Luxurious and gorgeous villa, I dont know how much better than the previous apartment. That month looked at Nie Kong in amazement, didn’t expect that he would hide a villa in the space.

Agurola cheered, jumping around in the villa like a child. That month, it was as if a female Master traveled around the villa, and finally picked a bedroom that looked relatively spacious, but found a few maid outfits in the closet in the room. She brought it to Nie Kong in surprise and asked him what was going on. Nie Kong was astonished, glanced around and found that the bedroom used to live in the high school Griffia.

“The old maid left, throw it away.” Nie Kong said.

“It’s too wasteful to throw away.”

That month, she glanced at Verdiana with interest: “ahhhh, your bad taste clothes, throw it away Right.”

“Throw it away!?” Verdiana was silly, unable to reflect what she meant. I saw that Yue used the power of a chain to lock her body like a hooligan, and her black suit was broken into two pieces by her flexible fingers.

“Look…what did you do!? What about the clothes I used to change!? wu wu, dont you watch…” For Verdiana, who is struggling in poverty In terms of that, the black leather suit is an expensive outfit. After all, without clothes, you can’t even get out of here.

That month, she looked at Verdiana who was crying in protest. “If you want to change clothes, I will give it to you.”

“Hey? Only maid outfits!?”

“Of course, because the ones who stay in my bedroom are all worn by servants Uniform, you can help clean up the house in the future.” That month replied in a calm tone. Oh, Verdiaana could only be silent. For women born in the domain of the King of War, Verdiaana is considered a downright noble, with the pride of the glorious family.

“Although the clothes are not tasteful, they are my only clothes. wu wu… But why, as the daughter of Caruana, I have to dress as a servant, and my body… _s the body seen by a male child?” Although Verdiaana was crying and complaining, she still chose to put on the maids clothes. Although the length of the skirt suits her well, it’s a shame to be a maid dress anyway.

“Hey, don’t look at girl’s body indiscriminately.” The moon was full of energy and helped cover Nie Kong’s eyes. For a while, he almost forgot the existence of Nie Kong. Could it be that he forced others to wear a maid Pretend to be her hobby.

“Wow, Verdiaana wears that suit is more beautiful than before.” Agurola curiously surrounded her. It was true that the taste of her clothes was too bad before, and the girl’s charm rose sharply after putting on the uniform. Poor Verdiana, can only be at the mercy of Witch that month. However, a huge villa really needs someone to take care of it, and now Griffia is not there.

“You guys get familiar with the villa and choose your own house. It’s late at night, take a shower and rest.” Nie Kong told them.

“Nie Kong, would you like to accompany me to accept the curse of the water elves?” Agurola blinked her big eyes as if she could speak. The water spirit she was talking about was probably a sprinkler.

The two girls Na Yue and Ah Ye stared at Nie Kong with all four eyes and looked at him to answer, Nie Kong was a little embarrassed. The reason is that the last time Agurola took a bath, she was so scared that she screamed about the curse of the water elves. Nie Kong rushed into the bathroom.

Agurora held onto Nie Kong tightly and refused to leave him. Nie Kong could only gently cleanse her body. It was Nie Kong who looked all over her body when she was sealed, but the dreamy beauty and transparent snowy skin tightly attracted Nie Kong’s eyes. Her pretty face rarely turned red, saying that it is forbidden for Nie Kong to look at herself with obscene eyes.

“Lolicon!” That month whispered.

“By the way, you are more like a loli than Agurola.” Nie Kong had to replied.

That month, the pretty face instantly became hot, “Change… abnormal, dead Lolicon, who do you love to wash with and whom to wash with.” After speaking, he left with an “angry” appearance. Up.

“Well, Yuma, you can accompany Agurola.” Nie Kong was really speechless for that month, and couldn’t bear any teasing.

Although the environment has changed, the four girls are very adaptable. Needless to say, Ah Ye, where Nie Kong went, she followed without complaint.

As expected by Nie Kong, the peaceful life will not last forever. A week later, guests came to visit him again, and he was always on the dark and windy night of murder.

The villa is surrounded by black armed and armed Hungarian ghosts. Agulola tensed his body and hugged Nie Kong’s wrist tightly.


“Yeah!” Agurola made an unreliable voice, stiffening all over. Outside the courtyard where Agurola was watching, a few strange silhouettes came slowly.

It was a slender middle-aged man in a suit. On both sides of him, there were duo in black attire standing like guards.

But Agurola’s gaze was not looking at the people in terrifying black costumes, but at another person standing behind them. Staring at the silhouette of people who are not taller than the shoulders of people in black costumes.

Standing behind the people in black is a 13-14 years old girl. She wears a plain protective suit made of reinforced fiber similar to a denim suit. Inorganic Roman numerals are printed on the surface, which gives the impression of looking at a prototype weapon.

The girl who stared at them in the ancient city without emotion, has blond hair, and her eyes are like flames with blue and white rays of light.

The illusory beauty with a goblin breath is very similar to that in Agurola. As if trying to avoid the greedy sight of a reptilian, Agurola hid behind Nie Kong.

Compared with Agurola, Verdiana, dressed in a maid costume, trembled violently, and looked at the headed man with her eyes full of blood and hatred. If the eyes were divine ability to kill, they would have been smashed by Verdiana.

Nie Kong has learned about their origins from the girl who resembles Agurola.

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