"Well, of course I understand. After all, we are essentially one person. It's not bad to go crazy in private occasionally!"

Xina was very tolerant of the many 'Xina' present. She smiled disapprovingly and continued:

"Okay, let's get back to the point. I suggest that we don't need to spend a lot of time reading aerodynamics and fluid mechanics for the Desire Gem. We just need to be able to play and use it, and it can assist other abilities."

"What do you think of my proposal?" Xina looked around at the other four and asked softly.

"I agree. In my opinion, we don't need to waste too much time learning these things that have no foundation." 'Scholar' Xina raised her right hand to express her agreement with Xina's main consciousness.

After thinking for a while, Xina, the 'Analyst' in the third position, also raised her hand.

So far, this proposal has received three votes out of five votes, which is considered to be completely settled.

After the first proposal came to an end, the fifth position ‘actor’ Xina raised another very important question: “Now that we have the Desire Gem, what is our next main mission target?”

“The Plague Gem.” ×2

When Xina and the ‘scholar’ said this in unison, all the personalities present laughed in tacit understanding, even the absent-minded ‘poet’.

“You go first.” Xina nodded to the ‘scholar’ and said curiously.

"It's very simple, because whether from the power matching degree or the energy of a single gem, the Plague Gem is our best choice."

The scholar said while making an analogy: "Although from the perspective of properties, ice and fire are not compatible, and are even completely opposite, but this is just a deceptive appearance!"

"If we study the power carefully, we can find..."

"The power of the Herrscher of Ice, its basic form is to manipulate and create ice, but the essence of its power is to inhibit and reduce the movement of molecules. Ice is just a bonus product."

"And the power of the Herrscher of Fire is 'similar' to ice. The power of the Herrscher of Fire looks like fire, but in fact it accelerates the movement of molecules."

"If we gain the power of the Herrscher of Fire while mastering the power of ice, then I can say responsibly that what we get is no longer the quantitative change obtained by superimposing a single gem, but a qualitative change! Absolute qualitative change!"

"For us, even the Desire Gem plus the Conquest Gem are not as important as a Plague Gem."

"Then... we should What should we do? There is no news about the Plague Gem until now. It should be hidden by Otto in some corner of the Destiny headquarters. ", 'Actor' Hina frowned and whispered:

"It is not difficult to sneak into the Destiny headquarters, but how to find out the whereabouts of the Plague Gem is difficult. There are probably no more than five people in the entire Destiny headquarters who know about the Plague Gem..."

"Since there is no whereabouts, then deal with those who have. Prioritizing the Plague Gem does not mean that we only want the Plague Gem. We should work hard and take them all.", 'Analyst' Hina smiled slightly Sitting up straight, he looked at Hina and said seriously: "It's just that, given our current physical condition, it may be counterproductive to rashly follow Kiana and the others. Should we go..."

"Go, why not? We gave up the Conquest Gem before because of the situation. Now, we have no reason to give up this gem right in front of us, and... there is a bigger 'target' that can attract firepower for us. Who will pay attention to us at that time? ❅"

When mentioning the gem, Hina's face was filled with a malicious smile.

"Target...", 'Actor' Hina pondered for a moment, then reacted and said, "You mean...Herrser of the Void..."

"Yes, isn't she suitable?", Hina curled her lips and whispered:

"Remember when we first met, the first thing Herrser of the Void did after waking up was to reach out and dig out the Serenity Gem on my body. From this point of view, she seems to be very obsessed with regaining the lost power. We can start from here and let her take this opportunity to help!❅"

"The Honkai Beast I sent to follow Meiyi has found the location and sent the location to other people in Anti-Entropy. If the Herrser of the Void takes action at this time, then... there will only be three results for this action. One is that the gem falls into our hands, the second is that it falls into the hands of the Herrser of the Void, and the third is that the gem is still on Meiyi of Raiden.❅"

"No matter which one, it is a very good result for us!❅"

"But does the Herrser of the Void really have the ability to take action now? She can't even...", 'Scholar' Hina looked at the ceiling worriedly.The board seemed a little worried.

"So we can't just draw cakes, we have to let the Ruler of the Void taste some sweetness.❅"

After saying that, Hina stretched out her hand and hooked the Desire Gem on the table into her palm, and whispered: "There is an old saying in Shenzhou, it is called that you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child! I have a plan... It can make the old predecessors praise us for being honest after suffering a loss~❅"

"Since you have an idea, then do it. Anyway, we are just special consciousnesses fabricated by you. At most, we can give you some suggestions and help you review the game. We can't influence your decisions and words and deeds.", "Scholar" Hina spread her hands, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and encouraged: "Of course, no matter what you want to do, we support you!"

"Thank you~❅.", Hina stood up and hugged each "self" enthusiastically, but just as she was about to walk out of the door

The ‘poet’ Xina, who had been silent, called her:

“Wait, don’t listen to that Youlan Dai’er’s nonsense. You are not a disaster star who is hated by no one. We can understand your pain and have experienced all your ups and downs. We have witnessed all your sufferings. We also tolerate your meanness, your viciousness, and your imperfections.”

“We come from the same body and may end up in the same coffin. We will be entangled for life and can never be separated.”

Perhaps because they didn’t expect the always mysterious ‘poet’ to suddenly say such sensational words, the ‘actor’ on the side put his hands on his hips and interrupted angrily: “Hey, hey, hey, ‘poet’, don’t say such depressing words, we have almost infinite life, why do we always mention coffins!”

“That’s right, can we hope for something good?” The ‘analyst’ who likes to watch the fun and not mind the trouble was also laughing and adding fuel to the fire.

“Alas, no matter what kind of life it is, there will be a day when it comes to an end. It seems that you don’t understand the romance in art that symbolizes destruction and ending.” The ‘poet’ sighed leisurely, picked up the "Complete Collection of Shakespeare’s Tragedies" on the table and continued reading.

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