However, Su Qingshan did not give up, but shared the short story in a chat group called "Short Story Club".

This group is full of book lovers who like short stories. Everyone has good literary skills. There are more than 500 people in total, and Su Qingshan's ID is Wulong.

He is also an administrator in this group, and he is quite popular. Everyone knows him, so seeing him share something at this time, even at three o'clock in the morning, still attracted a few people to bubble up.

[What time is it still not sleeping? Are you reading the works of the Short Story Awards? ]

[A fellow traveler! The quality of this work is really high. I don't want to go to bed. ]

[Whose novel did Wulong share? "Wolf"? Qian Jian? I've never heard of this name. ]

【Qian Jian? I remember that he was an author of a novel. ]

At this time, Su Qingshan sent a message: "Don't worry about anything else, just read this novel first."

The group fell silent immediately, and it was obvious that everyone went to read the novel.

He continued typing and sent his understanding to the group.

"That's all I can think of, can you see if there is anything else?"

After a while, the people who read the novel came back, and the group became lively. It was obvious that many group members stayed up late to read short stories and didn't sleep at all.

【Bi Luo Jing Feng Yu: I finished reading it. It's only more than 400 words. This author is really amazing. 400 words can actually write a complete story. It's very good. As for the deeper meaning of this novel... I didn't understand it very well. I just felt that the author should be satirizing the cunning of wolves, right? 】

【Resurrection of All Things: My thoughts are similar to those of Wolong. I feel that this is a short story that warns people not to be too greedy. It touches on human nature and is considered a superior work. 】

【Zhenyu: Don't be so hasty to draw conclusions, this story is not simple. 】

When this person named [Zhenyu] spoke, a large number of "worship the boss" speeches immediately appeared in the group. It is obvious that this person's words still carry a lot of weight in this short story club group.

According to some rumors, he may be a very famous writer and a member of the Changkong City Writers Association.

Zhenyu did not keep the suspense and directly sent a paragraph.

【Zhenyu: I want to correct a misunderstanding of everyone's thinking first. When you read novels, do you usually look at the whole story from a human perspective? In everyone's eyes, are wolves that are born to be dead not good things? 】

When this was said, everyone in the group was shocked!

On the surface, this novel is indeed about the story of humans defeating wolves, and readers are naturally humans, so they will naturally bring it into the perspective of the butcher. Even if they comment on wolves, they will also comment from a high position with a God's perspective.

【Zhenyu: What if everyone changes their perspective and looks at this story from the perspective of a wolf? 】

Su Qingshan stared at the chat box in a daze. He tried to follow Zhenyu's words and simulated the whole story from the perspective of a wolf. He was shocked!

He actually tasted a kind of sad emotion from this novel of less than 500 words.

Indeed, from the perspective of a butcher, it is natural to kill a wolf that wants to eat him in self-defense. He is calm, cool, and calm in the face of danger! And he is decisive and brave, bold and careful. Such a character is completely normal for a human being. It is indeed often done in previous novels.

But from the perspective of a wolf, what did the wolf do wrong?

The law of the jungle is the iron rule in nature, and they just act according to the rules and nature.

Maybe they have been hungry for many days, and there are cubs crying for food in the den. After looking for food for several days, they finally met a prey. Following their nature, they naturally followed the prey to hunt. The few bones thrown by the butcher in front were not enough to fill their stomachs. Besides, they had to bring some food back for their cubs. To put it bluntly, wolves are not as complicated as people think. Most of the time, they actually have only a very primitive desire.

The so-called greed, cunning, treacherous, and shameless are more like labels imposed on them by humans.

Zhen Yu also continued to express his views.

[Whether it is a wolf or a human, they are essentially creatures on the earth, and everyone is equal. All living things are treasures nurtured by the earth's evolution for tens of millions of years. People killing wolves and wolves eating people are not worthy of criticism or praise. Butcher

The butcher did nothing wrong. In a life-or-death situation, he had to defend himself and fight back. The wolf did nothing wrong. When he was hungry, he had to hunt prey. That was normal. The confrontation between the two was the most fair competition. 】

【After careful consideration, the two wolves decided to follow the prey and risk their lives to fill their stomachs. The butcher did not panic, but calmly thought about the countermeasures and took the initiative to attack. I think both of them are warriors in life. They are fighting for themselves with all their strength. Even if the wolves die in the confrontation, they will not disgrace themselves. They abide by the laws of nature, which is worthy of respect. 】

【Therefore, in my opinion, this story praises both the butcher and the jackal. There is no relationship between praise and praise. The last sentence of this article is actually a cover, making everyone think that this is a novel praising humans! At the same time, it is also the finishing touch! 】

【This time humans won, the author can say "how cunning the beasts are", but if the wolf wins next time, the author will still say so? So in the final analysis, who is the beast the author is talking about? 】

After reading Zhenyu's words, Su Qingshan's heart suddenly jumped! It set off a storm!

No wonder he always felt that something was wrong! It turned out that there was something wrong with the last sentence!

Originally, the novel was very complete, but the author had to write the last sentence superfluously, as if he was afraid that others would not understand it.

But most people did not understand it!

On the surface, this sentence is mocking the jackal, but who is it actually mocking? I am afraid that only the author himself knows!

But this does not prevent readers from making guesses! After all, one of the charms of short stories is that they can be read and understood at will. There are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers, and everyone has his own opinion.

Su Qingshan couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that the author actually buried a mine at the end of the article! If you don't understand it, it's okay, but if you understand it, it's like a bolt from the blue!

If the butcher didn't suddenly get up and swing the butcher knife, who would die?

After a fight, the wolf won, so the beast became a human, didn’t it?

After all, “the beasts are so cunning and treacherous that they only make us laugh.”

PS: The author is working hard to pay back the debt!

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