Not long after Jizi and Kiana left, the air in the medical room suddenly produced some distorted ripples. Hina, who used the ability of the Herrscher of Wind to refract light and completely became transparent, sat leisurely on her own bed and looked at her unconscious self.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really me! Just this little face, it really makes people feel comfortable! ❅", Hina pinched her cheeks with two fingers, blatantly annihilated her clone after the camera turned, and comfortably got into the quilt.

Hey, after working for so long, it's time to take a nap to recuperate... No, what's so annoying~❅

As soon as she lay down, Hina felt a cold block-like object poking her lower back, which was very uncomfortable.

After squirming a few times under the quilt, Hina, who was really uncomfortable, silently reached out her hand and touched her lower back.

It would have been better if she hadn't touched it, but once she touched it, Hina was shocked.

What she touched seemed to be a crystal that was suspected to be the Herrscher core. The reason why it was called a suspected crystal was that the energy level of this crystal was frighteningly low, but... its physical properties were exactly the same as the Herrscher core.

Let me see... There was a small amount of Honkai energy, with an intensity of about 100HW... There was no energy fluctuation of any known Herrscher, and there was no power information inside. No, it was not nothing, it seemed to have not been activated yet...

After carefully pondering under the quilt for a long time, until she confirmed that this thing was a Herrscher core that had not been activated and was harmless to herself, Hina neatly put this strange Herrscher core into her body.

As the saying goes, no matter how small this mosquito is, it is still meat. 100HW is 100HW, it's better than nothing!

Closing her eyes, Hina emptied her mind, the ❄ symbol on her chest flickered slightly, and her consciousness also entered a hazy world in a trance.

In the center of this hazy world, there stands a gorgeous castle made of ice.

Interestingly, this castle has no windows, only a tightly closed heavy door in front of it.


As if to welcome Xina's arrival, the castle's tightly closed door slowly opened from the outside to the inside, leaving a deep and quiet corridor for Xina.

"It's so troublesome, I have to walk so far~❅"

After muttering a few words, Xina walked into the quiet and deep corridor in distress.

As the thick door slowly closed behind Xina, one after another wall lamps flashing blue light lit up in turn, leading Xina in the dark.

Da-da-da-, da-da-da-

I don't know how long I walked, the blue light suddenly broke off at a corner, and the monotonous footsteps echoing in the deep corridor stopped.

Kicking the door open, Xina walked into the empty hall behind the door with a cold face, and sat down on the main seat of the pentagonal stone table as if no one was around.

"Hey, who made you angry? Show us this stinky face!"

The blonde woman sitting on Xina's lower right put down the book "Integrated Communication Theory and Research: A History and Critique" in her hand, looked up at Xina, her eyes full of mischief.

"I'm not angry, but I have to walk a long way every time I come in, and I feel annoyed!" Xina looked at the face of the woman in the third position who was exactly the same as hers, lowered her head silently, and comforted herself: Don't be angry, don't be angry, we are all family, family...

"Then you should really increase your exercise, power is power, and physical fitness is physical fitness!" Xina in the second position was not reading a book, but playing with a green irregular gem.

"I'm not here to talk about this with you. What I need is for you guys to help me think about things." Xina held her chin with her hand and asked Xina, the second position, first: "'Scholar', how about the newly obtained Desire Gem? Can it play an unexpected role for us?"

"Hmm..." Xina, the second position 'Scholar', thought about it briefly and slammed the Desire Gem on the table heavily: "Theoretically, the Desire Gem that can control fluids has a much higher upper limit than we imagined! Its power is simply the top-level one."

"Oh! Tell me more!"

Hearing this, Xina also became interested. She turned her head to 'Scholar' Xina and asked with a smile.

"The Desire Gem can even make your hands rub out the legendary ideal fluid."

"Ideal fluid? I'm average in physics, please continue." Xina, who specializes in biology, didn't quite understand this concept, so she motioned for the other party to continue.

"You are average in learning, but am I good at learning? I also sharpened my gun before the battle!"As she spoke, the half-knowledgeable "scholar" Hina began to explain this new profession: "Ideal fluid refers to a special fluid that is incompressible and has zero viscosity. It can even be unaffected by the four fundamental forces."

"But don't be too happy. The so-called ideal means that the existence of this thing is still in the conceptual stage. Conservatively speaking, if we really want to make this thing, the value of our own collapse energy must be at least 40,000 HW."

"(⊙o⊙) What? 40,000 HW? I have 40,000 HW of power. Do I still have to work hard to make an ideal fluid? Wouldn't it be faster for me to just freeze the world?" Hina sneered and asked: "The conventional way to destroy civilization Is there a way?"

"Of course there is.", "Scholar" Hina nodded and made two constructive suggestions: "Pumping the gas in the atmosphere into outer space is a good choice... but... it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Such a large workload will seriously affect our rest, and the amount of collapse energy consumed is also astronomical."

"Of course, we also extract the mantle layer to cooperate with the power of ice to cool the earth, so that the earth loses its magnetic field protection."

"If there is no magnetic field protection from the earth, the solar wind will quickly take away the earth's atmosphere. The earth under direct sunlight will lose water quickly, and then cause the extinction of civilization."


Suddenly, the "poet" Hina, who was sitting in the fourth seat, held Shakespeare's "Hamlet" in her palm and said in a rhythmic way: "To be or not to be, that's a question."

"Is she like this when I'm not here?" Hina, whose thoughts were interrupted, twitched her eyes a few times and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, she often does some strange things and says that's art, but... she doesn't nag!"

Speaking of this, the fifth position 'actor' Hina did not forget to tease: "Be more understanding, most of us geniuses in art are crazy."

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