When Fu Hua jumped off the drone and exposed her figure to the sight of the reconnaissance beast, Xina walked into the cockpit with the help of the ladder and took out a dusty driving manual from under the seat of the driver.

In this regard, Tianming is much more humane than Anti-Entropy.

At least... at least Tianming knows to put a driving manual near the driver's seat so that newcomers who can't fly a spaceship can sharpen their skills before the battle!

"Well, let me see... this is... this is... Oh! I think I can drive it!" Xina just flipped through the driving manual a few times and roughly knew how to operate the spaceship.

She threw the small book on the table and pulled the joystick to drive towards the shaky battleship.

That anxious look was enough to be mistaken for real, as if she was really a serious Valkyrie who was worried about the safety of her teammates.


Under the leadership of Fu Hua, it didn't take long for the group to come to the corridor near the control room.

"We can't go to the power room for now. We can only see if we can change the flight program in the control room to make it as far away from densely populated areas as possible before falling! Bronya, can you do it?"

"Bronya can't be 100% sure about this, but Bronya will definitely try her best!"

After saying that, Bronya took out her portable equipment and began to crack the security system of the gate.

"That... Bronya, I think... we don't need to crack the gate..."

Under Bronya's puzzled eyes, Meiyi bent down and went directly through the metal gate full of holes...

Bronya: "..."

Everyone followed Meiyi and went directly through the hole in the gate.

Fu Hua looked around the messy control room and couldn't help but twitched her eyes.

To be honest, if it weren't for the three big words "Operation Room" written on the doorplate at the door, she almost thought she had come to the wrong place.

Because there is no usable equipment here, there are only pieces of broken scrap metal

Good news: There are no enemies here.

Bad news: There is no operating table here either.

Kiana looked at the huge control room in surprise, and couldn't help but sighed: "Wow! Bronya, is this the hidden design of anti-entropy? It's really amazing! I can't find any equipment, is it hidden?"

"Stupid Kiana! This is not a hidden design, this is the control room destroyed by the Honkai beast!"

Looking at the mess, Bronya's face showed a rare surprise, but... she didn't seem to panic.

"The control room was destroyed? Is this battleship going to fall into Canghai City?"

After hearing this unfortunate news from Bronya, Raiden Mei tightly grasped Kiana's wrist and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Meiyi-sister. Anti-entropy designs often have other backup methods. Even if the control room is destroyed, there are ways to remedy it!"

Fu Hua looked at Bronya beside her: "In that case, Bronya, I'm counting on you."

Bronya nodded and walked forward to the center of the control station ruins.

"Bronya will start cracking the system immediately."

After saying that, the heavy-duty bunny behind Bronya rose vertically, smashed the lighting lamp that covered 80% of the ceiling with a punch, grabbed a section of accessible cable from the sparse lines and dropped it from above.


Xina stared at the picture fed back to her by the reconnaissance-type Honkai Beast in amazement, and for a moment she didn't know what she should say.

Before withdrawing the Honkai Beast, she carefully let the Honkai Beast turn around in the control room several times to ensure that every corner was washed with strong acid.

But... who would have thought that these guys from Anti-Entropy would actually put the backup cables of the control system into the lighting circuit on the ceiling?

A few seconds later, Hina supported her head with her hands and sighed leisurely.

She was responsible for this matter. She didn't even consider the possibility of this situation.

It can only be said that... she was not as skilled as others and was not thoughtful. Even if something unexpected happened, it could not be blamed on others.

At present, the most important thing is not to regret the previous mistakes, but to find a way to deal with the possible situation next and ensure that your plan is generally not unexpected!

'You, go to the power room now! Make sure the reactor cannot be used... no...'

Thinking of the bizarre backup operating system of the battleship, Hina's face turned cold and she immediately changed her words:

'Turn over all the places that can be turned over in the battleship. I don't want to see that this broken ship still has a backup power system! '


Connecting the heavy-duty bunny to the battleship, Bronya put her hands on the keyboard light and shadow projected by the heavy-duty bunny and moved quickly.

But soon, Bronya stopped and saidThere was some confusion in the air.

"Hey! Except for the navigation system, which requires a password, all other operating permissions of this battleship are open, and... the power system is also down. What's going on?"

Fu Hua, who was standing by, saw Bronya suddenly stop, thinking that something had happened again, and hurriedly asked: "Bronya, is there any problem again?"

"Squad leader, except for the navigation system, which requires a password, all other operating permissions of this battleship are open."

Kiana, who was standing by, was a little confused.

"Ah? What is the navigation system? Can we drive this battleship away now?"

"In simple terms, the navigation system is to manually input a destination, and then the battleship automatically navigates to this destination. Now, the destination of the battleship's automatic navigation is Canghai City below."

"Bronya, if other operating permissions are fully open, can you switch the battleship to manual control?"

After hearing what Fu Hua said, Bronya tried it, and then shook her head:

"Bronya just tried it, and this battleship is no longer working. Its power system has been It is completely destroyed, and there are only twenty minutes left before it falls."

"The power system is damaged...only twenty...nineteen minutes and fifty seconds left."

At this moment, Fu Hua was silent. She took a deep breath and said slowly: "Bronya, can you crack the internal system? Even if we can't stop the battleship from crashing, we have to make it fall as far away from the city as possible!"

"Subtract the time from the time it falls from the time it takes us to evacuate safely, which is about ten minutes. Ten minutes is enough for Bronya!" Bronya's confident tone gave everyone a little psychological comfort.

"That's good. I'll leave the cracking of the system to you, Bronya." Raiden Mei breathed a sigh of relief, but the anxiety on her face still did not subside.

Xina once said that before the result appears, no matter how great the possibility is, it will not be 100%!

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