After that, not many people knew what happened inside Hyperion.

It was only heard that Yulandel believed that no matter what, the Herrscher must not have the opportunity to get the Key of God, so she resolutely refused to use the Black Abyss White Flower.

She even decided to be cruel and watch those companions who died peacefully and were poisoned complete their last journey.

Finally, the Herrscher, whose plan to get something for free failed, exhaled again and woke up the unconscious people one by one, letting them see Yulandel who would rather watch them die than use the Black Abyss White Flower to save them.

It was not until then that the simple Yulandel realized that she had been fooled by the Herrscher again.

What the Herrscher vomited into the ventilation duct at the beginning was not a life-threatening poisonous gas, but a psychedelic fragrance extracted from fungi. People who inhaled this gas would turn pale, their pupils would dilate, and their muscles would cramp, but they would not enjoy a good sleep for 24 hours a day. (Xina is not stupid, her good student vest is still lying on the bed in the medical room! Can she really poison herself?)

It must be said that even Yulandel was a little bit angry after this set of operations that can be called a psychological operation. She just took the lance and fought with the Herrscher in Hyperion without caring about anything...

"Hey, why did you suddenly start fighting? I didn't really poison them." Xina twisted to the side in a weird way, avoiding Yulandel's soul steel lance stabbing at her, and then did a chic backflip and floated far away to the ground, teasing:

"You say you are difficult to serve? If I poison them, you will be angry, and if I don't, you will also be angry! It's really troublesome~"

"You... You...", Yulandel took a deep breath, pointed at Xina, and Xina smiled at Yulandel, whose face was flushed with anger, and said jokingly: "What do you mean? What's wrong with me? Just tell me!"

"Okay!", Yulandel stabbed the lance into the ground beside her, as if opening some kind of Ren and Du meridians: "People like you who like to play with other people's emotions and think they can see through people's hearts and claim to be superior are not as good as those brainless Honkai beasts who only know how to destroy in my eyes."

"You are simply... the most shameless, despicable, and hypocritical bastard I have ever seen in my life!"

"Well, yes, there is more!", Xina looked indifferent, not taking this sentence seriously at all.

This is nothing! When she was not a Herrscher, she heard a lot more unpleasant words than this!

"A shameless and hateful guy like you must have been disliked by everyone since childhood. Even your relatives hate you from the bottom of their hearts and wish to cut off all ties with you immediately for fear of being harmed by you!"

So far, Yulandel has also won back a city from Xina, because from now on, the one that Hong Wen is angry with is Xina.

As the saying goes, lies don't hurt people, but the truth is the sharpest knife.

If you scold Xina for being insidious and cunning, she won't say anything, because the facts are the facts, and she knows what she has done, so there is no need to deny such things.

But if you use your childhood experience and family affection to poke the hole in Xina's heart, then it will really be a critical hit with one sentence.

Since Xina became a Herrscher, all the external injuries she has suffered in Singapore, the Far East, North America, and New Zealand are not as serious as the damage caused by Yulandel's next sentence to Xina.

"Hey, are you done?" Xina stared at Yulan Daier sinisterly. From her low tone, clenched back teeth, and the blue veins on her forehead, it was not difficult to see that she was in a very bad mood.

She hadn't felt so uncomfortable and aggrieved for a long time.

She felt that this so-called black abyss and white flower... was actually... not that important...

"No, you don't want me to say it!" Yulan Daier stared at Xina, not afraid of Xina's cold eyes that could be called choosing people to bite.

"Okay, okay, very good, go on, go on." Xina squeezed out an ugly smile and began to take notes in her heart.

She swore that from now on, she would pay for every word Yulan Daier said!

Soon, Yulan Daier, who had a certain language cleanliness, did not use a single dirty word, but still successfully denied Xina's miserable first half of her life by using metaphors, and attributed everything she had suffered before to two words: you deserve it! Retribution!

"Good, very good, Youlan Daier, you said it very well! I never thought you could make me feel so uncomfortable! Your words are like a knife, and every knife is bloody!" Xina sneered and clapped her hands, while frankly admitting her anger:

"If I say here that I am not angry, then not only you don't believe it, even I am afraid I won't believe it.. "

"But... it is precisely because I am really angry that I am glad that I can keep my sanity in most cases!"

"In order to repay your kindness of 'swearing me awake', I decided to let you live forever. I want you to live to see all the people and things you cherish burned to ashes! Live to see this damn world go to destruction and you are powerless to do anything!"

"First, let's start with the Black Abyss White Flower that you are unwilling to hand over. How about it!"

After the words fell, Xina's aura around her was no longer concealed. The light blue frost began to spread outward from her as the center, and the temperature inside Hyperion dropped by 60 degrees in three seconds.

"Not good, everyone quickly retreat and enter the escape pod! ", Jizi swallowed nervously as she watched the soaring Honkai energy index on the detector on the wall, and retreated to the escape pod with the remaining people without looking back.

But Jizi is indeed an excellent educator. At this time, even if Hyperion could be violently destroyed by the furious Herrscher at any time, she still did not forget a "person".

She kicked open the frozen door of the medical room, hugged "Xina" lying on the bed, and packed it up and took it away.

Jizi's move successfully made Xina feel a little more comfortable. Considering the safety of her "vest", it might also be other For whatever reason, Hina did not put any obstacles in the way of Jizi and the others' escape, and just turned a blind eye and let them pass.

Otherwise, not even a handful of these people who escaped would survive.


After covering her body with a layer of exoskeleton, Hina tore off an irregular metal plate from the wall with her bare hands, tore it into pieces, and threw it forward with the whistling wind.

With the extremely high initial velocity, these irregular metal fragments were incredibly powerful, leaving jagged and terrifying scratches everywhere they passed.

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