Five minutes later, after receiving the news sent by the headquarters of the Destiny to each branch, Hina, who was working late at night in the control room of the new North American branch, looked at the message in front of her that needed to be reported to the branch chief thoughtfully.

What does it mean to pay attention to Jörmungandr's movements and report to the headquarters, and send personnel to stop him in time?

So even a small fight like that will be targeted?

Okay, you are awesome, I won't make trouble anymore!

Thinking of this, Hina silently contacted her follower who was twisting and turning in the Pacific Ocean in her mind and gave it an order:

Go dig a hole under the Arctic ice and shrink... No, it seems that it is easy to be noticed if you suddenly stop working after doing this job.

Let me see... There is also a Honkai reactor on the east coast of North America, which is also the territory of Anti-Entropy. The hands of Destiny are not that long, so you should dig out the core of the reactor there as well!

Disgusting Anti-Entropy while disgusting Destiny.

Anti-Entropy was originally the North American branch of Destiny, but after the first collapse, Otto's series of actions were too abstract.

Finally, the branch was forced to leave Destiny in anger and began a "happy life" of giving Destiny a blind eye day after day.

Today, due to the tragic missile attack, the top leaders of Anti-Entropy gathered here again and held a serious meeting.

"My dear colleagues, according to the latest intelligence, the emperor-level Honkai beast Jörmungandr, who was awakened from the Fourth Honkai Site and evaluated by Destiny, has attacked the largest Honkai energy reactor in our Anti-Entropy area, the Golden Palace, in the early hours of this morning, and caused huge losses to our mecha troops."

"And the vanguard outpost used by Destiny to check and balance us, the so-called New North American branch, took this opportunity to add insult to injury and used missiles to indiscriminately attack the mecha troops and Honkai beasts we sent."

"This is the seventh premeditated attack by the New North American branch on us this year."

"I think we should not continue to tolerate this so-called New North American branch, but should Completely wipe out these minions of Destiny from this land! We have to tell Destiny that North America is no longer their territory. "

"Wait, Cocolia, can I understand that you want to take action against the branch of Destiny?" Dr. Tesla, nicknamed Lobster Head, looked at Cocolia with a serious expression, and said word by word:

"I remember the leader said that plans like this that may lead to a full-scale war with Destiny must be approved by him before implementation. Does he agree with this plan?"

"Master leader? Isn't he right next to me?"

Cocolia said nonsense that she didn't believe in herself without blinking her eyes. After Changkong City and Singapore, she didn't live a good life because she lost both her wife and her army.

Now she urgently needs to do something to restore her prestige.

In her opinion, among all the branches of Destiny, the relatively weak new North American branch is a good soft persimmon.

Furthermore, what the New North American branch has done in their anti-entropy territory over the years is indeed annoying. She doesn't even need to find materials to tell a lot of the New North American branch's bad deeds.

Just when someone raised an objection, Watt, who was sitting on a high place, easily snapped his fingers and pinned them to the ground, unable to move: "Be quiet and listen to Lord Kokolia's plan."

"Yes." Kokolia nodded and began to explain her plan.

And Dr. Einstein said nothing, but just helped Dr. Tesla up and stood aside, thinking.


After the meeting, Einstein took the dusty Dr. Lobster Head, ah no, Dr. Tesla, back to his laboratory.

"Dr. Tesla, what do you think of the plan just mentioned in the meeting?" Einstein sat in front of the laboratory table and suddenly spoke.

"First of all, this plan is completely suicidal. Even if Walter himself were here, he would not rashly start a war with the destiny!"

"As for the New North American branch, although they are stabbing us openly and secretly, what they do is always within the limit!"

"Even if the missiles they just threw can be explained by the fact that they caused accidental injuries to us due to improper operation of cleaning up the Honkai beasts! And Cocolia, she plans to lead people to directly attack their branch! And then step on Otto's old face and dance!"

"I'm not saying, that stinky vixen, how dare she!"

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