‘You…’, Hina stared at the two people who wanted to get close to each other with a special perspective, and was short of breath.

She was about to do something else, but she didn’t expect that the half-dead No. 3 alien Honkai Beast was killed by Bronya who came over as soon as it broke away from the fragments of the Honkai Emperor.

Helplessly, Hina had to turn her perspective to look at the progress of the Honkai Beasts in other directions.

In the power room, No. 4 alien Honkai Beast has lived up to expectations and used its grapefruit-sized brain to absorb the Honkai energy emitted from the reactor to explode soldiers.

Looking at the groups of Honkai Beasts of various types, Hina’s eyes have a rare glimmer of relief.

It’s really worthy of being her subordinates, they can actually use their brains to explode their own soldiers!

Although the intelligence is not much, compared with other idiots who only know how to rush without thinking...

This is already a great improvement.

In the battleship control room, a group of Honkai beasts were standing there blankly, looking at the strange operation panels in front of them.

Also being controlled by the operation panel was Hina, who was commanding remotely at the sniper point.

Because Hina had been studying biology and genetics during this period, she had never been exposed to supermodel courses like driving a battleship... This led to a problem that everyone from top to bottom, whether it was the Herrscher or the Honkai beasts, was thinking about one question - how should this thing be used?

"It's broken, I haven't read enough books, if only I could drive a battleship..." Hina looked at the rows of messy buttons and interfaces through the eyes of the Honkai beasts, and could only pull the trigger helplessly to relieve her inner tension.

But soon... Hina reacted.

No! What does she need to know how to drive a battleship for?

This battleship is already in the process of falling. She can achieve her goal by directly blowing up the operation room or scrapping all the operation panels so that others can't drive the battleship!

Thinking of this, Hina was relieved. She directly commanded the crossbow-type Honkai beasts to spray acid mist, corroding and destroying the operation panel and lines in front of them.

"Bronya has found the map inside the battleship. Next, we only need to reach the battleship's control room and rewrite the internal program to stop the battleship from falling, right?"

After saying that, Mei turned her head and looked at Bronya.

Bronya nodded seriously: "Bronya has seen the internal protection system of the battleship before, so when we get to the control room, we can solve all the problems."

Hearing Bronya's words, Kiana was a little surprised.

"Bronya, when you say 'before', is it when you were still in the anti-entropy?"

"Yes." Bronya nodded, looking at the interior decoration of the battleship around her with a complicated expression.

"The design style and design concept of this battleship have a strong anti-entropy style. If nothing unexpected happens, this battleship belongs to anti-entropy."

"I just don't know why such an anti-entropy unmanned battleship appears here."

Speaking of this, Bronya couldn't help but shook her head in disappointment.

"Okay, girls, don't worry about how this battleship came. Your current task is to drive this out-of-control battleship back to Saint Freya so that it won't crash into Canghai City."

"As for the origin of this battleship, we will find out sooner or later after returning to Saint Freya." Jizi encouraged Kiana and the other two at the right time.

Hearing this, the three nodded.

Indeed, their top priority is to go to the control room to control the battleship, and the rest can be put aside for later.

"Then let's move on. Time is running out." Raiden Mei stood up with the help of the wall and patted Kiana's shoulder next to her, indicating that it was time to set off.

"Hey! Mei, is your leg really okay? Do you really not need to rest any more?"

Looking at Mei's slightly pale face, Bronya frowned slightly: "Sister Mei, you don't look okay, you should rest here! I and the stupid Kiana will be enough in the control room."

Mei smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I can also increase my combat power by participating in the battle."

As she was talking, the entire battleship shook violently in the violent explosion, and the originally small tilt angle was also widened a lot in an instant.

If you observe from the outside, you can clearly see that the battleship's power room is burning with a raging fire, and billowing black smoke is rapidly rolling out from the gap.

"Squad leader, the power room of that battleship is on fire and may explode. Do you want to withdraw Kiana and the others?" Hina turned on the communicator expressionlessly and notified everyone of the scene.

Although Fu Hua on the Helios must have seen it, but... Fu Hua saw it and KianaThey know that it is a different matter!

She really wanted to see: In this case, would Fu Hua order the withdrawal of Kiana and the others, or would she let them continue the mission in such a dangerous environment when Kiana and the others knew that the power room was on fire.

Unfortunately, Fu Hua made a third choice among the two choices guessed by Hina.

"Hina, return to the Helios to command and communicate. I will go to that battleship to assist Mei and the others now. Mei, you go to the control room now to see if you can change the course. Don't worry, I will be there soon."

Hearing Fu Hua's words, Kiana nodded quickly.

"Squad leader, don't worry. As long as Mei is here, it is equivalent to the power of 100 people!"

Hearing Kiana's words that were obviously encouraging, Raiden Mei didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"What 100 people? I'm not a superman."

"Got it..."

After receiving the new order, Hina put the weapon back into the weapon box and strode onto the drone that had been parked not far away.

On the Helios, Fu Hua had already changed into a set of white armor that she had never seen before, and was standing on the deck to organize her equipment.

When Hina landed with the drone, Fu Hua jumped up and landed steadily on the drone. She looked at Hina who looked unhappy, and couldn't help frowning, saying: "Hina, what's wrong, you seem to be in a bad mood."

"...", Hina organized her words and said puzzledly: "Although I am not an engineering student, I also know that if the power room catches fire, a big explosion may occur at any time. Why don't you let Kiana and the others withdraw, but you have to go..."

"There is no reason, just because there is Canghai City below! I can't watch it fall like that."

"Even if you may die because of this?"

"That's right."

After speaking, Fu Hua pressed a few buttons on the wristband and stepped on the drone to fly quickly towards the falling battleship with black smoke billowing.

After Fu Hua left, Xina stood on the deck where the wind was howling and sighed softly:

"It's useless. I told them to destroy the operation room, and I also burned the engine room. No matter how hard you try, this battleship is doomed to fall today..."



(I've seen that the group may have to be delayed. There are not enough fans, so it can't be established for the time being...)

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