Eight-armed human race.

The legendary race.

In the history of many eras, there are figures of this family, and their reputation is very loud.

It is true that their combat power is too strong, and they can crush countless people. In the vast time and river, they have also climbed to the top and stood on the top of the starry sky.

Although it has been a long time now, in all the eras they lived in, they have always maintained the top combat effectiveness. Strictly speaking, they are similar to the Shenshu Mansion today.

It's just that the Shenshu Mansion is not a single clan, but a sect formed by various races, and this clan, they are really just one clan, and they have maintained their prosperity.

This stems from the special blood of their family.

In their own words, their blood is called Qiankun blood. Of course, the world prefers to call their blood crazy blood.

When this kind of frantic blood erupts, it will cause them to enter a state of strength improvement that temporarily loses their sanity but becomes mad. Although there are many similar methods in today's era, they are the originators of all similar methods. , that is, the eight-armed human race.

Their mad blood is the purest and most powerful.

In history, there are countless examples of them bursting into frenzied blood, the weak defeating the strong, and the few defeating the many.

The most recent battle between the eight-armed human race who was famous in the moving starry sky was a king fighting the eight kings. The final result was that the eight-armed human race won, and he killed the eight kings by himself.

It is conceivable how terrifying they are.

The Yin-Yang Xuan demon body, the notorious demon body in the starry sky, originated from the eight-armed human race.

A certain king of the eight-armed human race back then combined with another similar race to give birth to a son who possessed the characteristics of both races. He was extremely powerful from birth, crushing enemies of the same level all the way, and never lost.

Later, by fusing the two kinds of blood in his body, that son obtained even more terrifying power, that is the power of the Yin-Yang Mysterious Demon Physique. When he got this power, he was invincible in the world and had no rivals.

Benefiting from his example, the two clans began to combine frantically, respecting him as the head, and calling him King Xuan.

They began to learn his way, his method, and strive to be like Xuan Wang, evolve into a Yin-Yang Xuan demon body, invincible in the starry sky.

Even some other races, in order to gain power, did not hesitate to be infected with the blood of these two races. At that time, these two races became the sweet pastries of the world, and even a drop of their blood could be sold Unbelievably high prices.

No matter how weak and weak, a drop of blood can make countless starry sky masters flock to him.

That was the time period when the Yin-Yang mysterious demon body rose, and it was also a crazy time period that was rarely seen in the long river of time.

For a long time, the yin-yang mysterious demon body was prevalent in the starry sky. If you don't think of a way to get the blood of the two races, and ask the Xuan King's disciples to practice his method.

It wasn't until one day that King Xuan went mad and the side effects began to appear, and then everyone realized that this Yin-Yang Xuan Demon Physique actually erodes people's minds, and the more time passes, the more serious the erosion will be.

Until one day, when his sanity is completely eroded, he will be completely reduced to a lunatic who can only kill.

The first Yin-Yang Xuan Demon Physique, Xuan Wang, his strength is beyond doubt. Naturally, when he lost his sanity, it naturally caused a devastating blow to the starry sky.

Most of the disciples of the Yin-Yang Xuan Demon Physique were basically killed by him on the spot, and some of them remained in the starry sky, and their descendants would occasionally show ancestral blood and become the Yin-Yang Xuan Demon Physique.

For example, Li Qiuxue.

King Xuan, the former strongest man in the starry sky, when he went crazy, he slaughtered countless creatures in the starry sky, strong and weak, and basically everything that appeared in front of him was slaughtered by him. The killing was serious, and the creatures that died under his hands , countless.

He aroused the wrath of the starry sky. After sacrificing countless lives and exhausting all means, a generation of king of the starry sky, King Xuan fell.

After the death of King Xuan, all the remaining Yin-Yang Xuan Demon Physiques were also liquidated by the remaining powerhouses in the starry sky, making the number of Yin-Yang Xuan Demon Physique masters who were already few left much less.

But there are still some omissions, which is also the reason why the Yin-Yang Mysterious Demon Physique can be produced again in later generations.

The first king of the Yin-Yang Xuan Demon Physique, King Xuan, has fallen, and the reputation of the Yin-Yang Xuan Demon Physique has become rotten. However, the eight-armed human race of those two tribes and the other tribe have lived in peace. His power is running out, too much has been destroyed by King Xuan.

If there is a war between the two clans of Yin-Yang Mysterious Demon Physiques, the casualties will be even more severe.

Secondly, it was because, although King Xuan came from the combination of these two clans, he could not condemn the two clans because of this, after all, it was something that King Xuan did and had nothing to do with them.

They were just a combination of different races. It just so happened that the blood of the two races could allow them to give birth to a strong man like King Xuan.

It seems a little unfair to convict them because of this. If they are guilty, then all the interracial unions in the starry sky are guilty. This seems to be unreasonable.

Therefore, these two clans naturally survived, and in the later history, they have always been in the category of starry sky strong clan.

The only prohibition Starry Sky asked them was that the two races should not be combined again from now on.

After all, it is impossible for the two races to fight against Xingkong, especially with the example of King Xuan, they will be more low-key and naturally follow suit.

But even so, when King Xuan dominated the starry sky, it did bring countless benefits to the two clans. Until now, the two clans may still benefit from the benefits left by the time of King Xuan, but they kept silent. Keep a low profile on this matter, and as time goes by, the creatures of all races in the starry sky will gradually stop holding them accountable.

Until the arrival of the emperor star era.

Before the emperor star era, the starry sky was in a relatively weak state for a long time.

Because the strongest person before, the ancestor of the Qingling clan, the Qingling Tianzun, in order to defeat the shadow nightmare, he tried to break through to the supreme realm, but unfortunately failed, and was invaded by dark matter. As a result, many masters were killed, resulting in many For a long time, the starry sky was relatively weak.

Later, for a long time, there were almost no special strong people in the starry sky, and all ethnic groups were accumulating.

Finally, when the starry sky reached a certain node, this kind of accumulation point burst out, and the strong began to bloom, entering an unprecedented prosperity.

The arrogance of the heavens is exhausted, the strong clan exerts its strength, and even a strong man like Emperor Xing appears.

And the eight-armed human race also exerted their strength in that era, and was once about to get their hands on the top of the starry sky.

In the life of Emperor Xing, there were countless enemies. In the ancient earth, there were strong races like the Hades, and in the starry sky, there were also powerful opponents like the eight-armed human race.

They had been fighting for a long time, but in the end, the Eight-Armed Human Clan was defeated, even the entire clan was defeated, and they were liquidated!

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