Before the rise of Emperor Star, the eight-armed human race had been preparing for their rise for a long time.

But when Qingling Tianzun was invaded by dark matter, a large number of starry sky powerhouses withered and killed by him, making the starry sky enter an unprecedented weak stage.

At that time, the giants of the Sky Eye Realm were already the most powerful group, and when it was the most miserable, a giant of Shenyu level had already stood on the top of the starry sky.

Eight-armed human race, they seized this opportunity and took advantage of the situation to exert their strength.

And under their complete preparations, with their exertion, they did become the strongest race in the starry sky, disdainful of all.

All kinds of layouts, all kinds of means, all available, are used, and the distance from being proud of the starry sky is only one step away.

Until the emperor star was born in the ancient earth, the elegance of one person overwhelmed their clan.

Since then, this family has regarded Emperor Xing as a thorn in their side.

Bright and dark, anyway, as long as it is a means that can cause a blow to the Emperor Star, they have used it, but they have not succeeded once. The power of the Emperor Star is beyond their imagination.

And during the whole process, they also slowly changed from their absolute leading position at the beginning, to later, because some methods were used too far, it caused dissatisfaction in all regions of the starry sky and angered the public.

On the contrary, Emperor Xing, he has been fighting against the enemy all his life, and he has been upright all his life, so he is more favored by Xingkong.

Therefore, after the biggest general attack in the history of their clan failed, they themselves were liquidated by some races that had been oppressed by them in the starry sky without the help of the emperor star, and their clan was brutally exterminated.

A race that has flourished for an unknown number of years has since withdrawn from the curtain of history.

Until now, with the racial characteristics of this kind of human masters in front of him, Qin Feng realized that the reason is that this family turned out to be the eight-armed human race back then, and their racial characteristics were too obvious.

This is also the reason why Qin Feng feels that he is alive.

Another race thought to be extinct, but it still exists.

This was true for the Ming clan before, and it is also true for the eight-armed human race now.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng can understand it.

Whether it is the Ming clan or the eight-armed human race, these were all enemies on the road to the rise of the Emperor Star, and they have done many things to kill the Emperor Star, but they all failed, and naturally they were liquidated .

It's just that these liquidations were not done by the Emperor Star itself, but by the race that was oppressed by them in the past.

Although it did make them withdraw from the stage of history, it doesn't mean that they have truly exterminated the family. It doesn't seem too difficult for them to keep the fire.

Because in the final analysis, from the beginning to the end, Emperor Xing did not really take action to deal with these enemies of his.

To put it bluntly, this is Emperor Xing's generosity, and he doesn't care about them.

To put it bluntly, Emperor Xing didn't regard them as opponents at all, and his eyes were more focused on the front.

Facts have proved that Emperor Xing can go further, he is right.

The more you stick to the present, the more you have no future to speak of.

But in the same way, whether it is the Ming clan or the eight-armed human race, it is also true that they have not been completely wiped out.

They survived, and now it seems that after countless years of recuperation, they seem to have been relieved, and they are gradually starting to emerge.

At this moment, Qin Feng finally understood why the other party was able to keep creatures of such a strong race as the Demon Duck Clan in captivity, because they were stronger.

No matter what the past history is, at least for now, when he really shows himself, Qin Feng knows that this enemy is very difficult to deal with.

With the manifestation of his body, his combat power has become unbelievably strong, more than a hundred times stronger than before.

Qin Feng's ultimate move may have had some influence on him before, that's because what he showed before was not even the original body at all.

At this moment, the eight-armed human race expert stretched out his hand, pointed his index finger at the center of Qin Feng's eyebrows, a blue light appeared, and quickly a Dao appeared between Qin Feng's eyebrows, like a carved flower.

When the carving unfolded, Qin Feng suddenly realized that everything in his body seemed to be collapsing with the strength of the opponent. He could already clearly feel that his hands, feet, and every inch of skin on his body seemed to be leaving him , is about to be disintegrated into a large cloud of dust.

"So ruthless!"

He was in palpitations, this method was too amazing, just pointing at his eyebrows could make him disintegrate directly.

This is simply against the sky!

Theoretically speaking, this kind of spell is not without it. His Immortal Extermination Curse also belongs to this type from a certain point of view. The difference is that his Immortal Extermination Curse starts to disintegrate from the inside, and the inside cannot be detected until the entire After the process of disintegration is completed, the Curse of Exterminating Immortals will exert its force, and it will be completely eradicated in one step.

Although the opponent's method is not as brilliant as the Immortal Extinguishing Curse from this point of view, it also has its own advantages.

Before the Immortal Extermination Curse completely disintegrates the opponent, the opponent can still make various actions. If the strength is enough to kill the enemy, the Immortal Extermination Curse will naturally cease to exist.

But the methods of the eight-armed human race master are different. When Qin Feng begins to disintegrate, his perception is disappearing, and everything seems to be leaving the body, out of his control. In this case, let alone counter-kill, it is Resisting this force is a huge challenge for him.

And this kind of method is difficult to use directly, but after the opponent exerts force, it falls on him and makes him disintegrate quickly. This shows that, at least for now, the gap between the two is huge.

Since then, Qin Feng was forced to have no choice.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth became clear.

The flowers of the nine bright and bright avenues bloomed, and then quickly returned to one, turning into a golden lotus platform, hanging in the air.

There is a small golden man sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, covered with avenue runes all over his body, mysterious and distant, powerful and profound.

This is the golden villain that Qin Feng produced after his breakthrough. It is his most perfect form. He sits cross-legged on the golden lotus, under the light of the holy light, it is full of holiness and peace, and at the same time, it also shines on Qin Feng himself On top of it, it's like putting on a layer of fairy armor, vivid and powerful!

At this moment, every pore in his body seemed to be filled with immortal energy, evenly dispersed in every corner of his body, internal organs, bone marrow, blood, cells, everywhere!

The divine bridge, the golden palace, and countless visions of heaven and earth, everything is as it was before. When Qin Feng's sky eye was opened, he completed a qualitative change.

The sky eyes opened between his brows, but this is not his real sky eyes, but the small sky eyes that he has evolved through means of nourishment, but it can already be compared with the big sky eyes.

In the previous battle with the Demon Swallow Clan, Qin Feng used the Sanheng Dao Qi and the Little Heavenly Eye to defeat it, but now, facing the masters of the eight-armed human race, Qin Feng had to use his real Big Heavenly Eye.

In his body, the mind eye is open, not in any position, or in other words, any position is his heavenly eye.


To put it lightly, a broken word opened his mouth, and in just a split second, Qin Feng's physical body was no longer disintegrated, but completely recovered.

He stared at the man who had manifested his real body, and said lightly, "Let's fight, the small fights before are nothing, this moment is the beginning of the real battle between you and me!"

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