No, no, it's love.

He loved her all the way.

All her appearance, in his opinion, is so lovely, so likable.

In a word, she felt sweet and greasy in her heart.

Sweet to salty.

She smiles, pouts, looks up at him and says, "do you love me that much? Love me so much that you love even the way I eat noodles? Are you exaggerating? "

"Yes..." The man said, "why don't I exaggerate at all? Huh? I just love you all the way. No matter what you do, I think you are very beautiful and lovely As long as you are there, I can't hold anything else in my eyes. "

With that, the man stretched out his hand and gently pinched her face.

This action is also full of spoiling.

Especially the eyes, enough to melt all the cold things in the world.

It's too warm, too gentle.

Who could have thought that there was such a tender side to the powerful cold faced king of hell and the invincible victory in private?

Jing bao'er is the only one who has the ability to turn steel making into finger twisting.

Besides Jing bao'er, other people may not have such ability.

In the world, Jing bao'er is the only one who can live in such a tough man as Jing Rong.

Hearing what he said, jingbao'er felt warm again.

It's very warm.

The love he gave was honey.

Eat into the stomach, sweet to salty.

Such sweetness makes her addicted.

She couldn't help herself.

All her life, she was afraid that she couldn't do without the sweetness he gave her.

Jingrong is poison.

And she, already poison into the heart.

The only antidote is his deep love.

Jingbao'er smiles at him, hugs him tightly, and then continues to eat his noodles with chopsticks.

While eating, she said, "I don't care. I eat my own. If you want to watch, you can watch."

The man nodded, "well, you eat yours, I see mine, we don't disturb anyone How about that? "

When Jing bao'er heard the words, he turned his eyes. Then he continued to bow his head and concentrate on eating his own noodles.

This bowl of noodles this morning is really delicious.

Delicious, she didn't want to say anything more, just wanted to eat noodles.

A large portion of beef noodles, and soon she finished.

He even drank more than half of the soup.

Satisfied with food and drink, she drew out a tissue and wiped her mouth. Then she turned to look at the gentle and infinite Jing Rong and said, "I'm full, fourth uncle. Now go to eat..."

Men smell speech, is a smile.

Then he bent down and held her in his arms.

Suddenly he picked up the little woman's face, suddenly red.

The heart beat was almost out of rhythm.

A heart, as if to jump out of the throat soon.

"I'm really going to eat, but before I eat, I want to eat something else and put on my stomach first Otherwise, I can't have breakfast... " Men are ambiguous.

She looked at him with a red face and asked, "what do you want to do? What would you like to eat? "

"What do you say? You little thing, you like to ask questions when you know it. " The man said, then shallow toward her lips, a kiss.

The man is overbearing and holds the woman to the bedside.

Feeling his strong reaction, Jing bao'er's face became more red.

She took a deep breath, her hands around his neck, eyes like silk, "you really hate, as for the monkey is so anxious?"

"You little thing, these two days, you really torture me to death, you know? For me, the past 48 hours are no different from 48 days, even longer than 48 days You know, I've been poisoned by you. As long as I don't touch you and ignore me for one day, my toxicity will attack If you don't pay attention to me for a long time, I will definitely have a toxic attack, and then I will die of intestinal perforation In the future, really don't ignore me any more, OK? "

The affectionate tone, incomparably provocative words, Jing bao'er's heart trembled again.

She found that this man is really more and more able to say love words now.

and the love words are really quite standard, which is totally different from the kind of local love words that ordinary men say.

She really doesn't know who this man learned from.

Now the mouth is much sweeter than before.

Women are hearing animals.There is no woman, can resist, men in their ears, say so affectionate words.

Jingbao'er, the most irresistible thing is that Jingrong talks to himself.

She's the same as a normal woman.

She smiles and kisses his lips. She looks at him with eyes like silk. "If you want me to take care of you, you have to do what you should do and respect me. Besides, I ask you, who do you learn these words from? You won't say these things before Now you are really more and more numb, ha... "

"Who else do you need to learn from? Naturally, a man who loves a woman deeply will say this to her unconsciously. No one needs to teach him Those who can't say any love words to their own women are not stupid, just because they don't love enough... " The man said.

With that, the man bit the woman's lip.

Her lips are like delicious honey, peach jelly.

Sweet and fragrant.

With a bite like this, he can't stop at all.

He really wanted to eat her lips directly into his stomach.

She's really delicious.

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