The book was published in 1989.

His classmates had recommended this novel to him and even lent him a paper copy, but he was not very interested, so the book had been on the bookshelf without reading it.

But when he took the book, he glanced at the cover and vaguely remembered that the author of the novel seemed to be Qian Jian...

Su Qingshan shook his head and threw these thoughts behind him. The most important thing now was to wait for the start of the short story award. He had been waiting for this moment for a whole year.

Last year, the champion work "Fish" was still often read from time to time.

The image of the petty people in the novel was portrayed to the bone, which made people feel very satisfied after reading it.

Su Qingshan was looking forward to seeing such a work appear again in this year's event.

As soon as midnight passed, Su Qingshan immediately opened the website of the Short Story Awards, scanned the catalog of entries, and soon saw several works by familiar authors.

These are old short story authors. Their works have been tested by time and are deeply loved by readers, so many people clicked on their works to read them as soon as possible.

Su Qingshan also read them eagerly.

In almost an hour, he finished reading more than a dozen new works by old authors. As an old bookworm, Su Qingshan was still not satisfied and said that it was not enough.

He began to scan the catalog again and select the titles of books he was interested in to read.

He was very satisfied with the works of this session. Many of them were of good quality and looked very cool and enjoyable.

After all, it was used for competition. The authors all brought out their satisfactory works, so the works in the catalog must not be too bad.

Unconsciously, Su Qingshan had been reading for three hours. He also felt sleepy and his eyelids couldn't help fighting.

He stretched: "It's almost time to go to bed."

Just as he was about to get up, he saw the name of the author of a work from the corner of his eye.

"Qian Jian? "Wolf"?"

"Is it the Qian Jian who wrote "The King's Avatar"? "

He became a little curious, so he planned to read another work and then go to bed.

Su Qingshan moved the mouse and clicked on the short story called "Wolf", and then looked at the screen interface with some surprise. He found that the work in front of him was only a short page.

"It's so short? Is it 500 words?"

As we all know, even short stories rarely have less than 1,000 words. Normal works are between 2,000 and 5,000 words. After all, if the number of words is too small, it is very difficult to tell a complete story.

Of course, if the same story can be written in shorter words, it can also further illustrate the author's strength.

Su Qingshan also became interested: "Interesting, so short, what kind of story is it telling?"

The content of this novel is indeed very short, and the story is also very simple.

Su Qingshan even finished reading it in less than half a minute, but after reading it, he did not close the page and leave, but frowned and read it again carefully.

The story of this novel is really too short, and it can be summarized in a few sentences:

A butcher bought meat and went back home with a bamboo basket full of bones at night. On the way, he met two wolves. The butcher threw bones to them, but they still followed him one after another after eating. Finally, the butcher faced the two wolves with his back against the straw pile.

After a while, one wolf left, and the remaining wolf sat on the ground pretending to sleep. The butcher took the opportunity to jump up and kill the wolf. When he was about to leave, he found that the wolf that had left before was digging a hole behind the straw pile and wanted to attack the butcher from behind. Half of its body had already entered the hole. The butcher attacked from behind and killed the remaining wolf.

At the end of the story, the author seemed to be expressing his feelings, saying that the beast's scheme was just so-so and only added to the jokes.

Is it that simple?

This is what Su Qingshan thought after reading it for the first time, but he always felt that something seemed wrong, so he read it again for the second time.

Su Qingshan, who has a high literary literacy, did not expect to detect a different taste when reading it for the second time.

This short story uses a story about a butcher who met a wolf and killed the wolf, mocking the evil wolf who played tricks and reaped the fruits of his own labor, praising the butcher's wit and courage, and educating people to deal with enemies as vicious, greedy and cunning as wolves. They must abandon their illusions and not compromise and give in. They must dare to fight and be good at fighting.

Only by fighting can we win.

From the wolf's perspective, it can also be understood as: Don't think that you can do whatever you want with your own ferocity and cunningness, because the end of doing so can only be self-destruction.

It should be enough to understand this, and most readers will stop here.


Su Qingshan asked himself again.

Is it really that simple? Is there no other meaning?

This level of reading comprehension can be done by junior high school students, but Su Qingshan still feels that there is a strange atmosphere in this story, which lingers in his heart for a long time and cannot be dissipated.

The whole story is covered with a hazy and mysterious veil.

Unable to untie this veil, Su Qingshan was restless! He couldn't sleep at all!

He carefully read the story from beginning to end several times, even word by word, sentence by sentence.

Don't say it, Su Qingshan realized something again!

This story is about the battle between wolves and butchers. In the story, there are two main reasons why the wolves followed the butcher but did not attack directly.

The first reason is that the butcher has a machete in his hand. If the wolf rushes forward to attack, it is likely to be hurt, and even one of the two wolves will be killed. This is very clear to the cunning and selfish wolves. None of them is willing to take the lead. After all, once they take the lead, they are likely to be killed, so they keep following behind.

The second reason is that they want to find an opportunity to wait for the butcher to be exhausted or make a mistake, and then launch an attack to get the maximum value with the minimum benefit!

There are also reasons why the wolves still failed.

First, the wolf pack only considers short-term benefits.

They are willing to take great risks to hunt the butcher, but the profit is just to fill their stomachs. If they don't hunt the butcher, they may not starve to death. But if the hunting fails, they will be worried about their lives. The benefits and risks are not proportional at all!

This means that in the face of huge risks, we can't blindly pursue profits, but pay attention to potential dangers.

For most people, this is a good explanation.

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