On the podium.

Jizi looked at Kiana, who became drowsy automatically when she started the cultural class, and then looked at Hina, who was reading with her head down for a long time without moving, and seemed to be asleep. Her heart was completely dead.

It's over. The number of problem students who don't listen to the class has increased from one to two.

Jizi looked at Hina, who was sitting there motionless, and was no different from sleeping except that her eyes were open, with great pain, and decided to try to save her.

She raised her voice and continued to teach in the hope of attracting the attention of these two "problem students".

"[Hunkai] is a catastrophic phenomenon that occurs periodically, and no one knows why it occurs."

"War, infectious diseases, climate disasters, comet impacts, the manifestation of Houkai is always elusive."

"In modern times, Houkai manifests itself in the form of Herrscher. Hina, do you know what Herrscher is? I just talked about it."

"Ah! Herrscher, me?" Hina stood up after her train of thought was interrupted. She hesitated for a moment, and then began to "introduce herself" after recalling the question asked by Himeko:

"The birth of Herrscher is a manifestation of Houkai. Every Houkai that is given a number must be accompanied by the birth of a "Herscher."

"When the instantaneous power of Houkai reaches more than 1000HW, there will be one person surviving in this area. That qualified person is the Herrscher!"

"Herscher obtains the corresponding Herrscher power by condensing the Herrscher core, and has a strong adaptability to Houkai energy. All Houkai beasts spawned in this area where Houkai erupts are controlled by the Herrscher. "

"The answer... is correct." After confirming that Hina's answer was almost word for word the standard answer, Jizi finally felt a little more comforted.

Although the child might have been in a daze just now, but... at least she was still listening to the class, wasn't she?

Thinking of this, Jizi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, until... she noticed Kiana sleeping soundly on the table from the corner of her eye...


With a crisp sound, the chalk in Jizi's hand broke and was thrown accurately on Kiana's forehead: "Ki-ya-na!"

Kiana, who was accurately hit on the forehead by Jizi's chalk dart, suddenly woke up in her seat.

"Ah! What's wrong? Is the get out of class over? "

Kiana stood up and looked at the black line on the podium with a confused look on her face. It seemed that Ji Zi was glaring at her. She helplessly wiped her cheeks that were rubbed by the table with the back of her hand.

"Puff...", the classmates around her struggled to hold back their laughter. Kiana, who was half asleep and half awake, scratched her head a little embarrassedly.

"Kiana, tell me about the time periods of several important nodes of the second collapse! Meiyi, you are not allowed to remind me." Ji Zi glared at Kiana fiercely, as if you were doomed if you couldn't answer.

"Squeak--", Hina deliberately made a sound to attract Kiana's attention.

"Hey!", Kiana turned her head and saw Hina practicing lip reading while sitting in her seat and making gestures with her.

"Hey, that lip shape is... start? ", Kiana struggled to distinguish Hina's lip shape, looked at the number Hina gestured, and tentatively answered:

"The start time of the second collapse is... February 1st..."

"Hmm.", Jizi snorted, nodded, and said: "Continue..."

"On February 2nd, the Destiny personnel arrived... arrived at... the Tower of Babylon...", Kiana answered while looking at the gestures.

"Hmm, continue..."

"On February 3rd, Anti-Entropy and Destiny formed an alliance..."

"Hmm...", Jizi was too lazy to even say the word continue, just hummed a few times and quietly watched the two people's bizarre sign language performance.


Until Hina no longer had any gestures and lip shapes, Kiana realized that she had answered the question and then carefully looked up at Jizi.

"Hmm! You're lucky!", Jizi glared at Kiana unhappily: "Don't sleep in class next time, sit down. "


Kiana smiled embarrassedly, then sat down... and continued to feel sleepy...

In response, Jizi could only shake her head and continue to talk...

"Ding Ding Dong..."

Time passed quickly, and Hina had just sorted out her messy thoughts when the crisp sound of the bell for the end of get out of class came from the end of the corridor.

Jizi looked at the time on her watch, closed the textbook in her hand and tucked it under her armpit: "Okay, it's getting late, let's stop here for today's class, get out of class is over."

Hearing this, Kiana, who woke up automatically one minute before the bell rang, had already packed her things in advance, and jumped up from her seat like a spring after Jizi said the word "get out of class is over".

The vigorous and energetic after class formed a sharp contrast with the half-dead in class,Hina couldn't help showing a very puzzled expression.

"Hina, stupid Kiana has always been like this, you'll be fine once you get used to it." Bronya, who was sitting in front of Hina, packed up her things and reminded her expressionlessly.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Hina, come out!"

In the blink of an eye, Kiana had dragged Meiyi to the door of the classroom.

"When did you walk from the middle of the classroom to the door? With such a weird moving speed, you can't be the Herrscher of the Sky..."

While complaining about Kiana's elusive state after class, Hina turned her head and looked at the calm faces of other classmates.

At this moment, she seemed to understand something.

It feels like these classmates are so calm because they are used to it, right?

After packing up their things, Hina and Bronya walked towards Kiana and Meiyi at the door.

"Hey, Hina, don't leave yet. Your assessment results are out. Remember to go to the dean's office later."

Himeko, who had returned, stopped at the door of the classroom and spoke softly to the little ones in front of her.

"Auntie Himeko, you said that my aunt only took one morning to evaluate Hina's assessment results? I thought she would delay it until next week!" Kiana looked at Himeko in disbelief, as if the efficient Theresa in Himeko's mouth was fabricated.

"This... Actually, theresa...", Himeko's eyes twitched, as if she wanted to save the reputation of Theresa being harmed.

But in the end, Himeko reached a consensus with Kiana: "Okay! You are right, I also feel it is fake. How could Theresa's work efficiency be so high? With her personality, she is definitely the kind of person who rewards herself by reading three minutes of comics after working for one minute!"

Hina: "...", so this is what the dean is like in your mind? Teresa, terrible! Teresa!

Raiden Mei: "..." No, is it really okay for you two to bully me like this?

Bronya: "..." Although what you said does make some sense, you can't persecute me like that.

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