"You hate it. What are you laughing at? You can't laugh. " Jingbao'er stomped angrily and ordered.

When the man heard the speech, he immediately stopped his smile, took a deep breath of the cigarette, coughed, and tried to keep a serious look on his face. He said, "I really think it's very good. Although the shape looks messy, it doesn't affect your face at all. Anyway, I think it's very good..."

"Anyway, I think you should go directly to the infirmary and find a doctor to show you your eyes. Just like me, like a madman, it's good? Are you kidding me? "

With that, Jing bao'er rolled his eyes again and began to tidy his hair.

While sorting out, she also complained -

"Jingrong, it's all because of you, it's all because of you..."

"You made me lose face, you..."

"You make me totally lose my image..."

Listening to jingbao'er's nagging, Jingrong couldn't help laughing again.

In front of Jing bao'er, he has always been like this.

Always have such a good temper.

It's like you'll never get angry.

Even if Jing bao'er keeps on nagging, his ears will be cocooned. He still thinks that it's very good

It's really good.

As long as I'm with Jingbao, it's good.

It's good to hear her nagging herself like this.

They are all happy.

After smoking a cigarette, Jingrong stood up directly.

At this time, Jing bao'er's hair is also combed, and the whole person's face value is higher.

Jingrong looks at it, smiles, and then goes to the front of the window.

Then he reached out and took out all the roses from the balloon.

There are 12 bunches of roses in the balloon.

There are 99 flowers in each bunch.

So many flowers, all on the ground.

All of a sudden, it became a sea of flowers.

The whole dormitory is filled with the fragrance of roses.

The taste is refreshing.

Holding one of the flowers, Jingrong went directly to jingbao'er, put one hand around jingbao'er's Willow waist, smilingly sent the rose to her arms, and said, "OK, don't nag me any more. It's a big deal. Before I surprise you next time, make sure that you've packed yourself, OK?"

When Jing bao'er heard the speech, he gave him a big white eye again.

Forget it, for the sake of roses, forgive him.

After all, he didn't mean it.

If the image is gone, then it's gone

It doesn't matter.

Even now, the image she lost will never come back.

After taking the rose, jingbao'er said, "well, you hurry up and get me some rice. I'm hungry..."

When the man heard this, he gave her a big kiss on the forehead and said, "OK, ancestor, I'm going now. What a spicy beef noodle. I'll send it to you in 15 minutes..."

Jing Baoer nodded.

Then, the man went out directly.

Looking at the back of the man going out, Jing bao'er couldn't help laughing.

With him, it's like love human day.

Holding the beautiful roses and looking at the roses on the ground, jingbao'er feels that she is really happy.

At this moment, she felt that she was the happiest little woman in the world.

No woman in the world can be as happy as she is.

After putting on makeup and clothes, the man just came in with steaming beef noodles.

There is a layer of chili oil floating on the beef noodles, and Jingbao's appetite is greatly increased.

She immediately sat down in front of the desk, waiting for him to put his face in front of him.

Soon, Jing Rong carefully put the beef noodles in front of her.

The beef noodles with complete color, fragrance and taste appeal to people's appetite.

Her saliva will stay all of a sudden

"it looks very hot. Thank you, fourth uncle." Jing bao'er said with a smile.

Jingrong replied with a smile, "you're welcome, little thing, just be happy..."

As long as she's happy.

All he wanted was for her to be happy.

That's all.

Even if there were many things, he knew that it was wrong for him to connive at her.

But he just wanted to indulge her, to get used to her and to heaven.

For example, this morning, this bowl of beef noodles full of chili peppers, he knows that eating too much is bad for her stomach.

But what?

She wants to eat.

He can only get it for her.Most of the time, he knows that something is wrong.

But he still wanted to do it for her.

He just wanted to see her smiling.

As long as the woman is happy, he is willing to do anything.

He is willing to go through fire and water for her happiness.

"Before eating, drink a pack of milk, if you have an empty stomach, it's easy to hurt your stomach."

As soon as the man's voice fell, he took out a packet of milk directly from his coat pocket, tore it open and gave it to her.

The milk was hot, because it was still hot when he put it in his clothes.

Warm milk, in the palm of her hand, she suddenly felt her whole person was warm.

After a sip of milk, she felt full of energy.

This man's concern for her is shown in such small details.

In fact, think about it, this man is really impeccable, irreplaceable.

All over the world, only this man can treat her so well.

He not only tolerated her occasional bad temper, but also cared about her everywhere.

It's really good.

After drinking a packet of milk, she took chopsticks and began to eat noodles.

The noodles are very delicious. The noodles are cooked soft according to her appetite.

The soup is also very delicious.

The most important thing is that this bowl of noodles is very spicy.

This bowl of noodles is too appetizing for her.

She felt very happy eating.

There is nothing like eating the right food in the early morning to make people happier.

Looking at the delicious food she ate, he also felt very happy.

Even if he still hasn't eaten anything, he feels happy and satisfied.

As long as she's full, so is he.

Half of the time, jingbao'er remembered that Jingrong had not eaten yet.

She immediately put down her chopsticks, looked at Jingrong beside her and asked, "haven't you eaten yet? You should go to eat quickly. Don't look at me here... "

"I'll wait until you finish eating. I like watching you eat..."

To be exact, he likes to see her all the way

whether it's the way she eats, or the way she's in a mess, or the way she's full of energy and goddess.

He likes all her looks.

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