It wasn't that Qin Feng doubted Cen Qingyue. After all, he had seen these creatures of the Night Demon Clan with his own eyes. At least the group of Night Demons he met had no strength at all.

Therefore, although there were a lot of them at the time, they were actually weak.

Not to mention him, even Zhou Zi and Ruo Yixuan can kill night demons randomly. Maybe this is not the strongest of them, but it can still explain some problems.

They really can't!

Therefore, when Cen Qingyue said that they had actually killed a giant in the Sky Eye Realm, Qin Feng felt a little unbelievable.

Even now, it is not easy for him to kill the giant of the weakest level of the Sky Eye Realm. The previous Tong Heng belonged to the weakest level of the Sky Eye Realm. Obviously, it has not been long since he broke through the Sky Eye Realm. Even so, Qin Feng Killing him still required hard work.

How did the night demons do it?

Seeing Qin Feng's disbelief, Cen Qingyue explained: "Night Demons, this family is very special. It is true that their own combat power is really not good. At least in the vast starry sky, they can only be regarded as mediocre."

"But they are at the top of the starry sky in many aspects other than their own combat power!"

"Their craftsmanship and forging ability are all ingenious, just like divine skills!"

"As far as I know, they once created something called mother-child substance, which can be forged for various things. If forging meteorite iron, it is comparable to the world's best meteorite iron. If forging metal, it is even more comparable to Countless top god-level fairy gold!"

"Even, this thing can forge stone and jade objects, which are comparable to countless super jades, and there is also the most terrifying mother-child liquid, which has unparalleled lethality!"

"This kind of mother liquid, if used properly, is almost invincible!"

"At the beginning, they used mother liquid to kill the giants of the Sky Eye Realm, and they became extremely powerful!"

"Especially the third commander is even more belligerent. Among the commander-level powerhouses in the entire night demon clan, the fleet under his command is the most vicious and kills the most!"

"Really so powerful?" Qin Feng was very surprised.

What kind of existence is this mother liquid? It can even kill giants. Isn't this too scary?

Cen Qingyue sighed: "That's why I said that your luck is really good. According to your description, I guess, they were just in the post-war state at that time, and they just used up the mother and child liquid. On this battleship, There are no other powerful killers left behind!"

"That's why you caught the leak, annihilated them in one fell swoop, and also captured this warship that belongs to the leader class of the night demon clan!"

Qin Feng frowned and said: "This is not right. If what you said is true, they were in a state of lack of everything at that time. Why did they choose to fight us again?"

"At the beginning, they took the initiative to provoke us!"

"So, the third commander is a belligerent, lacking in material, and can't hide his fighting spirit to suppress it, so he came to you!"

"In fact, although their own strength is not too strong, they are still the third commander after all, and they still have some strength. Even if they don't have mother liquid or killers, they may not be wiped out. It can suppress many races in the starry sky!"

"It's just that they were unlucky. They met you when the material was most scarce, and they were wiped out by you!"

"Since the current situation is the case, I think that the warship of the night demons may not be a safe choice for you. There is a high probability that the night demons will come to you. They are not only excellent in forging technology , as far as I know, they have also helped many strong clans and won a lot of favors!"


Qin Feng sighed helplessly: "Do I have any choice?"

"You can't take the teleportation array to leave?"

Cen Qingyue was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while, and finally came to her senses.

It seems to be too.

Taking the warship, you may meet those monsters from the night demons, and maybe there are helpers brought by them, but if they go to the teleportation place, then the opponents they face may not be as simple as the night demons .

Before that, several powerful people came to intercept them, and even one of them was a giant of the Heavenly Eye Realm of the Tongtian Ape Clan.

And at that time, he had just walked out of Tian Yao Xing.

Now, everyone knows that Hongmeng and his party are in the Tianjiao Association, how could they not pay attention to the teleportation formation, and leave some experts there to stop them.

And if they run into each other, it might not be as simple as Tianyao Xingwai before.

"Which way is risky for us, but no matter what, we have to go. It is impossible to hide in this ancient sky star field forever. Instead of this, we should choose this one with relatively low risk! "

that day.

Lin Chen threw a big banquet and entertained Hong Meng and the others as well as Cen Qingyue well.

"Although it's not as good as the Tianjiao Banquet, it's still a pretty good banquet. I'm leaving today. I don't know when I'll see you again. I just hope everyone is well and we can see each other again in the future. Come and drink!"

Lin Chen laughed loudly, picked up the wine bottle and drank it down in one gulp.

Although everyone in Hongmeng was worried, they put their troubles aside for the time being. Today's banquet is about today's affairs, today's wine, and only today's fun!

They drank a lot of wine, the jugs piled up into mountains, and they didn't need their true energy to drive out the alcohol. They allowed the wine to enter their bodies, and they were so drunk that they fell to the ground in pieces, not thinking about tomorrow's affairs.

"Hey...Brother Qin Feng, worry, you can't solve the problem, at least for today, let's drink up first, and let's talk after having fun!"

Most of the people were drunk, but Lin Chen had a better capacity for drinking, so he persisted until the end. Of course, there was also Qin Feng.

He didn't use his true energy to dispel the smell of alcohol, but his physical strength is here. Now that his physical body has been cultivated to perfection, such a thing as drunkenness basically does not exist for him.

"Okay, drink!"

He said with a smile, picked up the wine bottle, and clinked glasses with Lin Chen, but Lin Chen couldn't hold on to the wine before he drank it, and fell drunk on the ground.

When Qin Feng saw this, he just smiled, walked outside the hall, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked up at the beautiful scenery of the starry sky.

This is a peerless beauty that has never been seen on Earth or Hongmeng, but Qin Feng didn't have much time to see it.


He sighed, worried.

"Why, they are all willing to get drunk and forget about today, but you are not willing?"

Behind her, a luxurious and beautiful woman came over, years had never left traces on her face, it could be seen that when she was young, she was obviously that kind of arrogant and beautiful Banished Immortal.

It was Huang Yi, she appeared here at some point, seeing Qin Feng sighing, she stepped forward to inquire.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you just cultivated to become the ultimate body at the Tianjiao meeting, and later experienced the baptism of fairy dew wine. Drunkness should no longer exist in you!"

"Senior!" Qin Feng was taken aback, and was about to salute when Huang Yi stopped him.

"It doesn't have to be, I don't like these vain gifts!"

Qin Feng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled lightly and said, "Me too!"


Huangyi also looked up at the sky, and said with a smile: "Speaking of Hongmeng, I am not completely unfamiliar with it. In fact, there is someone I know in Hongmeng, and I am very familiar with him!"

"Who is it?" Qin Feng couldn't help asking.

"Zhou Huashen!" Huang Yi responded.

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