"Yulandel, why are you hiding? You have the courage to fight for humanity and Honkai, but you don't have the courage to face the Herrscher?!"

"...", Yulandel didn't say anything, but hid in the blind spot of Hina's sight, planning to find an opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

"Don't come out~❄", Hina looked around, looking at the corridors around her that seemed to have been plowed by artillery shells, took a deep breath, and reorganized her words to avenge Hong Wen just now:

"Yulandel, although I did kill countless of your companions on the ground because of a God's Key, so what? You just lost your companions, but I almost didn't get the Black Abyss White Flower!"

"As I said just now, I can completely turn a blind eye and let all your companions escape, and the price... is just a mere God's Key. But you chose to reject my good intentions and fight me to the death!"

"Apart from the facts, don't you have any mistakes?"

"If you hand over the Black Abyss White Flower, in order to compensate for your pain, I can also express my apology in other ways. For example... I can make a temporary monument with ice and kneel down on the spot to show you howling and suffering."

So far, everything has reached a perfect closed loop, starting with Yulandel breaking the defense red temperature and ending with Yulandel breaking the defense red temperature.

Although Yulandel suppressed her anger and did not rush out of the bunker, but... her violent heartbeat, soaring body temperature and heavy breathing were enough for Xina to find her position.


Xina raised her right hand lightly, and added the characteristics of evolution.

In just a few seconds, a five-meter-long living arm of a creature that looked like Jörmungandr had covered Xina's right arm.

Under the tearing of the sharp mouthparts at the front of the living arm, the alloy metal plate was wantonly ravaged by it like a courier box, and Yulandel was finally forced out of the dark by Xina.

"Yulandel, why is your face not right? Is it too hot? Or are you angry?" Xina looked at Yulandel with a fake smile, and decided to kill her:

"Don't be angry, although I can't remember the names of those dead guys, but when I erect a monument for them, you can remind me quietly beside me!"

"You bastard Herrscher, what do you think of life!!"

Before she finished speaking, Yulandel had already jumped high with a lance, and pointed the tip of the lance at Xina's head and stabbed it hard.

"Of course I treasure it! Especially my own!", Sina took back the 'Mini Jörmungandr' that grew from her right arm, grabbed the compressed air with her left hand, and created a compressed air wall for herself, which stuck the tip of Yulandel's gun in mid-air.

"As for the others... Hehe, it depends on my mood~❄"

"Why are you glaring at me? If you have the energy to glare, why don't you use more strength! Can't the strongest Valkyrie of destiny even break a layer of air wall?!❄"

Looking at the anger on Yulandel's face that didn't seem to be pretended at all.

For some reason, Sina felt much more comfortable in her heart~

"No matter what the cost, I must defeat you today!!"

Facing the nearly indestructible air wall in front of her, Yulandel seemed to have lost all other emotions in her heart at this moment, and there was only the strong anger and strong fighting spirit.

She brushed her hair behind her ears, which was blown away by the strong wind that rushed into the Hyperion due to the damage to its hull, and vowed to break through the air wall with one blow and do her best to defeat this Herrscher.

"Look~ Being hated and loathed to this extent is almost the same as love~❄!", Hina shifted her gaze from Yulandel to the damaged gap of Hyperion with interest.

In the distance...

Even she could hear the roar of the explosion and the roar of the Honkai beasts faintly even though she was in the sky.

As expected, Siegfried and Otto had rushed out of the catastrophic tornado and rushed towards her, but... so what!

Long before Hyperion arrived in New Zealand, she had arranged for Jörmungandr to be on standby underground with a large number of Honkai beasts, so that they could take her away immediately if she encountered special circumstances.

Unfortunately, the gem-digging process was so smooth that she didn't use the backup means for escape at all.

Since there was no need to escape, let those Honkai beasts waste time for Otto and the others!

"Ha!" Yulandel held her breath and concentrated all her strength on a point on the air wall. She used a thunderbolt to forcibly break the air wall and pierced Xina's forehead with the tip of the gun.

"It was a good shot, but unfortunately, your action is meaningless in front of me, because...""Everything in the world will stop in front of me when I need it!"

Xina's words seemed to be a statement, but also like some kind of monologue!

When her voice fell lightly, a layer of light blue halo expanded from her heart, easily encompassing half of Hyperion, and painted the surface of all objects with a layer of deep dark blue.

At this moment, the speed of all objects around slowed down to infinitely close to stillness, and only Xina could move normally in it.


Walking slowly to Yulandel, Xina took the lance from Yulandel expressionlessly and threw it out of the gap in Hyperion.

Let the speed of all molecular activities within a certain range slow down infinitely, close to complete stagnation, with Xina's current limit, it can last for five seconds.

Five seconds is enough for her to do most things in this world.

Gently scratching Yulandel's cheek with her fingertips, Xina skillfully stained a drop of blood with her fingertips and smeared it on her lips.

Just by swirling her tongue around the corner of her lips, she copied all of Yulandel's genes.

When Yulandel came out of the sluggish state, the first thing she saw was a face exactly like hers, and even her armor was inexplicably transferred to the other person.

"I am 'Yulandel', I apply to transfer the weapon from my personal arsenal - the Black Abyss White Flower!"

"Ding - Genetic information test - passed!"

"Iris information test - passed!"

"Voice information test - passed!"

"Fingerprint information test - passed!"

Using Yulandel's genes, Xina easily broke through all the levels of Yulandel's personal arsenal. She took out the Black Abyss White Flower and rubbed it in her palm in front of Yulandel:

"See, your persistence is a joke. As long as I want, I can take it away from you at will!"

As the symbol of the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny, almost all Valkyries know that the Black Abyss White Flower is a picky and master-recognizing God's Key.

For hundreds of years, the number of Valkyries who could use the Black Abyss White Flower could be counted on one hand.

But the moment it fell into Xina's hands.

Everything changed.

The Black Abyss White Flower, which would violently backfire in the hands of the Valkyries, was as docile as a kitten or puppy in Xina's hands.

Being picky and recognizing the master was no longer the characteristic of the Black Abyss White Flower, instead, it was only obedient!

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