"This seat...hiss...", Jizi watched Hina accurately pick out the seat where Kiana, the skipping king, used to sit from among so many seats, and her heart couldn't help but tremble.

She wanted to try to save the situation, but it was the first day for the new student, and she couldn't manually change the seat for him, so she could only... take it one step at a time.

I hope this child doesn't learn from Kiana...

At that moment, Jizi prayed in her heart.

"Okay, although there are new students in the class today, our normal course plan cannot be messed up. Everyone, open your textbooks. This class, we will talk about the history of the Second Collapse."

Jizi opened the book and was about to start the class. Just when she saw the empty desk in front of Hina, she explained: "Hina, your books will be delivered in the afternoon. You can use Fu Hua's book to take the place of the morning class."

Hina: "?"

"Yes, the table next to you is Fu Hua's seat!"


Hina hesitated for a while, and saw that Jizi was looking at her all the time, as if urging her to take it quickly. Even though she was a little reluctant in her heart, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk to the next table and take Fu Hua's textbook that had been placed on the corner of the table to her seat.

Opening the textbook, Hina was instantly shocked by the neat handwriting.

She supported her head with her hands, gently turning the pages of the book with her hands, and flipping through the notes in the book.

I have to say that Fu Hua is worthy of being the class monitor. This note is indeed very complete and the handwriting is beautiful.

Following the catalog to find the chapter about the second collapse, Hina read it at a glance.

[According to the S-level Valkyrie Theresa Apokalis, who witnessed the second collapse, the real time of the second collapse (Siberian collapse) was midnight on February 1, 2000. The place of the outbreak was the Babylon Laboratory in Siberia, accompanied by the birth of the second Herrscher (Herscher of the Void). All 322 researchers in the laboratory disappeared overnight. ]

After reading the first paragraph, Hina's pupils shrank significantly.

Good guy, Principal Theresa is really hidden! She looks about the same age as an elementary school student, and she actually participated in the second collapse, but this time... February 1? Midnight!

That time period seems to be when I was born!

If I was born at about the same time as the second Herrscher, and I happened to become a Herrscher, then is this a coincidence or something else?

Thinking of this, Hina, who was interested, continued to flip the pages.

[On February 2, 2000, both Destiny and Anti-Entropy detected the second Honkai outbreak at about the same time. S-class Valkyrie Ms. Theresa arrived at the Babylon Tower and reunited with Patrick Highsmith (confirmed dead), a member of the Snow Wolf Squad. At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the two entered the Honkai reactor in the Babylon Tower to investigate. During this time, the second Herrscher appeared and defeated Patrick. ]

"I bet that the A-class Valkyrie acted on her own and was captured by the Herrscher alone. Dean Theresa's cross was too restraining for the Herrscher, but Van Theresa and her cross were also present, so the Herrscher would not be stupid enough to fight two people alone!"

"Anyway, I'm sure I won't..."

Out of a rigorous style, Hina added that sentence very carefully and continued to flip the pages.

[On February 3, 2000, Siegfried of the Destiny Support Force and the First Herrscher Walter arrived at the Tower of Babel. In order to uphold the important mission of protecting humanity, the two sides temporarily formed an alliance with the approval of the Bishop of Destiny Otto Apokalis. ]

[After the two sides cooperated and shared technology, they finally found the traces of the Second Herrscher and his follower, the Judgment-level Honkai Beast Benares, about 17 kilometers away from the Tower of Babylon. ]

[The First and Second Herrschers fought for the first time in the snowfield. After the Second Herrscher narrowly won, the anti-entropy scientist Einstein used a silver bullet (atomic bomb) to attack the Second Herrscher, but the Second Herrscher avoided it with the ability of space teleportation, and the Second Herrscher took the opportunity to escape. ]

[On February 14, 2000, at 9:10, the Herrscher of Wind appeared in Oulu, Finland, at 12:10, the Herrscher of Death appeared in Novosibirsk, Russia, and at 16:30, the Herrscher of Fire appeared in Astana, Kazakhstan. 】

Seeing this, Xina discovered some very strange loopholes.

The imposter once told her that the Serenity Gem and the Desire, Conquest, and Plague Gems were all powers of the Second Herrscher, which means that the Second Herrscher has a total of five powers, including space.

How could a Herrscher with five powers be beaten and run away by a Herrscher with one power? Even if Einstein was assisting with a big bomb, it would never be possible.

This also shows that... the Second Herrscher's powers were not five at the beginning. Her power, like her own, was acquired later!

Single powerThe Second Herrscher was defeated by the First Herrscher, so he fled to the moon and obtained the other four powers from the moon! He used his power to catalyze the Pseudo-Herrscher to destroy the city.

Yes, that's right. Although it's not written in the textbook and God didn't tell her, it must be true...

In this way, everything can be correct!

As she continued to turn the pages, Hina's face became more and more ugly.

The content of this book seemed to have been deliberately deleted. Most of the valuable content was either glossed over or vague at some points.

Just like the report about Singapore's fourth collapse that she saw on TV, it was as if an invisible hand had wiped out these traces.

If the cover-up on TV was to prevent ordinary people from panicking, then why was this textbook for her internal staff to study so deliberately modified?

Is someone trying to hide the truth?

Hina turned the book back to the title page and looked at the publisher of this textbook - Tianming Technology, a special unit directly under Tianming Headquarters.

At this moment, Hina had a clue in her mind. Her intuition told her that this bishop of destiny, Otto Apokalis, was hiding many big secrets.

These secrets include but are not limited to the second collapse. Even whether the second Herrscher is really dead is still unknown.

If the second Herrscher is completely dead, five gems will be separated after death, not four as the imposter said!

If the second Herrscher dies, but the power is inherited by someone, then where will the new Herrscher of the Void be!

As a Herrscher, Hina knows the temper of the unscrupulous boss of God better than anyone else. As long as he is not trying to destroy mankind, his voice is almost 24 hours a day.

After so many years of nagging, even the kindest heir should have a mental breakdown!

Unless... unless the second Herrscher is in a similar state to Raiden Meiyi, their Herrscher consciousness is not clear and they cannot receive the nagging, so they hide it very well.

This means that, in addition to the silent Third Herrscher Mei Raiden, the Second Herrscher is also likely hiding somewhere, just waiting for the day when the Herrscher's consciousness awakens and completes the unfinished work that year!

Thinking of this, Hina couldn't help but feel a little excited. With an 'old employee' like the Second Herrscher leading the way, she only needs to help her!

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