
Qin Feng was taken aback.

real or fake? Huangyi actually knew Zhou Huashen?

But after thinking about it, Qin Feng suddenly felt that this seemed reasonable.

Zhou Huashen, he really experienced the dilapidated existence of the ancient earth, and then rose through cultivation in the primordial realm. After his cultivation level broke through to the sky eye state, he had to be sent out of the primordial realm because of the restriction of the primordial law.

After that, he never came back again. Even when the forces in the Primordial Universe, led by the Demon Prison Heaven, attacked the academy on a large scale, Zhou Huashen only appeared in the form of a spirit body.

Qin Feng thought that he already knew a little about Zhou Huashen, but in fact, when he thought about it carefully, he didn't know anything.

Moreover, Huangyi, a strong member of the Shenhuang clan, the two clans of the Shenhuang and Shenfeng are connected with each other. In ancient times, they might even be one clan. Zhou Huashen knew the Shenfeng, so it seems that it is not incomprehensible to know the Shenhuang. thing.

"Senior, do you really look at Senior Zhou Huashen?"

Huang Yi nodded: "Naturally, Zhou Huashen... Well, he is a very charming person, and he was once handsome when he was young!"

"As far as I know, he seems to have founded a school in the Grandmist!"

"It's called Zhongling Academy!"

Qin Feng said: "The junior comes from Zhongling Academy!"

"It can be seen that there is some shadow of him on your body!" Huang Yi laughed, not surprised.

"When I first met him, he was about the same as you are now. Of course, his cultivation base is very different. Although his aptitude is very good and his strength is also top-notch, in the final analysis, he is not different from me, Lin Tianchuan and Yuhou. Too many, it’s our class!”

"It's not like you, who can take the top spot in the Tianxing Festival, the first place in the Tianjiao list, you probably can't understand how powerful this is!"

"In the future, you will understand that the status of number one in the Tianjiao list is enough to change your life!"

Qin Feng was silent.

In fact, even now, he can already clearly feel that the situation around him has begun to change since he became the number one on the list of Tianjiao.

Whether this change is good or bad, he can't say.

However, he doesn't care, anyway, he has only one purpose, to become stronger!

"If there is no accident, your future achievements will far exceed ours. At that time, I am afraid that even we can only look up to you." Huang Yi sighed.

"Senior, looking up at this statement is too much!"

Qin Feng corrected.

Huang Yi smiled and didn't say anything, just continued along with the previous words: "Shenyu level Dzogchen, it sounds like a bluff, and the star field is majestic, but in fact, in the real The king is as weak as an ant in front of those venerables!"

"Besides, if there is no accident, the three of us, Lin Tianchuan and Yuhou, have come to the end of our lives. We have reached the extreme of the path of the Sky Eye Realm. It seems to be quite strong, but if it is not for the lack of a chance to become king, Why do we need to cultivate the Heavenly Eye to the extreme!"

"To put it bluntly, this kind of time is only available when we can't break through. If we have that kind of qualification, we can break through first and continue to make up for the vacancy of the Sky Eye Realm. Wouldn't it be better!"

Huang Yi kept talking about her hardships on the road of cultivation, lamenting herself.

Regarding this, Qin Feng couldn't say anything, his way was at an end, it was indeed a rather hopeless thing.

Although Qin Feng has not encountered this kind of despair at the end of the road, he can understand it to some extent, but there is really nothing to do about this kind of thing.

"Fortunately, there are not so many kings or venerables, and it can be regarded as giving us some psychological comfort!" Huang Yi said again, putting aside the frustration in front of her.

"Shenyu Dzogchen is actually pretty good, and I am satisfied!"

Qin Feng said: "Senior, I met the master of Zhou Huashen palace, can you tell me about the past?"

Huang Yi turned her head, looked up at Qin Feng, and then said: "Back then, I, Zhou Huashen, and Qingshi met in the starry sky, no, to be precise, I met them in the starry sky Yes, and they have known each other since early in the primordial world!"

"Qingshi?" Qin Feng was startled, who is this?

"Ning Qingshi, Zhou Huashen gave her the name of that divine phoenix, because in Zhou Huashen's eyes, she is so beautiful!" Huang Yi explained.

"Actually, if you want me to talk about them, I can't really talk too much, because although I know them, the time we spend together is not much, only a few decades, far less than their own. "

"The acquaintance at the beginning, in the final analysis, is also because of the status of the Qingshi Shenfeng clan, and this coincidence!"

"The Divine Phoenix Clan has always been in the starry sky, whether it was in the strong period of the ancient earth or the dilapidated period, but the Divine Phoenix Clan is different from the Divine Phoenix Clan. They have long been integrated into the ancient earth and basically became one of them Clan!"

"Because of the ruin of the ancient earth, the Shenfeng clan was on the verge of extinction, leaving only a few bloodlines, Qingshi is one of them!"

"At that time, she had just awakened the divine phoenix bloodline, but she had no suitable opportunity, and no one taught her how to control her bloodline power. The members of the Shenfeng Clan sought a solution, but unfortunately to no avail, he did not find any other strong members of the Shenfeng Clan!"

"Later, they settled for the next best thing and chose the Divine Phoenix Clan similar to the Divine Phoenix Clan. It was also at that time that I met them!"

"Qingshi's aptitude is really good, and there is even a phenomenon of blood returning to the ancestors, which is very likely to show the appearance of the Shenfeng in its heyday. Even the ancestors of our clan once sighed, thinking that Qingshi's future is limitless!"

"The fact is true. When she successfully awakened in our clan and controlled the power of her own blood, she soared into the sky and was unimaginably powerful."

"Later, she thanked our clan, and our clan ancestor suggested that I, who had a relatively good relationship with Zhou Huashen and Qingshi at that time, go with them and travel together in the starry sky to strengthen myself!"

"Later, it was indeed the case. They and I have indeed become very good friends. It's just that in many cases, my friend is just the best spectator to record their love!"

"They and I have probably traveled in the starry sky for decades, and have experienced a lot. We dare not say that we live and die together, and we can be regarded as friends in need."

"Unfortunately, some things are uncertain. I used to think that their relationship would be eternal and would never be hindered by any external objects. It just turned out to be contrary to expectations. After all, there was still a gap between them!"

Qin Feng couldn't help asking: "At the beginning, what happened?"

Huang Yi shook her head: "The matter between them is more complicated, and I can't explain it clearly for a while, and they probably don't want the matter between them to be reported, so I can't tell you the specific matter. !"

"I can only say that their ideas have diverged!"

"When I left them and returned to the Divine Phoenix Clan, their relationship was already in jeopardy, leaving only a pitiful surface. I also tried to persuade them, but in the end, nothing came of it!"

"After that, I didn't meet them again, but I did have some communication with each other!"

"It seems that shortly after I left, they also separated. One chose to go to the starry sky, and the other stayed in Hongmeng. They didn't leave the starry sky until they broke through to the sky, but they were also separated from each other. The two never saw each other again. It's over!"

"However, at least they are still alive, and time will heal everything. Maybe when they meet again in the future, some differences and conflicts that have arisen because of ideas may have passed away!"

Qin Feng nodded.

Be it God Zhou Hua or God Feng Ning Qingshi, in fact, he has seen them all. Although they are not real bodies, he can more or less glimpse one or two of them from some small details.

The two seem to have some differences in direction.

Let Qin Feng guess, Zhou Huashen's way is more inclined to defend, protect the existing, and don't let some regrets and tragedies in the ancient earth period happen again.

But Ning Qingshi is more radical. From her aura, Qin Feng can feel the radical arrogance in her bones.

Otherwise, she would not have given up her old way and everything she had at the time just because she was a little inappropriate. This is radical.

She seems to be more eager for revenge!

Both of them were born when the ancient earth was in ruins and witnessed the tragedy of the ancient earth being completely destroyed, but the experiences of the two are different, and the concepts they produce are naturally completely different.

It seems inevitable that the two completely opposite paths will part ways!

Of course, this is just his guess after all, and he doesn't know the specific situation.

"Tomorrow, if you leave, I will escort you!"

At this time, Huang Yi suddenly spoke again.

Qin Feng was startled.

Huang Yi said: "The ruin of the ancient earth has produced a lot of vested interests, but in fact, it is more of a grief for the ruin of the ancient earth, but the strong clan has the right to speak, and it is not reflected! "

"Hongmeng is not really an enemy of the world. At least, our Divine Phoenix Clan, the Eight-legged Qilin Clan, and the Taicang Yuhe Clan will all support Hongmeng!"

"You guys are the key to the rise of Hongmeng. There will be many people staring at you, so naturally we will not sit idly by. The tragedy of the ancient earth cannot happen again!"


Qin Feng felt a little sad in his heart, but also a little moved.

He has been on the battlefield for a long time, growing and becoming stronger in the cold and all kinds of calculations. He has long been used to these, and his heart is as hard as a stone.

But because of this, Huang Yi's selfless help moved him even more.

Iron stone also melts.

Huang Yi smiled and said: "Don't rush to impress, I also have selfish intentions, this boy Huang Tian, ​​he is stronger than me, and his future achievements will definitely be higher than mine, but it is still limited, at most he can be king level! "

"And in the future, I see some directions, and there may be great darkness coming. At that time, the king-level powerhouse is far from enough!"

"I'm helping you, but in fact, I'm also trying to find a way out for myself!"

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