“Im sorry to disturb you in the middle of the night, but I didnt prepare any souvenirs to visit you! Because we are a fighting nation of mercenary origin, we invite you all for our disrespect. Forgive me!!” The eyes of the man who spoke cheerfully were filled with cold light that made people unable to feel their body temperature.

Verdiaana was so angry that she seemed to lose control of her magic. Nie Kong took her hand and motioned her not to be impulsive.

Looking at his measurement and appearance, Nie Kong doesn’t need to understand the plot, but understands that he will not be the protagonist, at most a villain! until now He was careful not to be impulsive, so as not to do bad things that would kill the protagonist. Vampires Vatra in the domain of the King of War came and Nie Kong didnt make a move to snatch his three bodies because of this.

“You don’t have to pretend to be a smirk and greet me, because I will deprive you of the emperor’s qualifications.” Nie Kong said grimly.

“Don’t worry, I’m just here to make a deal with you!” Zacharias crossed his arms and focused his head in agreement.

“Excuse me, please let me introduce number nine here. She is imprisoned in the old Caruana Earl in the domain of the king of war, and is liberated with the help of our Nerapssi Coming out, the ninth weapon of the flame-lit Ye Bo!” In front of Zaharias’s right hand stretched out, there stood a girl who looked exactly like Agurola.

Golden’s curly hair and white skin. The reinforced fiber protective clothing clinging to the skin emphasized her luxurious curves. It was so similar to Agurola that there was almost no difference.

After listening to his introduction, Verdiana’s pretty face is about to be distorted. Agurola hugged Nie Kong’s back, and faced a little resistance to the sisters who appeared.

“You should be able to imagine how dangerous it is. After all, the fourth true ancestor has the same or more power than the other three true ancestors. There are twelve in total. Ah. Although it is not complete, once there is a situation in which the elements of the Fourth True Ancestor are killing each other, then no one can stop it!” Shaking his shoulders as if he was really scared, Zaharias laughed.

“But please rest assured. My job is in the trading industry. I am mainly engaged in weapons. Although some critics have criticized me as a dead businessman, I am arrogant that no one can compete with me in the management of weapons. mention on equal terms!” With a somewhat threatening tone, he said with a smile.

“Weapon Merchant?” Nie Kong has been aware of the reason why Zaharias is such a rap. Zacharias is a businessman. All his words are the process of trading. It’s just part of the negotiation.

“Okay, lets get to the topic from now on, Mr. Nie Kong. I hope you can transfer the number 12 there to me!” Zacharias turned his gaze straight at this moment. Agurola, as if frozen by his gaze, the blond Vampire girl took a breath.

“It means you want me to sell Agurola to you?” Nie Kong confirmed in a low voice, eyes full of mockery, Zaharias nodded exaggeratedly.

“As for the amount, how about 50 billion?”

“haha…” Nie Kong laughed.

As if thinking that Nie Kong was not enough, Zaharias smiled bitterly.

“Well, isn’t that enough. Then double the price. After all, this product is the strongest weapon in the world. It could not be measured by money. But after all, my assets are also limited. For the part that you are not satisfied with, hope to show mercy!” He opened his mouth and said 100,000,000,000. The arms merchant is indeed very rich.

“hmph…Does the Hungarian ghost want to hold the true ancestor as the king!” When he said something, Na Yue showed an expression of contempt.

“That’s right, it’s stupid!” Verdiaana angrily asserted, wishing to cut him off.

You Ma held Agurola with deep sympathy, and watched the dirty arms dealer vigilantly because she had the same experience as her.

“A weapon?” Nie Kong uttered a cold and severe nasal tone, comforting the frightened Agurola to laugh at her. Keep her protected. Walked to the front of Zacharias.

“Sorry, I never regarded Agurola as a weapon, but a person. I didn’t plan to hand her over to the arms dealer! It’s you, it’s really hard for you to bring number nine .”

“Is that so!” Zacharias’ eyes immediately became sharp. He was side black clothed person, moved his body’s center of gravity slightly down, and assumed a posture that he could shoot at any time. The surrounding atmosphere became frozen, and Ah Ye and Na Yue both sneered.

There is only one person, the ninth girl, staring at Nie Kong and Agurola behind her without blinking.

“It’s a pity, if you change your mind, please feel free to contact me, before the next full moon!” The surprise is that Zacharias not at all wanted to force a deal, but he was very honest To leave. Nie Kong, who thought they would take military force, felt a little disappointed.

But the tense tension still didn’t subside, Nie Kong ignored a few black clothed bodyguards and shot! The left hand seemed to penetrate the space, and suddenly pinched Zacharias’ neck tightly.

“Don’t laugh, I didn’t plan to let you leave alive.” In less than a second, Nie Kong crushed his neck with no difficulty, and his men could hardly respond.

Nie Kong threw his body out and immediately awakened dozens of black clothed persons around him. As the Huns, they shot many sharp blades made of magic power!

Solving a few of them, there is no need for Nie Kong to take action personally. Ah Ye and Nayue killed most of them with no difficulty.

“cough cough, stop!”

The voice is the same as Zacharias, but the face is different. It looks like a 20-year-old man at most, much younger than Zacharias, but it is also somewhat similar to Zacharias.

“Really, if it is so severely damaged, you can only have a new facelift. Otherwise, if you use this smell of mother’s milk not yet dried face to do business, you will be underestimated by the other party.”

The slender man said with a bitter smile while touching his bloody neck. The tone is undoubtedly Zacharias. Nie Kong should have crushed his neck, but he recovered one’s youthful vigor.

“Vampire? No, he is a blood follower!” Verdiaana finally realized that the other party’s identity is true, and Zacharias is not an ordinary human. He is a blood follower who is endowed by Vampire with a life that is not old fart.

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