't speak any more. She just drove quietly.

She's very good at driving.

Although the car is very fast, it is very stable.

The car, all the way to the center of the city.

Late at night, the city is still busy with old cars.

This city is always like this at any time. Cars come and go, and it's lively and prosperous.

Here is a city that never sleeps.

Because I'm in a good mood, so Su AI can also begin to appreciate the flash of prosperity outside the window.

Bored, she turned her head, looked at the masked woman and asked, "what should I call you?"

"Call me a GUI..." Said the masked woman.


This sounds like a pseudonym.

Ah GUI, ah GUI, this name is really more sinister, more sinister, more terrifying, more terrifying

Such a name

At that time, it is really in line with the temperament of this masked woman.

"Ah GUI, this name is really good Special... " Su Aike said.


The mask woman is silent. The light and shadow are interlaced. The golden butterfly mask on her face is shining with the noble light.

That light, also cold frightening.

Just like her temperament

Look at the long hair of this woman, and her figure and temperament are excellent. She should be a great beauty.

A great beauty, what a ghost.

Sue really doesn't understand.

"By the way, ghost, I don't ask your identity, but can you tell me why you hate Jing bao'er so much? Has Jing bao'er ever done anything to offend you? " Su Aike also said, "or, you used to like President Jingrong just like me, just like her, but after she found out, you were directly taught a hard lesson?"


Women just drive quietly, but they don't respond at all.

However, Su AI can clearly feel that the anger on the woman is getting stronger and stronger, and the murderous spirit on the woman is also getting stronger.

She can feel that when she asks this question, the woman's emotion is extremely excited.

"In the end, what kind of deep hatred can make you so painstakingly make this jingbao'er?" Su Aike asked again, "have you ever been bullied by Jing Baoer? Just like me, right? Or worse than me? "


The woman is still silent, holding the hands of the steering wheel, suddenly forced.

Because the force is too strong, the joints of the hands have been extremely white, and the hands are shaking badly.

Noticing this little detail, Su AI can't help but take a breath

Is it because of her problems, too many, that she's pissed off?

Or did her problem evoke this woman's sad past, that's why she was so angry?

Sue is really curious.

I'm scared, too.

"Speak up, ghost. Since we are partners, our relationship is very close. Let's talk about our hearts..."

“Shit! Enough! I have nothing to talk about with you, we are just cooperative relationship, we are not close, more like you said, extremely close! You'd better shut up! Otherwise, I will kill you! " The masked woman yelled coldly.

Hearing this, Su Aike's heart immediately raised her voice.

She was really shocked by this woman's words.

It seems that the soul has been greatly shocked.

This woman's fire is really terrible, terrible

It's chilling!

"Don't be angry, I I'm just curious. Besides, I'm not asking about your identity. I'm asking about what happened between you and Jing bao'er. I don't think there's anything to keep secret about this question, do I? " Su Aike said carefully.

Now Sue Aike, almost scared by this woman.

The woman clenched the steering wheel again.

Looking at her posture, she seems to want to crush the steering wheel in her hand

Feeling that the woman had been extremely angry, she immediately shut up and did not dare to ask another word.

I really dare not ask any more questions.She was afraid that if she continued to ask, she would completely annoy the woman.

At that time, she may treat her neck like the steering wheel in her hand.

This woman is sure that she can do anything.

This Sue AI knows.

Thinking of this, she began to feel numb and couldn't help taking another breath of air conditioning.

"Shut up I tell you, Su Aike, if you dare to ask one more question, I will push you out of the car every minute, and stop cooperating with you every minute. Don't forget my warning to you. Curiosity Kills the cat. Do you understand? "

"It's not good for you to know too much If you know too many of my secrets, maybe you won't live long, you know? "

The masked woman clenched the steering wheel, speeding up and warning coldly.

The woman's warning, let Su Aike's soul, once again by the violent shock.

She took another breath, trembled, looked carefully at the woman's angry face, and said, "OK, OK, OK, I know. I won't ask. I won't ask any more. Calm down I don't dare to ask any more. From today on, I won't ask anything about you. Don't be angry and don't stop cooperating with me. "

The masked woman is satisfied with the cold hum, "I hope you can really do what you say, Su Aike. If you ask one more question, I can really kill you, or directly terminate the cooperation with you..."

Su Aike nodded heavily, "I I know, I know, I know, you can do anything. I'll never ask again. I really won't ask again. Is that ok? "

"You are wise. Now, you should be quiet for me. Don't go on beeping any more. If you beep, I have a headache." The masked woman yelled coldly.

Su AI can smell speech, instantly shut up, even atmosphere son dare not come out.

Even breathing, become cautious


This woman is really terrible.

Not only that, but also the aura is very strong.

Who is this woman?

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