"Kiana! Come here!" Hina pulled Kiana, who was about to play another game before going out, from the game console and pulled her to a corner where no one was.

"Hina, what's wrong? Do you want to play the latest mythical White Hom with me?!" Kiana raised the game disc in her hand and looked curiously at Hina who seemed to have something to hide.

"I heard you..." Hina clenched the corner of her clothes with both hands, and her little face was red as if it was burned by fire.

"What?" Kiana looked at Hina in front of her who was hesitating and speaking in a voice as thin as a mosquito, and the chivalry in her heart was instantly ignited.

"I heard that you are very good at skipping classes, can you... tell me..."

After saying that, Hina lowered her head nervously and prayed silently in her heart.

"Huh?!" Kiana looked at Hina in front of her in astonishment, and couldn't help but pick her ears. She felt that she might have been lacking sleep recently and actually began to hear hallucinations!

After a long silence, seeing that Hina had no intention of changing her words, Kiana struggled to digest the meaning of Hina's previous request: "You mean... you want me to teach you how to skip classes!"

"Yes!" Hina nodded, "Can you tell me about it?"

"Speaking of this, you finally asked the right person!"

Kiana, who had never been asked questions by anyone, felt the feeling of being asked questions for the first time. She patted her chest and proudly put her arm on Hina's shoulders, as if she wanted to share her lifelong skipping skills with her. Teach everything you know:

"To tell you the truth! In all Saint Freya, I am the only one who has skipped classes! Although I haven't skipped classes for a long time, but... since you ask sincerely, I will teach you well!"

Hearing this, Hina was overjoyed and quickly took out a small notebook and pen from her pocket, pretending to listen to the class seriously: "Okay, you talk! I'm listening!"

"First of all, we have to pay attention to... timing when doing this!" Kiana raised a finger, as if she was organizing her words!

"Timing?" Hina looked up at Kiana and silently wrote the word timing on the small notebook.

After thinking hard for a while, Kiana gave her advice based on her own experience: "Yes, you have to disappear at a suitable time period, because most classes will have roll call before class, so you must disappear after roll call..."

"It is best to run away when everyone is busy doing their own things and has no time to care about you. That is the best time!"

"Oh!", Hina nodded in agreement, and wrote the words "after roll call, fish in troubled waters" after the word "timing".

Seeing Hina taking notes seriously, Kiana nodded slightly, put on a teachable posture and continued: "The second point is to be fast!"


"Yes, fast! Move fast, and the speed should be even faster! It's best to disappear before they find you!"

Speaking of this, Kiana used herself as an example and cited several examples of her failures. These times, they were all because she was not fast enough and was caught on the spot.

"You are worthy of it!" Hina praised and continued to take notes: "Just these two points?"

"Of course not! The next one is the most important!"

Speaking of this, Kiana poked her head out from the dark and saw that no one was eavesdropping on her "little class". She was relieved and continued to say:

"You should also carefully choose the destination for skipping class, because this is related to the most critical part of your action this time!"

"Well, well, well, you say..." Hina put down the pen in her hand and looked at Kiana seriously.

"You must escape to a place not far from the survival point, preferably... Wait, I'll find you a map!"

Perhaps because she felt that it was too boring to talk about it out of thin air, Kiana actually took out a hand-painted simple map of Saint Freya from her trouser pocket.

She spread the map on the floor, bent down and pointed at several places with red circles, "Look, these places with red circles are the good places I have analyzed after many experiments!"

"Um...bathroom, library, training ground!" Hina read out the names of these places in the direction of Kiana's finger, and couldn't help but ask: "Why these places?"

"You don't understand this!" Kiana swallowed her saliva, put her head close to Hina's ear, and explained in a low voice:

"You can find a suitable reason even if you are caught in these places! If you go to the electronic operation room or run back, no matter how you explain, Aunt Jizi and the others will not believe it?"

"......, you are worthy of it!" Hina nodded to show that she understood, and then looked at other directions on the small map, and began to draw inferences: "Then I see that these yellow circles seem to beAre they snack shops or milk tea shops? Then these places are places like supply points!"

"Smart!" Kiana slapped Hina on the shoulder, almost knocking Hina into the ground with her Kaslana family's strange power.

"Kiana, class is about to start! Stop playing games, check your things quickly, we are leaving!"

Kiana, who was originally planning to teach Hina a few more moves, quickly remembered that she had made an appointment with Hina to play tennis together in the gymnasium during breakfast time after hearing Mei's call.


After struggling for a while, Kiana folded her treasure map and stuffed it into Hina's pocket, and solemnly reminded her: "I will lend you my mysterious map first, and I will tell you the rest of the unfinished part next time. "

After saying that, Kiana rushed upstairs like the wind and went back to her room to change into sportswear suitable for playing.

"...", Hina looked down at the map in her pocket and silently made up her mind to put the secrets taught by Kiana into practice immediately!

After the torture of Fu Hua's morning exercise!

She realized that what she was doing now was not skipping classes, but survival!

She followed Kiana and the others to the door of the indoor gymnasium with an expressionless face. In just a few minutes, more than a dozen people in the class had arrived.

As the class monitor, Fu Hua simply scanned the people and saw that the whole class was gathered here in twos and threes, so she fulfilled her duties and took the list to start calling people for the teacher:

"Kiana, Raiden Mei, Bronya Zaychek...Mari...Rosa...Hina...Yes, they are all here! "

After ticking everyone's name, Fu Hua nodded to the students in front of her and said, "Now that everyone is here, let's go into the gymnasium and wait! Teacher Ji Zi will be here soon!"

After saying that, Fu Hua turned around and pushed open the gymnasium door, leading a dozen Valkyries behind her to the open field.

Good opportunity! Now is the time!!

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